Monday 11/18/24

B. ‘Isabel’ -
For Time:
- 30 Snatches 135/95#

A. Overhead Squat -
Every 2:30 x 5 Sets:
- 6 Reps
*Build As You See Fit

Week two of Overhead Squats—aim to go slightly heavier than last week across your 5 sets. This movement builds the confidence and stability needed for the Snatch, making it a foundational skill. We’ll focus on Overhead Squats for one more week before transitioning to Snatches as our Monday strength piece.

‘Isabel’ is a classic CrossFit benchmark WOD. Choose a moderate weight you can move quickly and smoothly. New to this WOD? Stick with singles or break it into sets like 8-7-6-5-4. Feeling confident with snatches at 135/95#? Go for big sets and test your ability!

Tuesday 11/19/24

Today, we’re focusing on pressing power with the Floor Press, a movement that builds lockout strength and shoulder stability—key for improving CrossFit staples like handstand push-ups, dips, and thrusters.

In Part B, we’ll tackle an EMOM with 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off of three gymnastics movements. This structure provides an opportunity to practice and accumulate quality reps of Double-Unders, Push-Ups, and Toes-to-Bar. The built-in rest helps maintain solid technique across all five sets.

A. Floor Press -
In 15 Minutes..
- Build To A 5RM Floor Press
*After Each set perform 2-4 Strict C2B

B. ‘Bears’
EMOM 15:
30 Seconds On, 30 Seconds Off
Minute 1 - Double Unders
Minute 2 - Push-Ups
Minute 3 - TTB

Wednesday 11/20/24

This workout is all about threshold pacing, where the goal is to push hard without slowing down—think 80-85% of your max effort. Scale calories to ensure each interval can be completed in 2 minutes or less, allowing for consistent finish times across all sets. Lean on the pacing skills we’ve developed this year, focus on controlled intensity with steady breathing and rhythm. This isn’t an all-out sprint; it’s about staying strong and sustainable throughout.

A. 'Blackhawks’ -
Every 4 Minutes x 10 Sets:
1 - 40/30 Calorie Row
2 - 30/24 Calorie Echo Bike

Thursday 11/21/24

A. Front Squat -
Every 3 Minutes x 4 Sets:
- 5 Reps @ 70%

B. Clean Complex -
Every 90 Seconds x 5 Sets:
- 2 Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean @ 65%

C. Accessories -
3 Sets Of:
- Dual DB Bulgarian Split Squat @31X1 x 6 Reps / Side
- Weighted Plank x 30-45 Seconds

This week, for Front Squats, we’re using the same load as last week but adding two more reps per set and a longer rest period. The extra rest will help maintain focus, form, and power output.

The clean complex changes slightly: the power cleans focus on height and power, while the squat clean helps practice getting under the bar.

We’ll finish with split squats for single-leg strength and mobility, followed by weighted planks to strengthen the midline.

Friday 11/22/24

A. Strict Gymnastics -
EMOM 12:
Minute 1 - 8-10 SHSPU
Minute 2 - 6-8 Feet Elevated Ring Row @21X1 Minute 3 - 30 Second Hollow Hold

B. ‘Bulls’ -
Kettlebell 'DT'

5 RFT:
- 12 Dual KB Deadlifts 53/35#
- 9 Dual KB Hang Power Cleans
- 6 Dual KB S2OH

This cycle, we’re concentrating on building upper body strength for HSPU and BMU, incorporating both strict and gymnastics movements.

‘Bulls’ will be a grippy challenge! Grip strength plays a crucial role in cycling barbells as well as in our gymnastics movements. For Kettlebell ‘DT,’ break up the sets into short, quick rests to maintain consistent movement. Kettlebells require more stabilization than a barbell, so you’ll likely feel your core working hard today!

Saturday 11/23/2


‘Sky’ -
12 RFT:
Partners Alternate Complete Rounds...
- 3 Wall Walks
- 5 Front Squats 185/125#
- 7 Box Jump Overs 24/20"
- 12/9 Calories Echo Bike


C. Split Jerk -
Every 2:00 x 4 Sets:
- 2 Reps @ 75%

D. Accessories -
3 Sets Of:
- Barbell Front Rack Step Up x 12 Reps @ 20"
- Broad Jump x 6 Reps
- Side Plank x 30-45 Seconds / Side

A. Jerk Dip -
—4 Reps @ 55%

B. Jerk Complex -
Every 90 Seconds x 4 Sets:
- 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk @ 6—65%

This session mirrors last week’s, with increased loading across all movements. This week’s complex pairs the push jerk with the split jerk to refine technique, enhance power transfer, and boost coordination, stability, and confidence in both movements. Front rack step-ups and side planks target midline and single-leg strength, while broad jumps focus on developing explosiveness.

Sunday 10/24/24


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
