Monday 12/16/24

Happy Monday!

Today, we're pulling from the ground. Across 6 sets of snatches, we will build up to moderate to heavy weights. The goal is to boost confidence with weights closer to your max.

Afterward, we’ll focus on accessory work designed to enhance stabilization and unilateral strength, explosive power, and rotational mobility—everything that supports better control, balance, and power in the snatch!

A. Snatch -
Every 2 Minutes x 6 Sets:
- Snatch x 1.1
Sets 1-2 - 60-65%
Sets 3-4 - 70-75%
Sets 5-6 - 80-85%

B. ‘Anti-Hero’ -
3-4 Sets For Quality:
- Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat x 6 Reps / Side
- Box Jumps x 5 Reps (for height)
- Half Kneeling Rotational Medball Throw x 6 Reps / Side

Tuesday 12/17/24

A. 4 Sets -
- Band Lat Pulldown x 8-10 Reps
- Single Arm DB Row x 6-8 Reps / Side
- Hanging L-Sit x 20 Seconds

B. ‘Please Please Please’ -
5 RFT:
- 3 BMU
- 12 TTB
- 15 Ab Mat Sit-Ups

Today’s workout focuses on building upper body pulling strength and core endurance, specifically targeting Bar Muscle-Ups (BMUs). Through accessory movements like Band Lat Pulldowns, Single Arm DB Rows, and Hanging L-Sits, we’ll strengthen the lats and core to improve stability and efficiency in BMU transitions. The metcon, 'Please Please Please,' challenges your pulling strength and body control with BMUs, Toes-to-Bar (TTB), and Ab Mat Sit-Ups. This workout will test your gymnastics capacity.

Wednesday 12/18/24

Today's workout focuses on building strength and endurance for both lifting and pressing movements. We start with Clean Deadlifts to strengthen the posterior chain, which supports explosive lifts like cleans. Strict Handstand Push-Ups (SHSPU) target upper body pressing strength, shoulder stability, and endurance. In the AMRAP "Green Light" pace early by setting a steady, sustainable effort from the start. Focus on prioritizing solid movement throughout to conserve energy!

A. Clean Deadlifts + SHSPU -
6 Sets Of:
- 3 Clean Deadlifts @ 90-95%
- 3-5 SHSPU * Rest as needed

B. ‘Green Light’ -
- 30/24 Calories Machine of Choice
- 20 American KBS 53/35#
- 20 Single Arm KB S2OH

Thursday 12/19/24

A. Front Squat -
Set 1
- Max Reps @ 70 %
*Rest 2 Minutes

Set 2
- Max Reps @ 75%
*Rest 2 Minutes

Set 3
- Max Reps @ 80%

B. Barbell Hip Thrust -
3x15 Reps @ 65-70% Of 1RM Front Squat
*Rest As Needed

C. Accessories -
3 Sets Of:
- Barbell Cossack Squat x 10 Alternating
- Dual KB Front Rack Marches x 45-60 Seconds
- Weighted Side Plank x 30 Seconds / Side

Today's workout focuses on improving strength and endurance with a focus on form. We start with Front Squats at 70%, 75%, and 80% to test max reps while maintaining proper form—quality over quantity. If your form starts to break down, rack the bar and take a break. Barbell Hip Thrusts strengthen the glutes and hamstrings, supporting better lifts. The accessory movements, including Barbell Cossack Squats, Dual KB Front Rack Marches, and Weighted Side Planks, target mobility, core stability, and posture for improved Olympic lifting performance.

Friday 12/20/24

A. Bench Press -
In 12-15 Minutes... -
Build to a Heavy 3 Bench Press

B. ‘Open 12.1’ -
- Burpees To 6" Target

Today's workout is designed to build strength and endurance, starting with a Bench Press session. You’ll have 12-15 minutes to gradually build to a heavy 3-rep max, focusing on controlled progress and avoiding big jumps. Afterward, we’ll hit the AMRAP “Open 12.1,” which consists of burpees to a 6” target. The goal is to pace yourself steadily throughout the 7 minutes, prioritizing smooth, efficient movement over speed. Keep good form: chest and thighs must touch the ground, and hands must touch the bar at the top of each burpee. This is a mental test—stay strong and keep moving even when it gets tough.

Saturday 12/21/24


‘The Goonies’ -
With A Partner..

For Time:
2,000m Row
5 Rounds of:
- 20 Pull-Ups
- 20 Hang Cleans 95/65#
5 Rounds of:
- 100 Double Unders
- 20 Hang Power Snatches 95/65#


Today, we’re working on heavy Split Jerk doubles, focusing on an explosive jump and strong catch to develop power. After that, we’ll tackle an 8-minute EMOM to build core and leg strength with front rack step-ups and forearm planks. We’ll finish with accessories that target leg drive and shoulder control, using DB push presses to work pressing strength and single-leg RDLs for unilateral hinge strength and mobility.

A. Split Jerk -
Every 2-2:30 x 6 Sets:
- Split Jerk x 2
Set 1-2 - 75%
Set 3-4 - 80%
Set 5-6 - 85%

B. EMOM 8 -
Minute 1 - 10 Front Rack Barbell Step Up 20"
Minute 2 - 45 Seconds Forearm Plank

C. Accessories -
3 Sets Of:
- Dual DB Push Press x 10-12 Reps
- DB Single Leg RDL x 6-8 Reps / Side

Sunday 12/22/24


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
