Prowess Week 6

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We’re extremely happy with what we saw in STALWART. Yeah, there were many, many PRs, and more weight on the bar is awesome. But even more exciting to us were the improvements in technique, intention, and grit, both under the heavy barbells and in the Maximum Aerobic Power (MAP) WODs. So even if the barbell didn’t move the way you wanted it to at the end of the cycle, be confident that you absolutely improved your foundation of strength. Some days the lift is there, and some days it isn’t... but technique improvements will consistently show up, and transfer across all our movements.

Having built strength, we’re going to go even deeper on technique in this cycle, “PROWESS". We’ll be developing skill and expertise in Olympic lifting. Plan on interval lifting on Mondays, and fatigued, heavy lifts on Fridays. “Weakness Wednesdays” will be focused on both “Work Capacity” and “Gymnastic Capacity,” whichever you choose to attack first should be your focus throughout “PROWESS”. In addition we look to increase positional strength with supporting mobility work. Time to confront your weaknesses... and slay them.

- Head Coach Tony B.

Monday 3/16/20

A. Every Other Minute for 6 Sets:
2 Hang Clean
*Start loading around 70% and build as you see fit.

B. 2 Rounds for Time:
50 Wall Balls 20/14
150 Double-Under

Competitive CrossFit:
A1. Conventional Deadlift:
*Rest 60s
A2. Ring Muscle Up:
5 Sets:
3-5 “Perfect” Reps
Rest 2:00 between super sets

Similar theme from last week, turning from volume to intensity but this time with some Hang Cleans. Keeping the bar close will be key. Our goal is to end with a tough double for the day, so finding a solid power position combined with fast elbows is the secret sauce. Focus + drive. You got this.

Nowhere to hide on this one, but managing shoulder fatigue will be the separator. Coming out of the gate with a bit set of Wall Balls will set us up for quick manageable sets in the Double-Unders. Attack the Wall Balls with a descending reps scheme and be ready to pick up the pace for the last 50 reps on the rope.

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Tuesday 3/17/20

A1. Push Up:
*Rest 60s

A2. Supinated Bent Over Row:
*Rest 1:30 between super sets

B. 3 Rounds for Max Calories:
3 Minute AMRAP:
15 Burpees to 6”
10 Double Dumbbell Box Step Overs 50/35 to 24/20
Max Calorie Air Bike in Remaining Time
*Rest 1:00 Between Rounds

Rx+: 70/50lb DB Box Step Overs

Back to work on the bench. Today’s goal is to finish with a heavy double. Start your loading around 80% and build as you see fit. Look to push the final set and potentially post a new PR double or fail that second rep—for today, that’s OK.

Pedal to the metal. With the barrier to entry being fairly straight forward, look to push the pace into the bike. A quick reset between rounds should be enough to compose ourselves and hit the next interval with purpose. And keep in mind, it’s ONLY three rounds.

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Wednesday 3/18/20

A. Gymnastic Capacity:
10 Down to 1:
V Ups
P-Bar Deficit Push Ups
L Sit Dumbbell Strict Press

10 Down to 1 in Unbroken Sets:
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Toes to Bar

B. Work Capacity:
1200m Row @ Goal Pace
500m Row @ Recovery Pace
300m Sprint

Competitive CrossFit:
Snatch Balance:

*Start moderate and build across - crisp, clean reps.

This week we turn up the total rep count a bit and are going to challenge you to hang onto big sets. Our goal is to complete each set unbroken while resting as needed in order to maintain good form throughout. Good positions will always pay off in later sets, remember that you’ve done most of the work once you’ve cleared rounds 10-7.

Another small bump in our “Goal Pace” row distance. By now, you know we’re going to build by 100m each week. Stick with it... it’s only a little further than last week. You’ve got this!

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Thursday 3/19/20

A. Front Squat:
*Rest as needed between sets
*Each set should be tough - Heavier than last week.

B. Low Block Clean + Push Jerk:
5 Sets:
*Rest 10-15s between reps
*Set the blocks just below the knees

C. Structural:
3-5 Rounds for Quality:
9 Strict Toes to Bar
12 Strict Chin Up

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Friday 3/20/20

A. 18 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 10 S2OH 135/95
Minute 2: Max Calorie Row
Minute 3: Rest

Rx+: 165/115

B. Finisher:
Every 2 Minutes for 5 Sets:
20-40 V Ups

Competitive CrossFit:
4 Rounds each for Quality:

50FT Sand Bag Walking Lunges 150/100
50FT Handstand Walk
10 Sand Bag Bear Hug Squats
*Rest 1:00 between rounds

Today we have the chance to push the pace on the rower. The S2OH should leave you with plenty of time to compose yourself and prepare to sprint. Our goal is to complete each round of S2OH unbroken with a smooth and steady Push Jerk. The load should be light enough for us to cycle most of the reps “Touch and Go” style. However, lazy positions mixed with trying to move too quickly will come back to bite you.

Maybe abs aren’t made in the kitchen...

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Saturday 3/21/20

25 Minute AMRAP:
50 Calories (Air Bike or Row)
50 American KB Swing 32/24
25 Double Dumbbell Front Squat 50/35
25 Double Dumbbell Burpee Box Get Overs 24/20”

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Sunday 3/22/20

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.


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