PEAK Week 5

Monday 2/17/25

What’s up, crew? We hope you all had a great weekend and are ready to get back to training! Just a reminder to sign up for The Open Open if you haven’t already!

Today, we’ve got some Front Squats at a moderate weight to focus on smooth reps and squat endurance. Aim to keep a controlled tempo and maintain strong posture throughout each rep.

‘Rise From The East’ is a workout designed to challenge our grip, force us to pace effectively, and prepare us for the 23.4 retest next week. Plan to keep the Double Unders unbroken and break up the gymnastics to preserve your grip. Complete the Power Snatches in two quick sets to focus on efficiency and control your heart rate, while aiming to go unbroken on the heavy Thrusters!

A. Front Squat -
Every 2 Minutes x 4 Sets:
- 6 Reps @ 65%

B. ‘Rise From The East’ -
- 30 Double Unders
- 12 TTB
- 9 Power Snatch 95/65#

REST 3 Minutes

- 30 Double Unders
- 6 BMU
- 4 Thruster 135/95#

Tuesday 2/18/25

Part A is designed to target our shoulder strength, core stability, and gymnastics skills! The goal is to maintain controlled, focused effort throughout each minute.

Part B will get us quite comfortable with Bar Facing Burpees! The goal is maximum effort sets within 90 seconds, using the 90-second rest to recover and prepare for the next set. Aim to start each interval at a steady pace and gradually increase the intensity as you find your groove.

A. EMOM 16 -
Minute 1 - 12 Alternating KB Shoulder Press
Minute 2 - 40 Seconds HS Skill Of Choice
Minute 3 - Accumulate 20-30 Seconds L-Sit
Minute 4 - 15-20 V-Ups

B. ’Unleash The Beast’ -
5 Sets Of:
90 Seconds on, 90 Seconds Off:
- Max Reps Bar Facing Burpees

Wednesday 2/19/25

This week, you may build as you see fit on our Clean Complex. This complex is designed to develop strength, positioning, and movement flow. We’ll start light to focus on form and gradually build heavier across the 8 sets.

‘No Time To Be Policed’ is a quick sprint. This WOD will challenge your grip and your grit. Pace the first row with a steady effort that allows you to feel good coming off the rower and get right to work on the DB Power Cleans. Be efficient on the Power Cleans by focusing on leg drive rather than muscling reps with your upper body. Aim to hold on for unbroken sets or a couple of fast ones. Push the second row— this is your chance to empty the tank!

A. Clean Complex -
Every 2 Minutes x 8 Sets:
- 2 Clean Deadlifts + 1 Hang Clean + 1 High Hang Clean

*Start around 45-50% and build each set

B. ‘No Time To Be Policed’ -
For Time:
- 40/30 Calorie Row
- 30 Dual DB Power Cleans 50/35#
- 40/30 Calorie Row

Thursday 2/20/25

A. S2OH-
Every 90 Seconds x 3 Sets:
- 5 Push Press @ 55-60%

Every 90 Seconds x 3 Sets:
- 4 Push Jerks @ 60-65%

Every 90 Seconds x 3 Sets:
- 3 Split Jerks @ 65-70%

B. 3 Sets -
- Soreson Hold x 30 Seconds
- Single Arm KB Front Rack Carry x 50' / Side
- Ring Plank x 30 Seconds
- Single Arm KB Overhead Carry x 50' / Side

C. Cool Down -
3 Sets Of:
- Iso/Dynamic DB Reverse Fly x 16-20 Alternating Reps
- Band Clamshell x 10 Reps / Side

We are progressing through shoulder-to-overhead movements today, with each segment building on the previous one. Focus on controlled, efficient movement patterns throughout—the goal is to move smoothly through each lift, maintaining power and stability as the weight increases. Part B is designed to improve shoulder stability as well as midline strength—both essential for controlling the barbell in our overhead lifts.

Friday 2/21/25

A. 4 Sets -
- Chin Over Bar Hold x 10 Seconds
- Ring Support Hold x 20-30 Seconds
- Single Leg Hip Thrusts x 8-10 Reps / Side

B. ‘Cindy -
- 5 Pull-ups
- 10 Push-ups
- 15 Air Squats

Part A is programmed to prep us for our February test, ‘Cindy.’ Static holds build the foundational strength necessary for our dynamic gymnastics. They will improve body control, endurance, and overall performance. We are pairing the static holds with single-leg Hip Thrusts to prep our lower body for high-volume air squats.

Part B is our February test, so expect to see it again in 3 months! Since this workout lasts 20 minutes, you’ll need to work at a steady pace throughout. Starting too fast will hurt your score! Focus on finding a comfortable pace and aim to sustain it. Plan for unbroken pull-ups, 2-3 quick sets on the push-ups, and steady air squats that allow you to focus on your breath.

Saturday 2/22/25


12 RFT:
Partners Alternating Complete Rounds
- 3 Wall Walks
- 6 Alternating Single Arm Devil's Press 50/35#
- 9 Box Jump Overs 24/20"
- 15/12 Calories Echo Bike


A. Power Snatch -
In 15-20 Minutes...
Build To A Heavy Power Snatch

B. EMOM 12 -
Minute 1 - Russian KBS x 15 Reps
Minute 2 - Box Jump x 10 Reps
Minute 3 - Forearm Plank x 45 Seconds

C. Cool Down -
3 Sets Of:
- Contralateral DB Bulgarian Split Squat x 6-8/ Side
- Turkish Get Up x 2 Reps / Side
- Band Pull Apart x 10 Reps

We’ve been working hard on Power Snatches each Saturday, alternating between heavy lifts and technical work. Today, we get to put that to the test and build to a heavy single. Aim to start light, performing multiple reps to dial in the movement pattern and warm up. Gradually build up, starting to perform singles with longer rest between attempts as the weights get heavier. Afterward, we have an EMOM to focus on the posterior chain, explosiveness, and core strength, followed by a cool-down to target single-leg strength and shoulder stability.

Sunday 2/23/25


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
