Valorous Week 9

Monday 5/31/21

A. Back Squat:
Every 3:00 for 5 Sets:
5 Back Squats @80% of 1RM


Every 3:00 for 5 Sets:
5 Back Squats @60-70% of 1RM

B. 2 Rounds For Time:
100FT Double KB Front Rack Walking Lunge 24/16kg
18 American Kettlebell Swings
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20


3 Rounds:
3 Minute Bike
2 Minute Row
1 Minute Foam Roll on Major Body Part

Extra Credit - MURPH Recovery:
30 Minute Air Bike @85%

As we move into today’s session our work will largely be dictated by how we feel following Murph and Memorial day weekend. If we got after it, attacked Murph with intensity and maybe had too much fun afterwards—that’s great! We have a recovery option for you. The recovery road is a 5x5 at a light percentage with the goal of aiding recovery of the bottom half of the body. If we didn’t do Murph this weekend or are otherwise feeling fine, we have the option of continuing the squat program as prescribed. 5x5@80% is no small task, so be sure you are focused and ready to go.

We have similar options in the second piece of our workout. Either we recover and flush out the soreness or we continue the path of VALOROUS with our single leg focused conditioning. Our two rounder is meant to be attacked. The distances and loading should tease and tempt most of us to hang onto big sets on the Kettlebell work while moving smooth and steady up and over the box.

Tuesday 6/1/21

A. Power Clean and Jerk Waves:
12 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 3 Reps @ 65%
Minute 2: 2 Reps @ 70%
Minute 3: 1 Rep @ 75%+
Minute 4: Rest/Reset

B. Gymnastic Skill Development:
10 Muscle Ups or 30 Strict Pull Ups
30 Toes to Bar
60 Alt Pistols

*Move through in any fashion - the goal is SKILL not SPEED.

This week we turn our Olympic focus into wave-loads. We roll through moderate percentages with the goal of banking some technique improvements. The loading should not be heavy, but it’s a load that will still require us to be focused on our technique. Focus on moving with haste through the clean and finishing with strong and confident jerk. As we near the end of the cycle these light percentages should be feeling really crisp and snappy. #ayemayne

The goal of our gymnastic session is to build skill and volume within the more demanding movements of CrossFit. Today is a great opportunity to slow down, work on skills and drills, and get some quality Coaching on one of those “unicorn” movements. Expect your Coaches to challenge you with a modification or drill that will allow you to feel the full range while still being able to complete the reps at a steady pace. Remember our goal is to keep the intensity down as we move well and get closer to mastering these difficult movements.

Wednesday 6/2/21

A. For Time:
”CrossFit Tri”
100 Burpees
2000m Row
8000m Air Bike

Extra Credit - Competitive CrossFit:
Every 3:00 for 4 Sets:
4 Back Squats @85%
3 Rounds - 3 Minute AMRAP:
30 GHD Sit Ups
AMRAP RMU in time remaining
*Rest 3:00

Endurance WOD Wednesday:
Meet out back at Feast

Group Run:
40 Minutes

Well, we’re back at it with long, steady paced grinders! Today is a little play on a Triathlon. We know burpees aren’t quite as enjoyable as a dip in in the pool or a lake but you will certainly be sweaty so I mean I guess you could wear goggles… Either way, pacing is the name of the game. Come out at a pace that feels slow—this is all bout the long game. Transition with intention and get right to work on the next portion of today’s work. Keeping our breathing under control and staying out of panic mode is going to be crucial.

Thursday 6/3/21

Olympic Weightlifting

A. Barbell Complex:
12 Sets w/ Empty Bar:
1 Snatch Grip Deadlift
1 Snatch High Pull
1 Snatch
1 Overhead Squat
1 Snatch Balance

*Rest 60s between sets

B. Overhead Squat:
5 Sets:
3-3-3-3-3 w/3s Pause in the Hole
*All sets between 60-70%
*Rest 2:00 between sets

C. Structural:
20 Supinated Banded Pull Aparts
15 Banded Glute Bridges
10 Prone Pass Throughs
5 Plate Thoracic Squat Flow
*Move Through 3 Rounds @ Steady Pace

During Valorous we will see a lot of lighter barbell complex work as well as accessory work to aid the major lifts we see on Tuesdays during CrossFit class as well as Saturdays during Olympic Weightlifting. This cycle will provide a lot of opportunities to develop our skills with the barbell!

Gymnastics Class

A. Skill Work:

B. Gymnastic Conditioning:

As we flow into a new cycle for gymnastics, we turn our focus to Handstand Walking. Look for Coach PJ to work you through solid progressions for weeks to come.

Friday 6/4/21

A. Back Squat:
Every 3:00 for 3 Sets:
3 Back Squats @ 90% of 1RM

B. “Ellen”:
3 Rounds for Time:
20 Burpees
21 Alt Dumbbell Snatch 50/35
12 Double Dumbbell Thrusters

Extra Credit - Competitive CrossFit:
For Time:
30 Wall Balls 30/20
30 Overhead Squats 95/65
30 Thrusters 135/95

*One barbell - must change own weights

Well, we made it. Today is officially the last day of the build. Next week we de-load, then retest. Use today as a gauge for where we are and what we plan to hit next Friday. This loading should be tough, but we are confident you will hit all nine reps in today’s session. Take the knowledge you’ve gained over the last nine weeks and apply it to today and next Friday’s sessions. If you are unsure how to build from this 90% range up to 100-110%, today is a great time to talk to a Coach and gain some insight on a potential game plan for next week.

Ellen may look simple but don’t let that deceive you. The goal is to push the pace out of the gate but remain in control enough to stay unbroken on the Thrusters. We encourage you to take a risk, whats the worst that could happen?

Saturday 6/5/21

For Time in Teams of Four:
1000 Double Unders
300 Slam Balls 20/15
200 Toes to Bar
150 Box Jumps 24/20

Two teammates can work at a time during Double Unders and Toes to Bar. Only one teammate can work at a time during Box Jumps and Slam Balls. You can break this work up in any fashion. Yes we are making rules up as we go…

Chickens with their heads cut off right? I mean who really knows whats going on here? We sure hope you don’t lose count.

Sunday 6/6/21

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.


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