Prowess Week 1

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We’re extremely happy with what we saw in STALWART. Yeah, there were many, many PRs, and more weight on the bar is awesome. But even more exciting to us were the improvements in technique, intention, and grit, both under the heavy barbells and in the Maximum Aerobic Power (MAP) WODs. So even if the barbell didn’t move the way you wanted it to at the end of the cycle, be confident that you absolutely improved your foundation of strength. Some days the lift is there, and some days it isn’t... but technique improvements will consistently show up, and transfer across all our movements.

Having built strength, we’re going to go even deeper on technique in this cycle, “PROWESS". We’ll be developing skill and expertise in Olympic lifting. Plan on interval lifting on Mondays, and fatigued, heavy lifts on Fridays. “Weakness Wednesdays” will be focused on both “Work Capacity” and “Gymnastic Capacity,” whichever you choose to attack first should be your focus throughout “PROWESS”. In addition we look to increase positional strength with supporting mobility work. Time to confront your weaknesses... and slay them.

- Head Coach Tony B.

Monday 2/10/20

A. 12 Minute EMOM:
1 Low Hang Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch

B. 4 Rounds for Time:
12 Power Snatch 75/55
10 Overhead Squats
8 Bar Over Burpees

Rx+: 95/65

Competitive CrossFit:
A1. Conventional Deadlift:
*Rest 60s
A2. Dumbbell Bench Press:
Rest 2:00 between super sets

Week one of PROWESS brings us the first glimpse at what’s to come. Expect Mondays to be technique focused lifting sessions. We will see a good amount of positional work while staying on a clock to work into fatigue. The goal of these days is crisp, clean reps. We should be working well under our 1RM for all 12 sets.

Can you hang onto the bar? With the barbell being on the lighter side, we will be tempted to go big from the start. Beware, because 8 burpees isn’t a lot of time to recover from all of those barbell reps under tension. You’ll want to focus on breathing and sound mechanics with the barbell, even though the load is relatively light. For you fire-breathers, come out swinging and lets see how fast you can go!

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Tuesday 2/11/20

A1. Strict Press:
*Rest 60s

A2. Pendlay Row:
*Rest 2:00 between super sets

B. 12 Minute AMRAP:
50 Slam Balls 20/15
40 American KB Swings 24/16kg
30 Goblet Reverse Lunges
20 Alternating Pistols

*Rx+: Weighted Pistols 24/16kg

Push + Pull. That will be our theme for Tuesdays moving forward. As our focus is more on Olympic Lifting this cycle, we will use Tuesdays to maintain and build a strong base. Expect a more traditional strength training protocol here, and get ready to move some weight!

12 Minutes isn’t a lot of time. The plan is to put large sets together on each movement leading into the pistols, which for most of us that will be the slight speed bump. However, the goal is to get well into the second or even third round, so be sure to pick an aggressive pace and try to hang in there.

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Wednesday 2/12/20

A. Gymnastic Capacity:
Every 2 Minutes for 9 Total Rounds:

3 Rounds:
Max Set Pull Ups

3 Rounds:
Max Set Push Ups

3 Rounds:
Max Set V Ups

Round 1: Ring Muscle Up
Round 2: kHSPU
Round 3: Toes to Bar

B. Work Capacity:
700m Row @ Goal Pace
1000m Row @ Recovery Pace
300m Sprint

Competitive CrossFit:
Overhead Squat:

*Start at 60% and build as you see fit

Based on last week’s tests you should have an idea of what to focus on for “Weakness Wednesdays” moving forward. The plan is to attack your weakness first. Using the other option, as more of a skill focused piece. Give 100% effort to your weakness, increase your prowess.

In addition to our weakness work we will see focused mobility each week. Each week will have a different target area, and your coach will lead you through 10-15 minutes of stretches and soft tissue work. Prepare to become #supple.

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Thursday 2/13/20

A. Front Squat:
*Rest as needed between sets
*Each set should be tough

B. Block Power Clean:
5 Sets:
*Rest 10-15s between reps
*Set the blocks so the bar is just above the knee.

C. Structural:
200FT Cross Walk
8/Arm KB or DB Sotts Press
200FT Farmer Walk
45-60s Wall Sit 24/16

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Friday 2/14/20

A. Interval:
Every 90s for 10 Sets:
30 Double-Unders
1 Squat Clean Thruster
*Start the bar around 45-50% of your Clean 1RM and build across each set ending with a tough Squat Clean Thruster for the day.

B. Core Finisher:
3 Rounds:
10 Alternating Single Leg V Ups
30s Hollow Hold
10 Alternating Single Leg V Ups
*Rest 60s between rounds

Competitive CrossFit:
5 Rounds:

3 Minute AMRAP:
3 Sand Bag Cleans 150/100
200FT Sand Bag Bear Hug Walk
Max Cal Ski
*Rest 1:00 Between Rounds

During Prowess, Fridays will also be Olympic Weightlifting focused. However, we’re going to have to do a little work to get there. Each week we will encounter a different style buy in and even some different formats for our interval. This week we will focus on clean technique prior to our interval to instill the quick elbows and good rack position that are a must for the Squat Clean Thruster.

Have some fun with it, and remember 90s is longer than you think. Take your time before you get onto the barbell.

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Saturday 2/15/20

Do you even pull bro?

A. 3 Rounds for Time in Teams of Three:
1500m Row
50 TTB
50 Deadlifts 155/105
50 Pull Ups
50 Hang Power Cleans

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Sunday 2/16/20

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.


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