PEAK Week 6

Monday 2/24/25

Happy Monday, team! Class is kicking off with some accessory work geared toward building strength and stability. The movements in Part A will also prep our bodies to take on ‘Nocco’—a quick sprint of barbell cycling and burpees every 90 seconds. The rep scheme is low so we can keep the pace up. Scale the loading so you can move the barbell quickly and efficiently. Aim for quick burpees and pick up the barbell right away—no time to waste!

A. 4 Sets -
- Dual KB Overhead Carry x 100'
- Contralateral Single Leg RDL x 5-6 Reps / Side
- Forearm Plank x 45-60 Seconds

B. ‘Nocco’ -
Every 90 Seconds x 6 Sets:
5-3-1 Reps Of...
- Power Snatch 95/65#
- Burpees Over Barbell

Tuesday 2/25/25

The goal for this week is to feel ready for 25.1 on Friday. Today’s workout consists of two 12-minute EMOMs, which include a couple of movements that may appear in The Open. We'll touch base on them today while under slight fatigue. Each minute should feel manageable enough to focus on form throughout, and we should be able to bank some rest each minute. Who thinks we'll see Double Unders on Friday?!

A. ‘O2’ -
EMOM 12:
Minute 1 - 50 Double Unders
Minute 2 - 2-5 BMU
Minute 3 - 15 Wallballs 20/14#

Rest 4 Minutes

EMOM 12:
Minute 1 - 10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges 135/95#
Minute 2 - 8-12 TTB
Minute 3 - 8 Push Jerks 135/95#

Wednesday 2/26/25

We’ve been training hard this cycle, and with 21.5 coming on Friday, today’s programming calls for a Zone 2 session. Zone 2 training has many benefits, but most importantly for this week—it can boost recovery. Focus on strong row mechanics, finding a comfortable shuttle run pace, and consistency on the bike. Work for 50-55 seconds per movement, then transition smoothly to the next. Aim for steady movement throughout—this is about endurance, not speed!

A. ‘LMNT’ -
10 Sets:
- 1 Minute Row
- 1 Minute Shuttle Run 50'
- 1 Minute Echo Bike

Thursday 2/27/25

A. Clean Complex -
EMOM 3 :
- 3 Tall Cleans @ 30-35% (or empty barbell)

Every 90 Seconds x 3 Sets:
- 2 High Hang Cleans + 1 Hang Clean @ 40-45%

Every 90 Seconds x 3 Sets:
- 2 Hang Clean + 1 Low Hang Clean @ 50-55%

B. Accessories -
3 Sets:
- Alternating KB Gorilla Row x 16 Reps
- Contralateral Bulgarian Split Squat x 8 Reps / Side

C. Cool Down -
3 Sets Of:
- Weighted GHD Hip Extension x 10 Reps
- Half Kneeling Rotational Ball Throw x 8 Reps / Side

Today, we are zeroing in on some clean positional work. The loading is lighter so that form can take priority, and you won’t be left overly sore going into 25.1 tomorrow. The first two complexes focus on pulling under the barbell quickly, while the last one is about the timing of our pull and navigating around the knee in the Low Hang. Accessories include some horizontal pulling and unilateral lower body work while the cool down is geared toward building a bulletproof midline.

Friday 2/28/25

A.’25.1’ -
To be announced!

Stay tuned for the announcement this Thursday at 2 PM. Don’t forget to check the Feast Instagram page Thursday night to see Coach Anna and Coach Sarah attack the workout and share their best tips for 25.1!

Saturday 3/1/25


All Saturday workouts will be decided and posted on Thursday evening, once 25.1 is released! Check the StreamFit app to see them once they are posted.

Sunday 3/2/25


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
