Show Time Week 1

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Monday 3/8/21

A. 4 Rounds for Total Time:
15 Box Jump Overs 24/20
*Rest 60s
15 Unbroken Hang Power Snatch 75/55
*Rest 60s

B. Aerobic Support:
3 Rounds:
2 Minute Row
2 Minute Bike
2 Minute Box Step Ups 20”

It’s time! The Open is here, and we are all ready to get after it. The CrossFit Open was the focus during our last cycle. We set up each week in order to peak on Saturdays. Enjoy the simplicity and skill reinforcement that we will see on Mondays now. We’re guessing it will be much needed after what Dave Castro serves us for the next few weeks.

Go at a pace that feels good for you. If you are feeling fresh, get after this one, transition quick, and keep aggressive paces throughout. If you’re a little sore, take this as an easy flush and work on good technique. Believe it or not, you can use technique to really increase efficiency on the C2 Row and Assault bike, so try out the pointers you get from the coaches, and enjoy the results.

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Tuesday 3/9/21

A.30 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 8-15 Toes to Bar
Minute 2: 12-15 Wall Balls 20/14
Minute 3: 25-50FT HSW
Minute 4: 30-50 Double Unders
Minute 5: Rest

B. Mobility:
10 Minutes of coach-led mobility

During Show Time, Tuesdays will present maintenance work for common CrossFit Open Movements. With the EMOM set up we are able to practice these movements without hitting failure or becoming overly fatigued. Work with your Coach on scaling options that will push you towards a tough interval each round.

Recovery is king, so look forward to 8-10 minutes each week to either stretch, mobilize or pre-hab some of those areas that got hit from the weekend’s CrossFit Open workout.

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Wednesday 3/10/21

A. Power Clean Complex:
Every 90s for 10 Sets:
1 Power Clean
1 Hang Power Clean
1 S2OH

B. For Time:
Air Bike Calories
American Kettlebell Swings 24/16

Endurance WOD Wednesday:
Cole and the Endurance Bus
5 Rounds:
30/20 Cal Row Hard
30/20 Cal Bike Easy
—then Rest 3 minutes
5 Rounds:
30/20 Cal Bike Hard
30/20 Cal Row Easy

Time Cap: 45 minutes

Wednesday we see some strength work. Look to keep the bar a little lighter than you would normally on a building complex like this one, but take advantage of this opportunity to move some weight and have a more “regular” feeling training day. Our goal is to increase every set, so be sure to start at a load that feels like an “all day” weight.

In addition to some lifting we see a dose of intensity. We want to keep the system ready for that fight or flight response. What will you choose? No overthinking this one . . . bike hard and hang on!

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Thursday 3/11/21

Olympic Weightlifting

A. Below the Knee Power Snatch:
4 Sets:
1.1.1 - Set blocks just below the knee
*Rest 2-3 Minutes between sets

B.Overhead Squats:
Rest 2-3 Minutes between sets

During the next four weeks we will experiment with some block work. A lot of us don’t often get the opportunity to use these amazing tools. Look to build strength in specific positions of the lift. Acknowledging your weak spots will be huge for this cycle. Lean into them and look to make small intricate improvements during Show Time.

Gymnastics Class

A. Skill Work:
Ring Muscle Up

B. Gymnastic Conditioning:
12 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 12 Handstand Plate Step Ups
Minute 2: 10 GHD Sit Ups
Minute 3: 60 Speed Ropes

As we flow into a new cycle for gymnastics we turn our focus to Ring Muscle Ups. Look for Coach PJ to work you through solid progressions for weeks to come.

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Friday 3/12/21


During Show Time, Fridays will be posted on Thursday evening. We don’t want to overload too many of the same movements, so as a precaution we will hold off on today’s work until the CrossFit Open Workout is released.

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Saturday 3/13/21

CrossFit Open Workout 21.1

Bring it on Dave.

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Sunday 3/14/21

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.


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