SLUG Week 1

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Monday 10/26/20

A. Floor Press:
Build to a 5RM in 15 Minutes

B. 15 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 12-16 Burpees to Reach
Minute 2: 30-50 Double Unders
Minute 3: 20 Ab Mat Sit Ups

Rx+: 15 GHD Sit Ups

Let’s get jacked. This cycle we will see a pressing variation every week. This week we set a benchmark with a 5RM. This number will be retested so be sure to jot this down somewhere or record it in SugarWOD. New to this movement? Have no fear, it’s a very simple yet effective approach to developing upper body strength.

Who says slugs can’t jump? Today’s EMOM is going to tax the heck out of the midline. Slugs don’t have vertebrate so those sit up and burpees should be easy… Double Unders, not so much. Use the rep ranges to keep yourself to a 40 on, 20 off work to rest ratio and aim to stay smooth and steady throughout the entire 15 minute window.

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Tuesday 10/27/20

A. Clean and Jerk:
Build to a tough single in 20 Minutes

B. “Grace”:
For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks 135/95

This cycle will also bring us some percentage based Clean and Jerk touches. Use today to find a technical max. Expect a lot of hands on coaching today, and also throughout the entire cycle. Most of us have the basics of this movement down. But it’s time to slow down, dial in and really work to fine tune the lift.

We all know this one. As Coach Tony always says… fast in the beginning, fast in the middle, fast at the end. It’s a pretty fool proof plan if you ask us.

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Wednesday 10/28/20

A.10 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 2-4 TGU
Minute 2: 20-40s Arch Hold

B. 3 Rounds for Time:
16 Single Dumbbell Thrusters 50/35
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20”
16 Alternating Dumbell Snatch
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs
24 Calorie Row

Rx+: 70/50#

Endurance Class:
For Max Reps:

Zone 1: Assault Bike
Zone 2: Suitcase Carry
Zone 3: Slam Ball or Sandbag Over the Rig/Yolk
Zone 4: 9 DL 6 HPC 3 S2OH

Round 1: 1 minute in each zone
Round 2: 2 minutes in each zone
Round 3: 3 minutes in each zone
Round 4: 4 minutes in each zone

At least once a week during SLUG we will see single dumbbell or kettlebell focused workouts. How well are we balanced from left to right? We’re about to find out. Sometimes one isn’t necessarily easier than one. Use this time to work on staying balanced throughout the movement even when our body is loaded unevenly.

Reminder: Endurance with Coach Ryan has moved inside for the winter, and has moved to 6:30PM!

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Thursday 10/29/20

A. Snatch:
5 Sets:
*Start loading around 55% and build as you see fit.

B. Back Squat:
3 Sets:
5 Reps @ 70% of 1RM
*Rest 2:00

C. Structural:
3 Rounds @ Steady Pace:
20 Barbell Romanian Deadlifts @32X2
10 Front Rack Box Step Ups 20”

During SLUG our Olympic Lifting focus will evolve from Power Snatch to Snatch and we look to maintain our leg strength as we see touches in the Back Squat week to week. We will be doing A LOT of snatch reps from various positions at light to moderate percentages. The goal is that all the power we gained in our pull from last cycle now gets transferred into the skill component of the snatch and we begin to see a beautiful combination of strength and speed.

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Friday 10/30/20

A. Sumo Deadlift:
*Rest 2:00 between sets
Each set should be heavy.

B. 9 Minute AMRAP:
Hang Power Snatch 75/55
Chest to Bar Pull Up

Fridays we end the week with a BANG! Each week we will work on the Sumo Deadlift. Take the first few weeks to continue to settle into this somewhat awkward movement. As we move forward in the cycle we will see a more focused approach, but for now, keep feeling it out.

Just hang on, this one’s going to get grippy. Hook grip during the Snatches are a MUST and breaking the chest to bars early and often is for sure the proper route. Be smart but don’t get caught taking too long of breaks.

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Saturday 10/31/20

Spooky Surprise…

Keep an eye out for hints throughout the week…


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Sunday 11/1/20

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.


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