
Monday 7/22/19

This week we start moderate with our squat percentages. Each week we will make a small increase, with the goal of becoming more confident at higher percentages week to week. Focus on quality of movement rather than grinding through reps, if we need to back our percentage down thats fine. It’s better to start in the appropriate spot now rather than have to re adjust mid cycle.

Todays piece is a test of shoulder endurance. We start with a large chunk of Double Unders and if these aren’t managed appropriately we will be in trouble. Aim to hang on to the dumbbell for large sets and move smoothly through the Box Jump Overs. Save a little for the second round, those who pace this from the start will be rewarded.

A. 12 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 3 Front Squats
Minute 2: 6 Back Squats
Minute 3: Rest
*Use 65% of FS 1RM for all lifts

B. 2 Rounds for Time:
150 Double Unders
50 Alt Dumbbell Snatch 50/35
25 BBJO 24/20”

Competitive CrossFit:
3 Rounds:
2 Minute Air Bike @ 70%
2 Minute Air Bike @ 80%
1 Minute Air Bike @ 90%
*Rest 3:00 Between Rounds

Nutrition Bite:
Studies show that individuals with higher fiber intake have lower body weight and less weight gain over time. This is due to fiber’s ability to decrease appetite, and therefore food intake, and to increase satiety, aka fullness after meals. Additionally, fiber slows the absorption of glucose into the body, which prevents blood sugar spikes, which can cause you to crash and burn shortly after a big meal.


Tuesday 7/23/19

Quality movement is the name of the game. If we do not complete all the reps during todays gymnastic piece that is ok. Move at your pace and work in a rep range that allows you to be consistent.

30 Minutes of Rowing, what more could you ask for? Those of you who have been dialing in your row form over the last few months will have your time to shine today. To keep the power output high you will likely need to make a good amount of transitions. Lean into the grind, stay efficient and rally behind your teammate.

A. Gymnastic Skill:
For Quality in a 10 Minute Window:
Chest to Bar Pull Up
*150m Row @ Easy Pace between each set

B. 30 Minute AMRAP in Teams of Two:
Max Meters C2 Row


Wednesday 7/24/19

Moving forward we will have a longer, grind type interval each week. This week’s is intended to be hit hard each round, knowing that pace will drop off. Don’t game the first few rounds in hopes to finish strong. Rather use the rest period to recover as best you can and give each round everything you’ve got.

A. Interval:
Four Rounds Each for Time:
30/20 Cal Air Bike
25 Dumbbell Box Step Over 50/35 to 24/20”
20 GHD Sit Ups
*Rest 2:30 Between Rounds

Competitive CrossFit:
Every other minute for 6 Sets:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch
*Start around 60% and increase as you see fit


Thursday 7/25/19

Accumulate 3:00 of the following…
Seated Straddle (Center)
Seated Straddle (R)
Seated Straddle (L)
Couch Stretch (R)
Couch Stretch (L)

Pre- Hab:
CrossOver Symmetry
Food Prep for Friday through Sunday

Olympic Weightlifting:
A. Push Press:

5-5-5-5-5 w/8s Hold overhead on final rep of each set

B1. Clean Grip DL w/ Pause @ Knee + Clean Pull:
5 Sets:
*Heavy - increase each set

B2. Box Jump:
5 Sets:
5 Reps - As tall as possible

A. 3-5 Rounds for Quality:

8-10 1/2 Kneeling Single Arm Dumbbell Press
45-60s Side Plank (R)
40 Russian Twists
45-60s Side Plank (L)


Friday 7/26/19

Barbell efficiency will be the key as this EMOM is intended to end heavy. Start at a moderate load for the first few sets and focus on the quick transition from catching the clean and moving right into the jerk.

Slow and steady wins this race. Pick a pace you know you can hold, move with purpose and efficiency. Breaking up the HSPU will be a great idea for most, hitting the wall there will be detrimental to our outcome.

A. Power Clean and Jerk:
10 Minute EMOM:
1 Power Clean and Push Jerk

B. 6 Rounds for Time:
4 Deadlifts 275/185
16 Air Squats
*Rx+ 315/205 and Strict HSPU

Competitive CrossFit:
12 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 6-8 Strict TTB
Minute 2: 50s Ski Cal @ Moderate Effort


Saturday 7/27/19


Hit each round hard knowing you get a full round of recovery. Aim to keep transitions consistent and move with intention from one movement to the next. If you have to take breaks challenge yourself to keep them consistent and as short as possible. Think 3-5 breathes then back on the bar.

A. 8 Rounds for Time in Teams of Two:
200m Run
15 Thrusters 115/85
15 Pull Ups

*Partners alternate complete rounds.

Nutrition Bite:
Did you know that Vitamin D is both a hormone and a micronutrient?! Most known for it’s role in preserving and promoting bone health, it also helps keep your respiratory system healthy, enhances your mental and emotional well-being, and keeps your immune system functioning at peak efficiency. Sunlight is our best way to grab some vitamin d, but you can also include foods such a salmon, tuna, mushrooms, and egg yolks!


Sunday 7/28/19

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.


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