Gas Pedal Week 3

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Monday 1/11/21

A. Back Squat:
Every 2:00 for 6 Sets:
*Build across as you see fit

B. Open Prep Capacity:
4 Rounds - Each for Time:
Rounds 1&3:
20/18 Cal Row
Rounds 2&4:
100 Double Unders
20 Pull Ups
*Rest 2:00 between rounds

*Rx+: Strict HSPU & Chest to Bar Pull Ups

This Monday brings us a Back Squat ladder. Choose your loading depending on how your legs are feeling after last week. We had a pretty squat-heavy week, so we can treat this either as a flush or a strength piece. If you are looking to flush and get some clean reps in, think about moving at tempo or adding a pause to each rep. If your legs are feeling good, look to build to a heavy double for the day. Either way, keep it clean and move that bar.

Classic push + pull CrossFit coming at you today! With each round being for time, the goal is to start with a big set on the gymnastics and hang on from there. Some of you fire-breathers will be hitting this unbroken. If that’s your plan, make the Row and the Dubs as fast as possible. If gymnastics are not your strong point, then be smart—break these up into three or four sets, and aim to stay consistent with your rep scheme.

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Tuesday 1/12/21

A. 3 Rounds @85% Effort:
500m Row
25-40s L-Sit Hold
10 PVC Overhead Wall Squats
60s Squat Hold

B. Skill Finisher:
10 Rounds with an empty Barbell:
1 Snatch Grip Deadlift
1 Snatch
1 Hang Snatch
1 Overhead Squat
1 Snatch Balance

Today’s flush work brings us some static holds and a little bit of attention to mobility. Row at a pace that is near your 2K pace. Make the L-Sit tough, but we are looking for one long set vs. a bunch of small chunks to finish our time window. In the Squat Hold, do what feels good—move around side to side, reach up and overhead, stay active—really whatever your body is telling you.

This week’s skill work takes us down a bit of a different path. With the empty bar this should be easy, right? Well, that’s up to you. The goal is to make these reps as perfect as possible. Move with a purpose, be snappy, be intentional, and hang onto the bar for all five reps before taking your rest.

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Wednesday 1/13/21

A. 10 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 30s Max Effort Muscle Ups
Minute 2: Max Effort Push Ups

B. 5 Rounds for Time:
21 Box Jump Overs
15 “X” 70/50
9 Dumbbell Facing Burpees

Power Snatch
Overhead Squat
Hang Squat Clean

“X” can be any of the following for any round. BUT once you have completed that movement, it can no longer be used.

Endurance WOD Wednesday:
2 Rounds each for Time:
55 Cal Row hard
11 Cal Row easy
44 Cal Row hard
11 Cal Row easy
33 Cal Row hard
11 Cal Row easy
22 Cal Row hard
11 Cal Row easy
11 Cal Row hard
11 Cal Row easy
*Rest 3:00 between rounds

This week we put some of the previous week’s skills to the test. Sure Muscle Ups are hard as it is, but how can we fare when our arms begin to blow up. Movement quality will be huge today. Make sure you don’t game the push ups in order to achieve more Muscle Ups.

Choose your own adventure today. We’re not sure how much it’s really going to help, but at least you can blame yourself, and not Tony. Today’s Rx for the dumbbell is a tad heavier than we normally see, so be sure you are staying focused. The goal is to move the dumbbell smoothly with no real hiccups, so if the 70/50 pound loading is too aggressive, then choose a lighter weight that works for you. Midline activation is key today—with this heavy unilateral work we must be aware of how we are moving.

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Thursday 1/14/21

A. Clean and Jerk:

*6 Total sets of Triples - two at each percentage.

B. Clean Pull:

*All sets at or above 100% of your Snatch 1RM.

3 Rounds for Quality:
6-8 1/2 Kneeling Bottoms Up KB Press
100FT Single Arm Bottoms Up KB Walk
20 Belly Facing Handstand Hold Shoulder Taps

This week we see an identical mirror of last week’s snatch work. As we turn to the Clean and Jerk, let’s focus on the footwork and our reset between the Clean and the Jerk. Remember, these are two separate movements. The time between the two is actually a place to recover, get our breath, then brace for the Jerk. We need to learn to be comfortable in that position and use that familiarity as a tool when the bar gets even heavier.

Make the pulls HEAVY - these should challenge but not break your positions. During these pulls we want to maintain strait arms while focusing on finding our max range of triple extension.

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Friday 1/15/21

A. Power Snatch:
For Total Load:
*Rest 3:00 between sets
*Each set must be unbroken TNG for loading to count towards your score.

For Time:
3 Front Squat 185/125
3 Front Squat
3 Front Squat
3 Front Squat
12 TTB
3 Front Squat
15 TTB
3 Front Squat
18 TTB

This week’s TNG work brings us to the Snatch. We will get only one attempt at each rep range, so choosing our loading will be the key to this workout. Go too light, and we may regret that when we input our scoring. Go too heavy and, well, we don’t get to count ANY of that loading towards our total score. With a three minute rest period, this is meant to be tough, so push yourself and see what you can do. Remember, failure is just a beautiful attempt at success.

Buns and Guns baby. With a constant squat loading and low rep scheme, you should feel confident with this barbell—Squat Clean the first and then move right into two more reps and you’re done with the round. You’ll want to break the TTB into small and consistent sets as we move deeper into the workout. Don’t get caught in the beginning going bigger than you should; that will come back to bite you for sure.

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Saturday 1/16/21

For Time in Teams of Two:
300 Calorie Air Bike
300 American Swings 24/16
300 Box Step Ups

Thats a lot of reps. Good thing you have a buddy! Partition this work in any way, shape or form you choose. But keep in mind, you will still need a partner next week, so be nice.

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Sunday 1/17/21

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.


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