Rebuild Week 2


Focus, move properly and seek virtuosity. “Rebuild” is a 4 week cycle that will challenge us to do each of these. We turn our emphasis to how we’re moving vs. how fast. The goal is to create strength in positions and facilitate a stronger foundation of movement. Don’t worry metcon junkies—we have something special planned for you every Friday.
- Head Coach Tony B.

Monday 11/18/19

A. 4 Rounds for Quality:
16 Double Dumbbell Reverse Fly
14 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts
12 Double Dumbbell Box Step Overs
*Move through @ Steady Pace

B. Interval:
4 Rounds:
9 Strict HSPU
15/10 Cal Air Bike
36 Slam Balls 20/15
45s Hand Stand Hold
*Rest 90s between rounds

Competitive CrossFit:
A. Every other Minute for 8 Sets:

1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Front Squat

B. Clean Grip Deadlift:

The posterior gains train is pulling into the station. Approach each dumbbell movement with intention and the goal of keeping the dumbbells in the hands throughout the entire set. Load your dumbbells as you see fit and feel free to increase loading as you move from round to round. Our goal is clean and crisp reps while gaining time under tension.

Today’s interval brings a brutal combo of skill and grunt work. The goal is to move through each interval quickly and ideally unbroken. Modify this as needed in order to have that goal in reach. We can bring down the time domains or rep ranges for the skills while still maintaining a fast pace during the grunt work portion.


Tuesday 11/19/19

A. Gymnastic Strength:
4 Rounds for Quality:
6-8 Strict Ring Pull Ups
20s Chin Over Ring Hold
6-8 Ice Cream Makers or Hollow Rocks x3

B. Push + Pull:
4 Rounds for Quality:
30-45s Goblet Wall Sit
12 Incline Bench Press
8 Barbell Pendlay Row
45s Row @ Max Effort

C. 19.0
For Time:
Alt DB Snatch 50/35
Burpee Over DB

This week we turn our gymnastic strength from pushing to pulling with the same goal in mind. Aim to hang onto the rings for the entire complex. If that proves to be too tough we can adjust the rep ranges as needed from set to set. Aim to move with intention and purpose vs. just getting the work done.

This weeks push pull brings us two classic barbell movements. We all know and love bench press. However, with this high rep range the bar will need to stay moderate. Our Pendlay Row will challenge both upper body pulling and grip as no hook double overhand will be the protocol here.

3-2-1…GO… all out through the finish.


Wednesday 11/20/19

A. 5 Rounds for Quality:
50 FT Double KB Front Rack Walking Lunge
30s Hanging L Sit Hold
*Rest as needed between sets
*Athletes choose their own loading - the goal is 50FT unbroken

Air Squat
Directly into...
Double Unders
Directly into...
Burpee to 6" Reach
*8 Rounds of 20s on 10s off of each movement

Competitive CrossFit:
A. Front Squat:
*Increase across all sets as you see fit

Are we having Bunz and Gunz flashbacks?! Today our challenge is to lunge 50FT unbroken each round. Load these as you see fit with the intention of getting as heavy as possible on round five. Moving directly into the L-Sit with an elevated heart rate is the idea. Work on breathing while under tension and keeping a positive mindset.

Work-Rest-Work-Rest. You get it, just grind.


Thursday 11/21/19 - Olympic Weightlifting

A. Clean and Jerk:
*7 Singles @90%

B. Clean Grip Deadlift + Clean Pull:
7 Sets: 2+1
*All reps @100%+ of C&J 1RM

3-5 Rounds for Quality:

3-5 Rounds for Quality:
5/Arm Seated Strict DB Press
8-10 Glute Ham Raises
10-20 Banded Lat Pull Down

Optional Cardio Flush:
30-45 Minutes @ Steady Pace:
Max Calorie Air Bike
*Every 2 Minutes Perform 5 Strict TTB


Friday 11/22/19

A. “The Chief”
5 Rounds:
3 Minute AMRAP:
3 Power Cleans
6 Push Ups
9 Air Squats
*Rest 1 Minute between rounds

B. Finisher:
4 Rounds:
30-45s GHD Sit Up Hold
10 Strict Dips
*Rest 90s between rounds

Competitive CrossFit:
A. 12 Minute EMOM:

Minutes 1-6: 1 Push Jerk
Minutes 7-12: 1 Split Jerk

B. For Quality:
Box Pike HSPU
100FT Waiters Walk/Arm Between Rounds

As we slow down to focus on movement and re-build post open, we also know that intensity is key to any functional fitness program. Fridays we will end the week with a bang by attacking challenging hero workouts . . . a great way to find that extra Grit.

This week we have “The Chief”. Work hard, clean reps and pay the man.


Saturday 11/23/19

Workout Flow:
Part 1:
T1: 12 Front Squats + 12 TTB
T2: 9 Front Squats + 9 TTB
T1: 6 Front Squats + 6 TTB
T2: 12 Front Squats + 12 TTB

Part 2:
Both athletes establish a 5RM Thruster from the floor. The bar may go up or down but load only counts if all 5 Thrusters are complete unbroken.

Part 3:
Up and Over ya go..

A. In Teams of Two:
Front Squats 135/95


Establish 5RM Thruster from the Floor

Max Bar Facing Burpees


Sunday 11/24/19

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.

Good luck to our Feast Athletes competing at South Loop Games!
Vicki Breneman
Alex Chudler
Britta Dahlberg
Anna Mesa
Brad Hajner
Tony Brown


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