Gas Pedal Week 4

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Monday 1/18/21

A. S2OH Complex:
Every 2:00 for 5 Sets:
1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk
*Build across each set - ending with a heavy set for the day.

B. Open Prep Capacity:
3 Rounds - Each for Time:
100 Double Unders
40 Wall Balls 20/14
20 Deadlifts 185/125
*Rest 2:00 between rounds

This week we go overhead. Building across five total sets, our goal is to finish with a heavy complex of Push Jerk + Split Jerk. Leg drive and positioning in the dip will be crucial. Focus on maintaining a tight midline through the dip portion of the lift as well as being aggressive under the bar, especially as the loading increases. Staying aggressive is a must when going overhead, so find some fire this Monday!

Bounding and lower leg endurance is always tested in the Open. Today we get a moderate dose of what that might feel like. 100 Double Unders is no problem, but how about when our legs feel blown up, and our heart rate hasn’t had a chance to come back down? I guess we will see. Going unbroken is definitely possible, but that may not be the best strategy for everyone. It really boils down to how well you know yourself as an athlete.

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Tuesday 1/19/21

A. 20 Minutes @ Steady Pace:
20/16 Cal Air Bike
40 Russian Twists 15/20
30 V Ups
20 Box Step Ups 24/20

B. Accumulate 20-30 reps in any order:
Strict TTB
Strict HSPU
Strict Pull Ups
Strict Ring Dips

Today we reset the legs while working on the base provided by our midline. Having a strong core make you stronger all around—no if, ands or buts about it. One of CrossFit’s core principles is that power moves from core to extremity. With that in mind, complete this midline work with intention. Move well, and slow down in order to reap the maximum benefit from today’s work.

Our goal today is to accumulate quality reps. Work with your Coach, find a scale (up or down in difficulty) that challenges you to make steps towards virtuosity today. Break these movements up into small achievable chunks. Our goal today is to have NO sloppy reps.

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Wednesday 1/20/21

A. 10 Minute EMOM:
8 Bar Facing Burpees
AMRAP American Swings in time remaining 32/24

B. For Total Time:
Three Rounds:
15 Pull Ups
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20”
9 Overhead Squats 95/65

Rest 3:00

One Round:
45 Pull Ups
36 Burpee Box Jump Overs
27 Overhead Squats 95/65

*Rx+: 135/95 & Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Endurance WOD Wednesday:
For Time:
*12/8 cal row every 3 minutes starting at 0:00
50 Reverse Lunges
50 Russian Twists (25/15# plate)
50 Reverse Lunges
50 Glute Bridges
50 Reverse Lunges
50 V- Ups
50 Reverse Lunges
50 Glute Bridges
50 Reverse Lunges
50 Russian Twists
50 Reverse Lunges

*30 minute cap

Hinge . . . hinge . . . hinge. Today’s EMOM will test the endurance of our ability not only to stay calm through our grunt work but also how much hinging we can endure in a small window of time. The burpees should be complete in under 30s leaving you just enough time for one set on the Kettlebell, so just hang on!

Working through movements in sequence is a bit different than handling big chunks. Some of us prefer one over the other and if we aren’t sure which one we like better, today should help us figure that out. The score is total time, so some pacing will have to come into play, but don’t get caught going too slow in the first portion today. Knowing you will get a decent amount of recovery in the three minute window, make sure you are pushing as close to your threshold as possible without redlining.

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Thursday 1/21/21

A. Snatch + Overhead Squat:

*6 Total sets of doubles +1 OHS - two at each percentage.

B. Snatch Grip Deadlift + Snatch High Pull
*All sets at or above 100% of our Snatch 1RM.

3 Rounds for Quality:
12-15 GHD Sit Ups
12-15 P Bar Deficit Push Ups
20-25 Banded Face Pulls (Blue/Red)

For today’s Olympic work we drop the total volume down just a tad but add an Overhead Squat to the final rep of each set. Our goal today is to build on the technique pointers we received last week as well as work on our confidence with the barbell overhead. Remain fast, snappy and concise through the snatch, then flip the script. Slow down, find a good comfortable place in the bottom position and get used to being under the load for a decent chunk of time. As these reps start to get heavier, being comfortable in the bottom will become more and more important.

Building on our pulling work from a few weeks back we add some deadlifting to the mix. The goal of this portion is to find the bar path that works for our body type. One beautiful thing about olympic lifting is that everyone’s lift will look a little bit different, even when the core concepts apply. Finding your hang, then accelerating into the power position is key, and slowing down with some Snatch Grip Deadlifts is one great tool to help us feel that.

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Friday 1/22/21

A. For Total Repetitions:
Death by Hang Squat Clean:
Minute 1: 1 Reps 135/95
Minute 2: 2 Reps
Minute 3: 3 Reps
Minute 4: 4 Reps
Minute 5: 5 Reps
etc. until you are unable to complete prescribed reps within the 60s window.

*Rest 5:00

Death by Calorie Row
Minute 1: 5 Cals
Minute 2: 6 Cals
Minute 3: 7 Cals
Minute 4: 8 Cals
Minute 5: 9 Cals
etc. until you are unable to complete prescribed reps within the 60s window.

Grit . . . do you have it? We are about to find out. Will your mind or body quit first? Push yourself to your absolute limit today. What’s the worst that could happen: You learn something new about yourself? You break through that mental block and unlock some potential? You fail, and learn something about yourself and become better for it?

You have grit in you. We know it. Find it today.

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Saturday 1/23/21

For Total Reps in Teams of Three:
10 Minute AMRAP:

40 Double Unders
40 Alt DB Snatch
40 Box Jumps
*One athlete works while two rest

*Rest 2:00

10 Minute AMRAP:
20 Synchro Wall Balls
20 Synchro Push Ups
20 Synchro Goblet Squats
*Two athletes work while one rests

*Rest 2:00

10 Minute AMRAP:
20 Double Unders
3 Dumbbell Thrusters
3 Dumbbell Devils Press
*Alternate Complete Rounds

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Sunday 1/24/21

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.


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