Game Day Week 5
The CrossFit Open is just around the corner. The opportunity to benchmark yourself against the global CrossFit community is just too good to pass up. That’s why we encourage everyone to participate. It’s not necessarily about where your skills, strength, and fitness are today; but where you’ll be next year and the year after. You need a data set to know, so grab the opportunity to set your baseline.
- Head Coach Tony B.
Monday 10/14/19:
A. Conventional Deadlift
B. 11 Minute AMRAP:
18/15 Cal Row
15 Deadlifts
9 Thrusters 95/65
Competitive CrossFit:
12 Sets:
500m Row
*Rest 90s between sets & 4 minutes between sets 6&7.
*Row 1s faster than last weeks pace.
Monday is is here, let’s attack the start of this week with a bang. We get a chance to shake off our rust from the weekend with some heavy triples in the Deadlift. Look to maintain these as TNG reps but our aim is to finish with a heavy set.
Steady controlled sets is the way to be here. Start off at a pace that is slower than you think you need to be at. Instead of rushing through movements look to capitalize on transition time and be intentional with how you may link the two barbell movements together.
Tuesday 10/15/19
A. 10 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 30-45s Handstand Hold
Minute 2: 15 AB Mat Sit Ups
RX+ = 25-50FT HSW & GHD Sit Ups
B. 5 Total Rounds:
3 Minute AMRAP:
12 Dumbbell Front Squats 50/35
9 Push Ups
6 Dumbbell Power Cleans
*Rest 1:00
For our skill piece this week we see a common combination of a high skill gymnastics while having the midline under some serious distress. Early rounds will likely be simple but expect that to change quickly. The accumulation of time under tension will become very noticeable in later rounds.
Todays interval we see a play on “The Chief”. With the small work small rest ratio we will need to ensure that power output stays high. Aim to hang onto the dumbbells for a little longer than you want to—resetting and having to pick up the bells round after round will get very, very taxing. Utilize the rest period and focus on breathing during the movements today.
Wednesday 10/16/19
A. Hang Power Snatch:
*Build across each set
B. 20 Minute AMRAP:
24/18 Cal Air Bike
14 Box Jump Overs 24/20
7 Clean and Jerks 115/85
Competitive CrossFit:
20 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 5 Front Squats 205/145
Minute 2: 3.3 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Minute 3: 12-15 Cal Row
Minute 4: 12-18 Alt Pistols
Today we break down to snatch to its Hang form. We will look to maximize our second pull (from the knee to the hip) and in return hopefully develop our ability to keep the bar close and find the power position. If we aren’t getting heavy today that’s OK. Take advantage of this time to dial in technique work and your ability to put speed on the barbell.
Attempt to find a pace you can hold for all 20 Minutes. Rather than focusing on how many rounds you finish today, focus on how well you are performing the movements within these rounds. That could be quick and efficient reps with longer planned rest periods or a more controlled and consistent pace across all 20 minutes. Neither is wrong, but we encourage you to work on what you’re NOT great at currently.
Thursday 10/17/19 - Olympic Weightlifting
A. 10 Rounds w/ Empty Barbell:
1 High Hang Snatch
1 Hang Snatch
1 Low Hang Snatch
1 Overhead Squat
B. Every other Minute for 6 Sets:
1 Squat Clean
*End with a heavy single for the day
A. 5-7 Rounds for Quality:
6/Arm Seated DB Strict Press
8 P Bar Dips
10 Straddle Leg V Ups
12 Cal Ski or Row
Optional Cardio Flush / Structural:
30 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: Cal Row
Minute 2: Cal Air Bike
Minute 3: Cal Ski
*The goal is to pick a pace and hold it consistently across all 30m. Thats OK if its a “slow” pace.
Friday 10/18/19
A. Open Workout 20.2:
Competitive CrossFit:
Back Squat:
4 Sets - 3 Reps @ 85%+
*Rest as needed between sets
*Build in load from last weeks sets
Well at least the burpees are gone already…... Dave Castro and his seven dwarfs will release the next workout at 7PM CST on Thursday 10/17. As mentioned in class you will be notified via social media of what the workout is, when the heats begin, and then we will update our workout blog accordingly.
Saturday 10/19/19
Special thanks to all of our Founding Members, Hard Hat Members, Coaching Staff as well as any and all folks that have supported us thus far.
That being said, it’s time for a Clown Show. We saw this as the first ever workout in our facility here at Feast Fitness. In turn we only feel its appropriate we repeat this workout for the grand opening. Attack each minute with intention and know that you will need to find rest in some movements more-so than others. Let your strengths shine and grit through the rest.
A. Down to Clown:
3 Rounds:
60s Max Reps: Wall Balls 20/14
60s Max Reps: Deadlift 135/95
60s Max Reps: Pull Ups
60s Max Reps: Bar Facing Burpees
60s Max Reps: Cal Row
60s Rest
Sunday 10/20/19
Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.