
Monday 8/19/19

This week’s squats will likely get tough. Keep in mind you moved nearly the same load last week, so you CAN do this. Focus on how you’re moving and trust that your system is adapting to minimal rest and moving moderate loads while under fatigue.

For today’s conditioning piece we will need to be strategic with how we break up the barbell movements. Stay under control during the double unders as these could be used as a time to recover with the goal of transitioning into the following rounds with intention.

A. 12 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 3 Front Squats
Minute 2: 6 Back Squats
Minute 3: Rest
*Use 77% of FS 1RM for all lifts

B. 4 Rounds for Time:
4 Power Cleans 165/110
8 Front Squats 165/110
16 Med Ball Sit Ups 20/14
50 Double Unders
*RX+ 205/135 & GHD Sit Ups

Competitive CrossFit:
4 Rounds:
1000m Row @ Increasing efforts
*Rest 3:00 between sets

Nutrition Bite:
Why is magnesium deficiency so common? A few factors are at play: soil depletion that lowers the amount of magnesium present in crops; digestive disorders that lead to malabsorption of magnesium and other minerals in the gut; high rates of prescription medication and antibiotic use that damages the digestive tract to the point that magnesium cannot be absorbed and properly utilized from foods.


Tuesday 8/20/19

Skill day comes back with an evolution of our handstand push ups form a few weeks ago. We have an option to move forward with one of CrossFit’s most difficult skills, the Handstand Walk. If we are still working on our HSPU technique or capacity we want to aim to do larger sets than we did a few weeks back. Stay consistent and work on a compact and powerful kip.

Today we encounter two task oriented pieces that are intended to be hit hard. Run and row at a pace that is pushing the envelope and then focus on staying smooth and powerful during the dumbbell work. Remember single dumbbell work is all about staying efficient. You are armed with a number of techniques to help slow down or speed up this movement as you see fit.

A. Gymnastic Skill:
For Quality in a 10 Minute Window:
Hand Stand Push Ups
*200m Row between rounds


10 Minute AMRAP:
50 FT Hand Stand Walk
*250m Ski

B. For Time (8 Minute Cap)
800m Run
50 Dumbbell S2OH 50/35#

2:00 Rest

For Time (8 Minute Cap)
1000m Row
50 Alt Dumbbell Snatch 50/35#
*RX+ Double Kettlebell 16/12KG


Wednesday 8/21/19

Today is all about the barbell and how efficiently we can move it. We see just about any classic barbell movement you can imagine and at a weight that is attackable. Aim to achieve large sets each round with the goal of staying unbroken if possible. Remember to be efficient with barbell cycling—we don’t need to go as fast as possible. Staying in good position and knowing when and where to breathe will help you get deeper into that rep count each set.

A. 5 Rounds for Total Time:
18/12 Calorie Air Bike
15 “X” 75/55
12 Bar Facing Burpees
*Rest 90s between rounds

Round 1: Thruster
Round 2: Deadlift
Round 3: Power Snatch
Round 4: Overhead Squat
Round 5: Clean and Jerk
*RX+ 95/65

Competitive CrossFit:
Every 2 Minutes for 5 Rounds:
10/6 Ring Muscle Up
*Score is total number of sets required to complete work
*If you fail to complete the required reps in 2 minutes then stop


Thursday 8/22/19

Accumulate 3:00 of the following…
Soft Tissue work:
Pigeon (R)
Pigeon (L)
Seated Straddle
Seated Forward Fold

Pre- Hab:
CrossOver Symmetry
Food Prep for Friday through Sunday

Olympic Weightlifting:
A. Push Jerk:

5 Sets:
3 Push Jerks w/3s Pause in catch

B. Clean + Hang Squat Clean:
5 Sets:

C. Turkish Get Up:
Accumulate 20 Reps for Quality

A. 3-5 Rounds for Quality:

200FT Cross Walk
200 FT Single KB Front Rack Walk
20 GHD Hip Extensions

Nutrition Bite:
Ingestion of sufficient dietary protein stimulates muscle protein synthesis, improves recovery, can increase lean body mass when combined with resistance training, and helps grow our strength.


Friday 8/23/19

For our strength portion we have an opportunity to dial in the entire Overhead Press series. The loading is intended to increase each round and also from movement to movement. Focus on a strong front rack and dip position as fatigue sets in. We will also need to work on our speed under the bar in later rounds.

Eleven Minutes of back and forth and no where to hide. Be methodical in your set management of toes to bar early. If you’ve ever encountered this ladder scheme you’ll know that these sets get big and quick. Going unbroken is not necessary on the deadlift either. Quick breaks to drop total time under tension will be recommended.

A. 12 Minute EMOM:
Minutes 0-3: 3 Push Press
Minutes 4-7: 2 Push Jerk
Minutes 8-11: 1 Split Jerk

B. 11 Minute AMRAP:
Deadlifts 185/125
Toes to Bar

Competitive CrossFit:
For Time:
10 Down to 1:
Strict Pull Ups
Bench Press 155/105


Saturday 8/24/19

This Saturday we see a little bit of everything. Each teammate will have his or her opportunities to shine, but some of us may have to do a little work to get there. Keep in mind, even though this is three separate pieces, they run consecutive, so we need to be realistic with our pacing out of the gate. Aside from that, get sweaty, lift BIG and have a great weekend warrior workout.

A. On a Running Clock in Teams of Two:
Partner “Cindy”

Establish a 5RM Front Squat From the Floor

2 Rounds:
50 Cal Row
50 Slam Balls 20/15

Nutrition Bite:
The best way to increase amounts of EPA and DHA (Omega 3's) is through your diet. Foods high in omega-3s include fish & shellfish, various nuts and seeds (like chia seeds and walnuts), and grass-fed beef.


Sunday 8/25/19

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.


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