PEAK Week 4

Monday 2/10/25

Happy Monday, Feast Fam! Today, we’re kicking things off with some key strength and accessory work to prime us for our MetCon. We’ll be doing Barbell Reverse Lunges to build single-leg strength and midline stability, followed by Chin-Over-Bar Holds and Hollow Rocks to prep the body for our kipping gymnastics in part B.

'Guilty Pleasure' mirrors movements from 24.3, which we’ll be retesting in two weeks. Plan to hold onto the barbell for the Front Squats—load should feel light to moderate, and we want to maintain solid form throughout. Break up the gymnastics early to prioritize good technique and avoid burning out.

A. 4 Sets -
- Barbell Reverse Lunge x 6-8 Reps / Side
- Chin Over Bar Hold x 10-15 Seconds
- Hollow Rock x 15 Reps

B. ‘Guilty Pleasure’ -
For Time...
- Front Squat 95/65#
- Pull-Up

Right into..

- Front Squat 135/95#

Tuesday 2/11/25

Today is all about trying new skills! In the first 15-20 minutes, we’ll focus on progressing through inverted skills, from basics to advanced, while keeping it fun and celebrating small wins. Part A will help us explore new movements and find scaling options for Part B.

‘Sunflower Seeds’ is a fun chipper starting with a heavy dose of HSPU—keep sets small and quick to avoid failure. Break up Double Unders and HSW early to stay smooth and prevent burnout. On the bike, start slow to find your rhythm, then ramp it up for a strong finish—give it everything you’ve got!

A. Coach Led Skill Session -
15-20 Minutes Of Coach Led HS Skills and Play

B. ’Sunflower Seeds’ -
For Time:
- 40 HSPU
- 150 Double Unders
- 100' HSW
- 50 Calorie Echo Bike

Wednesday 2/12/25

We’re progressing our barbell loading for Cleans this week, with working sets from 70-80%. Focus on strong form and being intentional. If you're new to cleans, keep the weight light, perform 2-3 reps, and focus on mastering your technique today.

‘Glamorama’ is a brutal endurance test of Rowing and Burpee Box Jump Overs. This workout will quickly become a gritty threshold WOD. Plan to pace the row to take 50 seconds, then aim to work steadily for 45 seconds on the BBJO. Scale calories to something you can sustain across all 10 sets. This will be as much a mental test as a physical one!

A. Clean Complex -
Every 2 Minutes x 6 Sets:
- 1 Clean + 2 Front Squats
2 Sets @ 70%
2 Sets @ 75%
2 Sets @ 80%

B. ‘Glamorama’ -
EMOM 20:
Minute 1 - 20/15 Calorie Row
Minute 2 - Max Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20"

Thursday 2/13/25

A. Jerk Complex-
Every 90 Seconds x 4 Sets:
- 2 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks @ 55-60%

Every 90 Seconds x 4 Sets:
- 2 Push Jerks + 2 Split Jerks @ 65-70%

B. EMOM 12 -
Minute 1 - 6-8 Tall Box Jumps 20"
Minute 2 - 100' Dual Front Rack Carry
Minute 3 - 45-50 Second Forearm Plank
Minute 4 - 100' Dual KB OH Carry

C. Cool Down -
3 Sets Of:
- Incline DB Reverse Fly x 15 Reps
- Single Leg Hip Thrust x 10 Reps / Side

Today is all about learning the proper dip + drive mechanics, timing, and positioning for our overhead lifts. Be intentional with each set and scale weights as needed to keep focus on form. Our EMOM 12 is designed to build explosiveness, core stability, and overhead strength while reinforcing midline control under fatigue. The box jumps train power, while the carries challenge postural endurance and grip strength. The plank ties it all together, ensuring athletes maintain core integrity under load.

Friday 2/14/25

A. 4 Sets -
- Ring Dip x 6-8 Reps
- Strict Pull-Up x 5 Reps
- Single Leg RDL x 6-8 Reps / Side

B. ‘La La Land’ -
4 Sets Of:
- 12 Dual DB Box Step Overs 50/35# 20"
- Max TTB Remaining Time
* Rest 1 Minute

We’re continuing to focus on building strength for our RMU with Ring Dips and Strict Pull-Ups. We’re also adding some Single Leg RDLs to target posterior chain strength, balance, and mobility.

‘La La Land’ is designed to build our grip capacity. We’ve got a mix of single-leg work with the Step-overs and midline endurance with max reps TTB. With both movements challenging your grip—aim to perform the step-overs unbroken, then break up the TTB to maintain strong form and prevent grip failure.

Saturday 2/15/25


‘Sour Patch Kids’ -
With A Partner...
2 Sets Of:

- 6 Minutes Echo Bike Cals
- 6 Minutes Double Unders
- 6 Minutes Row Cals
- 6 Minutes Burpees


A. Power Snatch Complex -
Every 90 Seconds x 3 Sets:

- 2 High Hang Power Snatches + 2 OHS

Every 90 Seconds x 3 Sets: -
2 Hang Power Snatches + 2 OHS

Every 90 Seconds x 3 Sets:
- 2 Power Snatches + 2 OHS *Start ~50-55% and build as you see fit

B. Snatch Deadlift -
4x3 @ 100-105%
- Rest 90 Seconds to 2 Minutes between sets

C. Cool Down -
3 Sets Of:
- Half Kneeling Bottoms Up KB Press x 6-8 Reps / Side
- Band Face Pulls x 15-20 Reps
- Broad Jump x 5 Reps

Part A is designed to build snatch technique and overhead stability through progressively heavier complexes. The Snatch Deadlift focuses on building pulling and positioning strength, helping us become more confident lifting heavier loads off the ground while maintaining proper posture. The cool-down includes upper body accessories to keep our shoulders healthy, along with broad jumps to continue developing explosiveness.

Sunday 2/16/25


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
