Deload / Bring A Friend Week!
Monday 1/13/24
Happy Monday, Feast Fam!
Reminder: this week is Deload & Bring A Friend Week! Next week we will dive into our Open Prep cycle— Stay tuned for more details!
Today, we’ve got light to moderate Tempo Front Squats to build strength and comfort in solid positions. After that, we’ll hit some Echo Bike Intervals for a leg and conditioning burner. Push the pace, but choose a gear that’s sustainable across all 10 sets. Focus on consistency—don’t burn out too early!
A. Front Squat -
Every 2:30 x 5 Sets:
- Front Squat x 5 Reps @32X1 @ 50-55%
B. ‘Day 1’ -
10 Sets Of…
30 Sec on, 60 Sec Off:
- Echo Bike
*Score is total calories
Tuesday 1/14/24
Today kicks off with an EMOM focused on upper body strength, stability, and control, targeting the back, biceps, and shoulders. This EMOM will help prime us for ‘PIC’, a fun 2-minute-on, 1-minute-off workout. Aim to push hard during the two minutes, focusing on quick transitions and unbroken reps since the rep scheme is low. Use the minute of rest to recover and reset for the next round!
A. EMOM 12 -
Minute 1 - 6/Side Single Arm DB Row
Minute 2 - 10 Barbell Bicep Curls
Minute 3 - 30-45 Second HS Hold
B. ‘PIC’ -
5 Sets Of...
- 25 Double Unders
- 8 Alternating DB Hang Clean + Jerks
- 6 Push-Ups
*Rest 1 Minute
*Pick Up Where You Left Off
Wednesday 1/15/25
We’ve got a lot of work/rest training this week! Yesterday's shorter intervals should’ve allowed you to push harder throughout. Today, our intervals are longer and include a mix of modalities, so we’ll need to be a bit more conservative with our pacing. This type of training helps us build better pacing skills, increase capacity, and get more comfortable pushing through discomfort in workouts. The goal today is to find a pace for each exercise that lets you transition smoothly into the next while maintaining intensity across all 4 sets.
A. ‘Homeskillet’ -
4 Sets Of:
- 500m Row
- 20 DB Box Step-Ups 50/35# 20"
- 15 Wallballs 20/14#
- 10 TTB
* Rest 2 Minutes
Thursday 1/16/25
A. Power Clean Complex -
Every 90 Seconds x 3 Sets:
- 2 High Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean
Every 90 Seconds x 3 Sets:
- 2 Hang Power Clean + 1 Low Hang Power Clean
Every 90 Seconds x 3 Sets:
- 2 Low Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean
* start light and build to something moderate over the 9 sets
B. Clean Deadlift -
3x3 @ 100%
C. Cool Down -
3 Sets of:
- Alternating Seated DB Shoulder Press x 16 Reps
- Sled Push x 100'
- Weighted Plank x 30-45 Seconds
Today, we’re working on pulling Power Cleans from different positions— the goal is to refine our timing and technique. Aim to move intentionally and stay focused on form throughout. Clean Deadlifts are programmed to build our pulling strength from the ground— don’t rush the pull off the floor. Instead, focus on keeping a neutral back, upright chest, and strong leg drive through the floor.
Friday 1/17/25
A. ‘Ride or Die’ -
For Time With A Partner...
- 75/60 Calorie Echo Bike
- 100 Bodyweight Walking Lunges
- 65/50 Calorie Echo Bike
- 80 American KBS 53/35#
- 50/40 Calorie Echo Bike
- 60 Pull-Ups
- 40/30 Calorie Echo Bike
- 40 Box Jumps 24/20"
- 30/20 Calorie Echo Bike
- 20 Wall Walks
*35 Minute Cap
We have a long partner chipper today—start slow and aim to stay steady on the bike throughout. Feel free to sub in a different machine if you prefer! Work to keep moving and split reps evenly with your partner, breaking each movement into manageable chunks. Pacing is key—don’t go all-out in the first round to avoid hitting a wall mid-workout. Before starting, chat with your partner and go into this with a game plan on how to split things up!
Saturday 1/18/25
‘Buddy ol’ pal’ -
5 Sets For Max Reps With A Partner..
3 Minutes On, 2 Minutes Off:
Set 1 - Max Push Press 135/95#
Set 2 - Max Hang Power Clean 135/95#
Set 3 - Max Push Jerk 155/105#
Set 4 - Max Hang Squat Clean 155/105#
Set 5 - Max Clean & Jerk 185/125#
This week’s Power Snatch Complex focuses on building the lift from the ground up. The Snatch Lift-Off strengthens the first pull, while the Hang Power Snatch emphasizes explosive hip extension and speed. Start light to refine technique before building weight. We’ll finish with a cooldown to reinforce foundational strength.
A. Power Snatch Complex -
Every 2 Minutes x 8 Sets:
- 1 Snatch Lift Off + 1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch
*Build As You See Fit
B. Barbell Split Squat-
4 Sets Of:
- Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat x 6-8 Reps / Side *Rest as needed throughout
C. Cool Down -
3 Sets Of:
- Snatch Grip Bent Over Row x 8-10 Reps @11X1
- Tall Box Jumps x 5 Reps
- Sorenson Hold x 30 Seconds
Sunday 1/19/25
Rest Day. Get out and try something new!