Incredible Bulk Week 4

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Monday 7/20/20:

A. Squat Endurance:
12 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 3 Front Squats
Minute 2: 6 Back Squats
Minute 3: Rest
*Use 70% of Front Squat 1RM for both lifts.

B. 13 Minute AMRAP:
21/18 Cal Air Bike
15 Power Cleans 135/95
9 Ring Muscle Up

Another bump for the leg PUMP. This week will start to get real—70% is no longer moderate, and we will feel the reps starting to accumulate. That’s the idea, though: build the confidence in moving this barbell with purpose, even as fatigue starts to set in.

Pace, pace, pace. Come out too hot and this one will bite you quick. Staying steady through the first seven or eight minutes will be wise. As for the skills, start conservatively and be ready to chip away near the end of the thirteen minute window.


Tuesday 7/21/20:

A. Conventional Deadlift:
*Start around 70-75% and build across each set
*Rest 2-3 Minutes between sets

B. 4 Rounds for Time:
300m Run
7 Overhead Squats 135/95

Rx+ 185/125

This week we move back to the Deadlift and our goal is to increase from where we were a few weeks ago. Start with something that’s tough but that you can perform with crisp technique. From there, let’s get heavy. Aim to build across and finish with a fairly tough set of three for the day.

Quick is key, but move too quick and you might run into failed reps within the Overhead Squat. Your goal should be to run at a pace that allows you to come right in, pick up the bar and complete your seven repetitions unbroken. Stay confident and pick up the bar a few seconds before you think you should—you’re ready!


Wednesday 7/22/20

A. Interval:

In a 8 Minute Window:
1000m Row
AMRAP in Remaining Time:
Devils Press 50/35
Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbells
*Rest 3:00

In a 8 Minute Window:
750m Row
AMRAP in Remaining Time:
Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 50/35
Dumbbell Burpee
*Rest 3:00

In a 8 Minute Window:
500m Row
AMRAP in Remaining Time:
Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead 50/35
Burpees Over Erg

Eight minutes?!?! Yes . . . more opportunity to get stronger!!!! This week we see some unique dumbbell movements. Some new stuff that we know you guys will love. Keep grinding - this will be a long one. This is also the halfway point in our cycle, and that brings some good news. Next week we flip the formatting just a bit for Wednesdays. Hang in there.

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Thursday 7/23/20

A. Back Squat:
*Start loading around 65-70% of 1RM
Goal is to end heavier than last week
*Rest 2:00 between sets

B. BTN Push Press + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat:
5 Sets:
*Rest 2:00 between sets

C. 3 Rounds for Quality:
8-10 Feet Elevated Ring Row
8-10 Supine DB Pull Overs
8-10 Seated Tricep Extensions
*Move through @ steady pace

During “Incredible Bulk” we move Thursdays back to an Olympic Weightlifting focus. This will also be an opportunity for you to get a second day of squatting in. Our skill work will be predominately focused on the clean and more specifically in developing pulling strength and endurance. However, when we have a clean focused week in our Class Programming look for some snatch accessory to creep in.

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Friday 7/24/20

A. 16 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk @70%
Minute 2: Rest/Adjust Barbells
Minute 3: 1 Clean and Jerk @75%+
Minute 4: Rest/Reset Barbells

B. For Time:
75 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
*Every break perform 5 Front Squats 155/105

This week we see a mirror of our snatch work from last. We see the same intention as the goal is to get as heavy as we can while technique is still on point. If the first few rounds at 75% feel good then make slow bumps in loading to challenge your technique a little while under fatigue.

Just hang on, because if you don’t its gonna suck.


Saturday 7/25/20

25 Minute AMRAP:
10 Synchro Power Snatch 75/55
10 Synchro V Ups
75 Wall Ball 20/14

*Work together through the Snatch and V Ups and split the wall balls as you see fit.

Teamwork makes the dreamwork.


Sunday 7/26/20

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.


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