Game Day Week 6


The CrossFit Open is just around the corner. The opportunity to benchmark yourself against the global CrossFit community is just too good to pass up. That’s why we encourage everyone to participate. It’s not necessarily about where your skills, strength, and fitness are today; but where you’ll be next year and the year after. You need a data set to know, so grab the opportunity to set your baseline.
- Head Coach Tony B.

Monday 10/21/19:

A. Front Squat:

B. For Total Reps:
5 Minute AMRAP:
9 Overhead Squats 95/65
12 Slam Balls 20/15

*Rest 2 Minutes

5 Minute AMRAP:
12 Air Squats
9 Calorie Row

Competitive CrossFit:
10 Sets:
500m Row
*Rest 2:00s between sets & 4 minutes between sets 5&6.
*Row 1-2s faster than last weeks pace.

Our strength this week bring us some heavy Front Squats. Each set should tough and our last set could be upwards of 85-90%. We will spend ample time getting the hips and front rack position ready to go. Stay confident and look to hit a technically sound double today.

10 Minutes of total work isn’t that much but sandwiched with rest we are looking to sprint for the entire time. Quick transitions and efficient movements are key today. Messy and rushed reps will catch up sooner than you think. Stay smooth and move with intention.


Tuesday 10/22/19

A. Gymnastic Skill:
8-10 Minutes of Muscle Up Skill Work
5 Minute EMOM:
1-5 Ring or Bar Muscle Ups

B. 20 Minute AMRAP in Teams of Two:
12/9 Cal Air Bike
9 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24
6 Burpees

*Alternate Complete Rounds

Today we spend time diving into the Muscle Up. High Skill movements require us to slow down and break them into segments. Aim to work towards mastery of the movement or parts of the movement, rather than accumulate a high amount of volume today. Following the slow paced skill portion we get a quick chance with our EMOM to put those skills to work under a bit of duress.

CrossFit is always better with a friend right… The goal of todays piece is to hit each interval hard and be ok with our splits falling slowly as time goes on. These movements are simple enough to be pushed through so be sure to focus on transitions and look to keep the bike pace agressive.


Wednesday 10/23/19

A1. Bench Press
6-6-6-6-6 @32X1
*Rest 60s

A2. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat:
12-12-12-12-12 @32X1
*Rest 2:00

B. 4 Rounds for Time:
300m Run
10 Devils Press 50/35

Competitive CrossFit:
20 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 8 Thrusters 135/95
Minute 2: 4.4 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Minute 3: 14 Alt Pistols
Minute 4: 12-15 Cal Ski

#RUMPPUMP - Today we slow down a bit and focus on our foundation. Upper body pushing and single leg work is crucial to building a strong base as well as creating connective tissue to help keep the body happy and healthy. These reps should be completed under the upmost intention. We see the addition of tempo to our schemes today, something we will see a lot of during our next cycle so get comfortable under tension.

Our conditioning piece should be taken at a “controlled chaos” pace. With the shorter runs and a manageable rep scheme on the dumbbells let’s aim to attack this workout from start to finish. Our goal should be to never stop moving, we may need to speed up or slow down but aim to keep that boat in motion.


Thursday 10/24/19 - Olympic Weightlifting

A. 10 Rounds w/ Empty Barbell:
1 High Hang Squat Clean
1 Hang Squat Clean
1 Low Hang Clean
1 Jerk

B. Every other Minute for 6 Sets:
1 Snatch
*End with a heavy single for the day

3-5 Rounds for Quality:

6 Strict Chin Ups
8 Bicep Curl to Arnold Press
10 Ring Push Ups
12 GHD Sit Ups

Optional Cardio Flush / Structural:
2 Sets:
15 Minute AMRAP
2500m Row
Max Cal Air Bike In Remaining Time
*Rest 3 Minutes between sets

*The goal is to pick a pace and hold it consistently across.


Friday 10/25/19

A. Open Workout 20.3:

Competitive CrossFit:
Back Squat:
3 Sets - 3 Reps @ 87.5%+
*Rest as needed between sets
*Build in load from last weeks sets

Dear Mr. The Dave Castro,
May we please have a heavy barbell. KTHNX

Sincerely, Everyone.


Saturday 10/26/19

Each partner will complete 500m before moving onto the 400m interval, so on and so forth. Kettlebells can come down during transitions, but only once that interval has been complete.

So… do you row at a risky pace in hopes to avoid a large number of breaks?Or do you plan breaks ahead of time…hmmmmm…

*Workout subject to chance based on announcement of 20.3

A. For Time:
500-400-300-200-100m Row

*Non rowing partner holds double KB Rack 24/16kg
*10 Burpee penalty for every break


Sunday 10/27/19

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.


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