
Monday 7/29/19

We up the percentages just a small bit for todays squats. Keep the bar moving quick. Focus on staying under control, breathing and exploding out of the hole.

Today’s piece is all about pacing. Push the tempo too much in anyone particular spot and you’ll likely be staring at the bar for too long between reps. Choose a pace that allows you to approach the barbell in attack mode. Quick singles is likely the way to go for the cleans.

A. 12 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 3 Front Squats
Minute 2: 6 Back Squats
Minute 3: Rest
*Use 68% of FS 1RM for all lifts

B. 13 Minute AMRAP:
21/18 Cal Row
50 Double Unders
5 Squat Clean 185/125

Competitive CrossFit:
5 Rounds @ Steady Pace:
3 Minute Run
1 Minute Walk

Nutrition Bite:
Water is critical for your overall health. The body is 60% water, and our blood is made up of 90% water. Water is needed to lubricate our joints, deliver oxygen to the body, have good kidney function, keep our skin healthy, cushions the brain & spinal cord, regulates body temperature and blood pressure, and aids in digestion. It also helps us exercise more efficiently and can aid in weight loss.


Tuesday 7/30/19

Just like last week we aim to work on efficient movement during the gymnastic skill vs bulldozing through ugly reps and finishing within the window. Don’t be afraid to scale all or some of this to achieve virtuosity.

Today’s chipper has a nice blend of grunt work and skill work. Don’t come out of the gates too hot. Find a pace early that you feel you could hold for the entire 14 minutes and if there’s more in the tank then crank it up late.

A. Gymnastic Skill:
For Quality in a 10 Minute Window:
Hand Stand Push Ups
*100m Run between each round

B. 14 Minute AMRAP:
50 Wall Balls 20/14
40 American Kettlebell Swings 32/24
30 TTB
20 BBJO 24/20”
10 BMU


Wednesday 7/31/19

Our efficiency and capacity will be put to the test today. No one minute should be devastating but if you do not focus on moving with intention things will get interesting. The barbell load is intended to be moderate, you should be able to hang onto the bar for all 12 reps. However, that does not necessarily mean it’s the best strategy for every minute.

Find your grit, and enjoy the process.

A. 30 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 12 Hang Power Cleans 115/85
Minute 2: 12 Lateral Bar Over Burpees
Minute 3: 12 S2OH 115/85
Minute 4: 12/9 Cal Air Bike
Minute 5: 12 Deadlift 115/85

Competitive CrossFit:
3 Rounds Each for Time:
20 Cal Air Bike
20 Push Ups
*Rest 2:00


Thursday 8/1/19

Accumulate 3:00 of the following…
Pigeon (R)
Pigeon (L)
Half Split (R)
Half Split (L)
Standing Forward Fold

Pre- Hab:
CrossOver Symmetry
Food Prep for Friday through Sunday

Olympic Weightlifting:
A. Push Press:

3-3-3-3-3 @32X2

B1. Clean Lift Off + Clean Pull + Hang Clean:
5 Sets:
*Increase each set - Moderate loading

B2. Seated Box Jump:
5 Sets:
3 Reps - As tall as possible

A. 3-5 Rounds for Quality:

200FT Single Arm Suitcase Walk
15 Calorie Ski
200FT Single Arm Suitcase Walk
15 GHD Sit Ups


Friday 8/2/19

Similar to last week’s Clean and Jerk we aim to build across all 10 sets and finish with a technically sound but tough single. Use the first few rounds to build confidence and keep the bar moving fast.

With only one Dumbbell to manage today, some strategy will come into play as we move deeper into the workout. Hanging onto the dumbbell between Lunges and Thrusters will cut out a lot of lost time but don’t get caught pushing too hard early as the legs will start to feel the burn quickly.

A. Power Snatch:
10 Minute EMOM:
1 Power Snatch

B. 5 Rounds for Time:
100FT Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge 50/35
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters 50/35
200m Run

Competitive CrossFit:
12 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 3-5 Ring Muscle Up
Minute 2: 3-5 Overhead Squats 185/125


Saturday 8/3/19

Some adaptation will need to made quickly in order for you to be successful in this workout. The Slam Ball will likely feel awkward at most times but being able to “figure it out” is a skill we all need as humans. Have some fun and rely on the power of the team to get you through this grunt work style piece today.

A. 3 Rounds For Time in Teams of Two:
Slam Ball Run
60 Slam Balls
60 Slam Ball Wall Balls
60 Slam Ball Sit Ups
30/20 Cal Air Bike

Nutrition Bite:
Each macronutrient has a different calorie/energy value. Protein, carbohydrate, and fat are the big three macronutrients, and they each have a caloric energy value. The calorie content of your protein and carbohydrate is four calories per gram. The caloric value of one gram of fat is nine calories.


Sunday 8/4/19

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.


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