Gas Pedal Week 2
Monday 1/4/21
A. Snatch Complex:
In 12 Minutes Build to a Max Complex:
1 Snatch
1 Overhead Squat
1 Hang Snatch
B. Open Prep Capacity:
3 Rounds - 3 Minute AMRAP:
20 S2OH 135/95
Max Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20” in Time Remaining
*Rest 90s between rounds
This Monday we see a more technical side to our strength work. This complex will not only challenge our ability to move some weight, but will also challenge how efficiently we can maneuver the bar in this not so elegant sequence. The movements don’t naturally blend themselves to one another so we will need to be on point with our grip and footwork as well as our snatch positions throughout the entire complex. Trust your pull and get under that hang snatch.
Bye bye shoulders! Some of us will be looking at this in attack mode—that’s fine, but the collection of 60 shoulder to overhead reps will likely hit quicker than anticipated. Mix that with so many Burpee Box Jump Overs, and we may be paying the price if we come out of the gate too hot on this. We recommend some moderate sized sets with clean movement under the bar vs. opting for a push press and just grinding through those reps.
Tuesday 1/5/21
A. 3 Rounds @85% Effort:
20 Cal Air Bike
200FT Walking Lunge
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24
B. Skill Finisher:
3 Rounds for Quality:
14-20 Alternating Pistols
8-10 Kipping Ring Pull Ups
25-50FT Hand Stand Walk
Steady does it as we look to flush out the body and get some low intensity posterior chain work in. Bike at a pace that is very sustainable, well below threshold. Walk at a pace that allows you to focus on staying as balanced as walking at a smooth and steady pace. The swings should be heavy, but the goal is to hang onto them for all 30 reps. Be sure you are staying tight at the top and using your hips to power this movement.
Skills pay the bills. You know the drill by now. Come in ready to be challenged. Your Coach will make this tough for you but in a way that allows you to take steps towards achieving the “Rx” version of these movements.
Wednesday 1/6/21
A. 15 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 40-60 Double Unders
Minute 2: 6 -10 Squat Clean Thrusters
Minute 3: 10-15 Toes To Bar
B. For Time:
Wall Balls 20/14
Squat Clean 225/155
Endurance WOD Wednesday:
EWW Benchmark #2
0:00-20:00 Part A
200 Double Unders
3 Rounds:
50 Single Arm DB Hang Cleans
40 Abmat Sit Ups
30 Cal Row
20 Push Ups
10 Goblet Squats
200 Double Unders
Rest (no matter where you are at, at 20 minutes you must rest then begin Part B)
25:00-45:00 Part B
50 Burpees
3 Rounds
10 Goblet Squats
20 Push Ups
30 Cal Row
40 Abmat Sit Ups
50 Single Arm DB Hang Cleans
50 Burpees
This week we move towards a more skill-based EMOM. We see a nice blend of skills that all have their own effects on our shoulders as well as heart rate. Depending on the type of athlete and where your skill base lies, one or more of these movements will feel more like “rest” than work. Be smooth and controlled on your Double Unders, only cycle the barbell if you can maintain a controlled breath, and don’t feel the need to go unbroken on the gymnastics. Each of these can be broken down into smaller sets and still be completed in well under 60s.
Thick and quick. Although the barbell is moderate, it will start to feel heavy in the later rounds. This workout should be attacked with intention. Go for some larger sets on the Wall Balls if not unbroken and then get to that barbell quick and attack it with confidence.
Thursday 1/7/21
A. Snatch:
*6 Total sets of Triples - two at each percentage.
B. Snatch Pull:
*All sets at or above 100% of your Snatch 1RM.
3 Rounds for Quality:
8-10 Dips
8-10 BTN Sotts Press
12-15 GHD Hip Extensions
This week we turn our focus solely to the snatch. We see a small increase in the amount of total reps from two weeks prior. The intention is that these are completed as single reps with about 10s of rest between each. The percentages will be tough, but if you keep your technique on point and stay confident there shouldn’t be any real issues.
Make the pulls HEAVY - these should challenge but not break your positions. During these pulls we want to maintain strait arms while focusing on finding our max range of triple extension.
Friday 1/8/21
A. Power Clean:
3 Sets - Each for Max Load:
10 Unbroken TNG Power Clean
*Rest 2:30 between sets
For Time:
10 Down to 1:
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
1 Up to 10:
Thrusters 95/65
Ah yes . . . more barbell touch and go’s. Are you sensing a theme yet? The open is near and moving a barbell efficiently is one of the top priorities in order to score well there. Today’s score is max load, so hang onto that sucker and grind through that feeling, or lack thereof, in your arms. Efficiency is king—we had a touch of this same idea last week, so we should have an idea of what to shoot for today!
Everyone’s favorite combo, right? Not really, but at least there is an opportunity to work on our transitions and attacking them with intention. Keep the bar close to the pull up bar and push yourself to get that first rep out. We know it’s usually the hardest rep, so let’s aim to break through that mental barrier today.
Saturday 1/9/21
In Teams of Two on a Running Clock:
20 Rounds for Time:
5 Power Snatch 95/65
10 Bar Facing Burpees
*Alternate Complete Rounds
Establish 7RM Overhead Squat from the Ground
Burn Baby Burn. Any time you have left in the 20 minute window is earned rest. Keep the pace high and aim to finish before the 20 minute mark as every second of that rest will be valuable. With the barbell requirement being from the floor, keep in mind there are many ways to get that bar overhead. Spend some time during the warm up deciding whats going to work best for you and get after it!
Sunday 1/10/21
Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.