Rebuild Week 1
Rebuild Week 1
Focus, move properly and seek virtuosity. “Rebuild” is a 4 week cycle that will challenge us to do each of these. We turn our emphasis to how we’re moving vs. how fast. The goal is to create strength in positions and facilitate a stronger foundation of movement. Don’t worry metcon junkies—we have something special planned for you every Friday.
- Head Coach Tony B.
Monday 11/11/19
A. 4 Rounds for Quality:
8/Side Landmine Deadlift
8/Side Landmine Single Arm Row
45-90s Ring Plank
B. 4 Rounds For Time:
300FT Farmer Walk 32/24
14 Goblet Box Step Ups 32/24
Competitive CrossFit:
A. Every other Minute for 8 Sets:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch +
1 Overhead Squat
B. Snatch Grip Deadlift:
Congrats to all Feast athletes that took on the 2020 CrossFit Open. It is always bittersweet when that Monday of the final week rolls around. Moving forward we will take 4 weeks to slow down a bit. We turn our focus to movement quality and breaking some of the major lifts into different forms or pieces. Focus more on how you move rather than how much you move. Attention to the details will leave us feeling healthy and strong moving into the next cycle.
Tuesday 11/12/19
A. Gymnastic Strength:
4 Rounds for Quality:
10-20s Ring Support Hold
5 Ring Dips
10-20s Bottom of Dip Hold
B. Push + Pull:
4 Rounds for Quality:
8 Bench Press
16 Rotational Slam Balls
24 Banded Face Pulls
C. For Time (10 Minute Cap):
30 Wall Walks
Gymnastic strength pays off big time when performed under intention. We encourage you to attempt to string together the holds and the dips. Creating more time under tension is proven to build strength as well as connective tissues. Rest as needed between sets in order achieve the cleanest movement possible.
Who loves walk walks?!?! Oh well . . . they are going to make you stronger, so stick with ‘em. Today we would rather see quality reps and you be capped than ugly or sloppy reps just to get through. The standards will be strict both up and down so be ready to customize this workout along the way in order to keep moving.
Wednesday 11/13/19
A. 5 Rounds for Quality:
12 Back Rack Barbell Reverse Lunges
*Rest 60s
15-20 GHD Sit Ups or Weighted Sit Ups
*Rest 2:00
B. Interval:
4 Rounds:
3 Minute AMRAP:
250m Row @ High Effort
Max Strict Pull Ups in Time Remaining
*Rest 1 Minute between rounds
Competitive CrossFit:
A. Front Squat:
*Increase across all sets as you see fit
Core to extremely is one of the principals of movement. Building a strong midline leads both to increasing your numbers and also mitigating those nagging little injuries. Build the base and the rest will come in due time.
Our pulling conditioning is intended to be attacked at a high pace. Row very near your maximal effort and learn to “figure it out” through the pull ups. The idea IS that we are fatigued for that portion. Scale this piece as needed in order to be able to achieve some small sets right off the row but then likely move to quick singles later in the round.
Thursday 11/14/19 - Olympic Weightlifting
A. Clean and Jerk:
*Start at 75% and build as you see fit
B. Halting Clean Pull:
2-2-2-2-2 w/2s Pause @ Knee
3-5 Rounds for Quality:
50FT Dumbbell Death March
30-45s Sorenson Hold
30-45s Dead Hang
Optional Cardio Flush:
3 Rounds @ Increasing Efforts:
1K Row
3K Bike
*Rest 3:00 between sets
Friday 11/15/19
A. “Felix the Cat”
6 Rounds for Time:
9 Burpees
9 Box Jumps 24/20
9 Pull Ups
9 Thrusters 95/65
9 Toes to Bar
B. Midline Finisher:
4 Rounds:
10s Hollow Hold
5 V Ups
10s Hollow Hold
5 V Ups
10s Hollow Hold
*Rest exactly 60s between rounds
Competitive CrossFit:
A. Every other Minute for 8 Sets:
2 Jerk Dips
2 Jerk Drives
1 Split Jerk
B. For Quality:
Seated DB Z Press 50/35#
30s Handstand Hold
As we slow down to focus on movement and re-build post open. We also know that intensity is key to any functional fitness program. Fridays we will end the week with a bang by attacking challenging hero workouts . . . a great way to find that extra Grit.
This week we take on “Felix the Cat.” Smooth and consistent rounds are the idea here, with a focus on intentional transitions. Look to settle in to a smooth pace early and be sure not to get lured in by the short movement rep ranges.
Saturday 11/16/19
Divide and conquer.
A. For Time in Teams of Two:
80 American KB Swings 24/16
80 Wall Balls 20/14
20 Cal Air Bike
60 American KB Swings
60 Wall Balls 20/14
20 Cal Air Bike
40 American KB Swings
40 Wall balls 20/14
20 Cal Air Bike
20 American KB Swings
20 Wall Balls 20/14
Sunday 11/17/19
Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.