Grit Week 1

Monday 12/19/22

A. Snatch work
10-15 Minutes of Snatch progressions

B. Snatch Gauntlet: Chimera's Challenge
Every 90s Until Failure:
30 Double-Unders
1 Snatch
*Bar starts at 135/95 and increase by 10/5# per round

Put your Snatch skills to the test with this intense gauntlet workout! You'll start with some Snatch progressions to warm up and hone your technique, then it's time to take on the Snatch ladder challenge. Every 90 seconds, you'll have to complete 30 double unders and 1 snatch, with the weight increasing each round. Can you make it to the top of the ladder?

Tuesday 12/20/22

A. Wall Walk
Wall Walk technique work

B. Centaur's Circuit
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:
- 3 Wall Walks
- 12 Dumbbell Snatches 50/35#
- 15 Box Jump-overs 24/20”

Get ready to test your strength, endurance and coordination with this challenging workout! We'll start with some Wall Walk technique work to get you warmed up and ready to conquer the wall. Then it's time to tackle the main event: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of Wall Walks, Dumbbell Snatches, and Box Jump-overs. You should be able to keep a high to moderate pace without many rest breaks and transition smoothly between movements.

Wednesday 12/21/22

A. Thruster
Build to a heavy single from the floor in
10 minutes

B. Gryphon's Grind
3 rounds for time:
- 10 Thrusters 95/65#
- 15 TTB
- 20/16 Cal Row

Get ready to push yourself to the limit with this Thruster-filled workout! We'll start by building to a heavy single from the floor, testing your strength and technique with the barbell. Then it's time to put those Thrusters to the test in a high-intensity, three-round workout. You'll have to push through Thrusters, TTB, and calories on the Rower, testing your endurance and power to the max. Push yourself to keep the Thrusters unbroken and TTB in 1-2 sets.

Thursday 12/22/22

Olympic Weightlifting

A. Overhead Squat
Every 90s for 4 sets:
- 3 reps @70-80% of your 3RM OHS

B. Behind The Neck Snatch Grip Push Press
Every 90s for 4 sets:
- 3 reps @55-65% of your 3RM OHS

C. Heaving Snatch Balance:
Every 90s for 4 sets:
- 3 reps @45-55% of your 3RM OHS

D. Structural
4 Rounds for quality:
- 6-8/side Dumbbell RDLs
- 12-15 Banded Pallof Press
- 12-15 Tib Raises From a Deficit
- 35s Hollow Hold

We will be working on Overhead technique for Oly this week with the Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press and Heaving Snatch Balance!

Friday 12/23/22

A. 12 Days of Feast-mas
1 S2OH 135/95#
- 2 Front Squats 135/95#
- 3 Squat Clean 135/95#
- 4 Deadlifts 135/95#
- 5 Box Jumps 24/20"
- 6 Wall Balls 20/14#
- 7 Toes to Bar
- 8 Push Ups
- 9 Slam Balls 20/15#
- 10 Pull-Ups
- 11 DB front rack reverse lunges 50/35#
- 12 Devils Press 50/35#

We have 3 hours of open gym today and a suggested classic workout. The workout is done just like the song goes. You start with 1 squat clean; then 2 front squats and 1 squat clean; then 3 S2OH, 2 front squats, and 1 squat clean, and so on until you finish the last round starting with the 12 devils press.

Saturday 12/24/22

A. Unicorn Power
For time, with a partner:
- 100 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20”
- 100 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks 53/35#
- 100 Cal Row
- 100 Dumbbell Lunges 53/35#

Partners will alternate movements, with one person working at a time.

The first partner will complete 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs, then the second partner will complete 10 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks, then the first partner will complete 10 Cal Row, and so on.

The workout is complete when all 100 reps of each movement have been completed.

Olympic Weightlifting

A. High Hang Muscle Clean
Every 90s for 4 sets:
- 3 reps @45-55% of your 2RM PC

B. Clean High Pull
Every 90s for 4 sets:
- 3 reps @55-65% of your 2RM PC

C. Power Clean
Every 90s for 4 sets:
- 1.1.1 @65-75% of your 2RM PC

D. Structural:
4 Rounds for quality:
- 8-10 DB Push Press
- 30s Glute Bridges with 1-2s pause at the top
- 10-12 GHD Hip Extensions
- 35s Sorenson Hold

Sunday 12/25/22


NO Endurance Class

Rest Day. Get out and enjoy the holiday!
