
Monday 8/12/19

Oh boy, now the squats are getting real. Another small bump in our squat percentage will require us to really focus in from this week forward. Stay confident and take things one squat at a time.

Today we see a longer gritty workout. Run at a pace that allows you to come in the door and get right to work on the barbell. The bar should be heavy but you should aim to hang on for all ten reps. Stay smooth and steady through the pistols and use the first half of the run to shake out the legs.

A. 12 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 3 Front Squats
Minute 2: 6 Back Squats
Minute 3: Rest
*Use 74% of FS 1RM for all lifts

B. 17 Minute AMRAP:
400m Run
10 S2OH 155/105
30 Alt Pistols

Competitive CrossFit:
5 Rounds:
750m Row @ Increasing efforts
*Rest 2:00 between sets

Nutrition Bite:
Why is magnesium deficiency so common? A few factors are at play: soil depletion that lowers the amount of magnesium present in crops; digestive disorders that lead to malabsorption of magnesium and other minerals in the gut; high rates of prescription medication and antibiotic use that damages the digestive tract to the point that magnesium cannot be absorbed and properly utilized from foods.


Tuesday 8/13/19

This week we revisit our pulling skills. Instead of a 10 minute window we have a 10 minute AMRAP. The goal is to get through an entire round and back to work on larger sets under fatigue. Depending on where we are in our fitness journey we have two options. One window we will aim to work for larger sets than in Week 2 for our Chest to Bars. In the other window we increase the difficulty of the movement and will need to be more cautious of our set management. Regardless of our path focus on quality, clean and controlled sets.

Steady pace is the key today. No one movement will crush us but the collection of work will quickly add up. We also see a not so common kettlebell movement. Maintaining quality positioning during the squat will be the key as the load isn’t very heavy but the reps will creep up. Come in with a plan and do your best to stick to that even when the going gets tough.

A. Gymnastic Skill:
10 Minute AMRAP:
Bar Muscle Ups
*200m Run between rounds


Chest to Bar Pull Ups
*200m Run between rounds

B. 3 Rounds for Time:
30 Cal Row
30 Double KB Hang Squat Clean 16/12kg
30 Push Ups


Wednesday 8/14/19

Return of the 30 Minute EMOMs… but hey, at least there is rest.

Moving with intention and virtuosity will pay off big time as fatigue starts to set in during later rounds. Focus more on how you’re moving and not how fast you’re moving. There should enough time in each minute to break up the sets if needed. A quick break here and there will likely pay off in later rounds vs. going unbroken when we shouldn’t.

A. 30 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 12 Overhead Squats 95/65
Minute 2: 8 BBJO 24/20”
Minute 3: 12 Toes to Bar
Minute 4: 50 Double Unders
Minute 5: Rest

Competitive CrossFit:
12 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 3 Push Press
Minute 2: 2 Push Jerks
Minute 3: 1 Split Jerk


Thursday 8/15/19

Accumulate 3:00 of the following…
Soft Tissue work:
LAX Ball in Scap (R)
LAX Ball in Scap (L)
LAX Ball in Piriformis (R)
LAX Ball IN Piriformis (L)

Pre- Hab:
CrossOver Symmetry
Food Prep for Friday through Sunday

Olympic Weightlifting:
A. Push Jerk:

5 Sets:
3 Push Jerks w/3s Pause in Dip

B. Three Position Clean:
*Start moderate & increase across all sets

C. Barbell Front Rack Step Up:
5 Sets:
12 Reps - Alternating Legs
*Each set tough

A. 3-5 Rounds for Quality:

100FT Dumbbell Death March
100FT Duck Walk
10/Arm 1/2 Kneeling Single Arm Arnold Press

Nutrition Bite:
Ingestion of sufficient dietary protein stimulates muscle protein synthesis, improves recovery, can increase lean body mass when combined with resistance training, and helps grow our strength.


Friday 8/16/19

This week we attack a snatch complex for a whirl. Focus on positioning in the bottom and staying strong overhead as shoulder fatigue could become an issue in later rounds. In theory, if we can get it overhead we should be able to squat it right…..right. Remember smooth is the key for the overhead squat, your legs can handle it but it’s all about staying in a good position throughout.

Bobby hates order and organization so we came up with a bit of a hectic workout for him. Since we will be adding our own plates we will have some “forced rest” periods. That being said, look to push the pace right out of the gate as this is intended to be a sprint. The rep count is pretty low all things considered so get after it today!

A. Interval:
Every 90s for 10 Rounds:
1 Snatch + 1 OHS
*Increase load each Round

B. For Time:
”C’mon Bobby”

15 Thrusters 115/85
15 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Thrusters 135/95
10 Bar Facing Burpees
5 Thrusters 155/105
5 Bar Facing Burpees

Competitive CrossFit:
4 Rounds:
20 Cal Air Bike
Max Set sHSPU
*Rest 2:00


Saturday 8/17/19

Steady pace and small sets will pay off as we enter the last round. Teams may split the work as they see fit.

Get sweaty, get a little fitter and have some fun.

A. 3 Rounds for Time in Teams of Two:
50 Box Jump Overs 24/20”
40 Pull Ups
30 Clean and Jerks 135/95

Nutrition Bite:
The best way to increase amounts of EPA and DHA (Omega 3's) is through your diet. Foods high in omega-3s include fish & shellfish, various nuts and seeds (like chia seeds and walnuts), and grass-fed beef.


Sunday 8/18/19

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.


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