Flux Week 9 (Test Week)

Monday 12/5/22

A. Back Squat
Build to a 3 RM Back Squat

B. Pickle Rick
3 Rounds for time:
- 50 Double unders
- 40 Lunges
- 30 Sit-ups

We are starting off the week by testing our 3 rep max Back Squat! We have seen impressive numbers over the last several weeks, so we won’t be surprised to see a few more. Remember not to sacrifice form and technique as you are getting up there in weight.

The Metcon will be a nice flush after our heavy Squats. These movements should be done unbroken at a moderate to fast pace.

Tuesday 12/6/22

A. Ring Progressions
15-20 minutes of Ring Skill Work
Max rep RMU or Ring progression in 5 minutes

B. Mr. Meeseeks
For time:
- Push Press 95/65#
- Pull-ups

Congrats to those who have gotten their first RMU in this cycle and to those who have relearned them after some time off! We hope everyone has felt improvement in their shoulder stability and strength, and even had some fun swinging on the rings. We will start off the day with our normal progressions and then we will have 5 minutes to get as many RMU’s or Ring Progression Drills as we can.

We’ll continue to burn out the shoulders with Push Press and Pull-ups in out Metcon. This one will be quick push-pull type workout. Take an extra second of rest to keep those reps high.

Wednesday 12/7/22

A. Birdperson
For time:
- 2000m Row
- 150 Wall Balls
- 100/80 cal Echo Bike

This one will be a long workout testing your mental toughness. You can either go for a consistent pace you can hold on the Row and Bike or split into intervals of faster and slower pushes. 150 Wall balls is always daunting, so come up with a plan before and try to stick with it.

Thursday 12/8/22

Olympic Weightlifting

A. Overhead Squat
20 minutes to build to a 3 RM OHS

B. Structural
3-4 Rounds for quality:
- 6/side Single Arm Dumbbell Jerk Balance
- 12-15 Banded Pull Throughs
- 20-30s Weighted Dead Hang

Starting this new cycle off with the Overhead Squat. We will build to a 3 RM. We will be working on our shoulder, hip, and ankle mobility throughout this cycle to help get those numbers up!

Friday 12/9/22

A. Clean Complex
Find a new complex in 20 minutes:
- Power Clean
- Hang Power Clean
- Front Squat
- Low Hang Squat Clean
- Clean

B. Chief
Five 3-minute AMRAPs in 19 minutes
AMRAP in 3 minutes:
- 3 Power Cleans (135/95#)
- 6 Push-Ups
- 9 Air Squats
Rest 1 minute
Repeat 5 times

We hope you brought your grip strength for our Clean Complex test. We have worked on our catching positions in the Power and Wquat positions over the last few weeks. Let’s put all that we’ve learned together in this 5 rep Complex.

We’ll finish out the week with a benchmark WOD, Chief. The Power Cleans should feel light after our Clean Complex. The key to this workout is to transition smoothly between movements and keep a consistent pace. You get a 1 minute rest every 3 minutes, so make sure to work all the way up to the 3 minute mark each time.

Saturday 12/10/22

A. Evil Morty
In teams of 2
25-Minute AMRAP:
- 100 Kettlebell Swings 53/35#
- 80 Box Jumps 24/20"
- 60 Goblet Squats
- 40 TTB
*Split reps evenly

Olympic Weightlifting

A. Power Clean
20 minutes build to a 2RM
*Rest 5-10s after the first lift

B. Structural:
4 rounds of
- 10 Z Press
- 8-10 Single Leg RDL
- 6/side RNT Split Squat
- 20-30s Front Rack wall Sit

Sunday 12/11/22

Endurance Class

Feast Members, please check SugarWOD for this week’s Endurance Programming.

Rest Day. Get out and enjoy life!
