Gas Pedal Week 7
Monday 2/8/21
A. Front Squat:
Every 3:00 for 5 Sets:
3 Front Squat
*Build across as you see fit
B. For Total Time:
Power Snatch 75/55
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
*Rest 3:00
Power Snatch 135/95
Bar Muscle Up
Happy Monday!!! Looks like it’s gonna be a cold one, so grab your leg warmers and let’s get the lower half toasty with some Front Squats. The goal today is to build across each set and end with a tough set of three. Let your body determine what heavy is for you today. Aim to avoid any grindy reps and instead keep your positions precise throughout the entire session.
Come out hot and aim to hang on. The first bar is really light, so we want to do big sets of both the Snatch and Chest to Bar. Three minutes of rest is a LONG time, so be confident that you’ll head into the second set of work feeling ready to go. The second bar should be a moderate weight, and that will tempt some of us to go touch and go. But that may not be the best idea. The Bar Muscle Ups will likely be the bottleneck, so be sure we don’t blow out before we get there.
Tuesday 2/9/21
A. 3 Rounds @ Steady Pace:
8 Strict Toes to Bar
20 Cal Row/Bike/Ski
8 Dips
20 Box Step Ups 20”
30s Hollow Hold
B. Skill Finisher - Ring Technique:
10-15 Minutes of work any of the following:
Ring Muscle Up
Ring Dip
Ring Push Up
Ice Cream Makers
Toes to Ring
Skin the Cats
Steady does it . . . by now, you know the drill. Move with a purpose and flush the body out to get ready for tomorrow’s work. Scale the gymnastics work as needed to find pristine positions in each movement.
Skills to pay the bills! Let’s not rush this. Pick one or two movements you want to work on, communicate with your coach, and agree together on the progressions you’re going to work through. You have so many options today that with the right intention, you should be able to make tangible progress on one or two of them.
Wednesday 2/10/21
A. For Time:
20 Cleans 95/65
100 Double Unders
15 Cleans 135/95
100 Double Unders
10 Cleans 185/125
100 Double Unders
5 Cleans 225/155
100 Double Unders
Endurance WOD Wednesday:
The Long Way Around
5000m Row
Rest 2 Minutes
4000m Row
Rest 2 Minutes
3000m Row
Rest 2 Minutes
2000m Row
Rest 2 Minutes
1000m Row
Heavy bars under fatigue? Yes please. This workout should go faster than it looks. Find a pace on the Cleans that allows you to stay close to the bar. Anticipate that with the first few rounds moving fast, your heart rate will elevate early. That’s not a problem—just calm yourself a bit as you move into the heavier rounds. The double under volume is slightly over what we normally see, so be smart about your rep management, especially in the first two rounds.
Thursday 2/11/21
A. Clean and Jerk:
3 Singles @ 85%
3 Singles @ 85%
3 Singles @ 90%+
B. Segmented Clean Grip Deadlift:
*Build across each set - end above 100% of your Clean and Jerk 1RM.
*Rest 2-3 Minutes between sets
3 Rounds for Quality:
15 GHD Sit Ups
30 Supinated Banded Pull Aparts
45-60s Arch Hold
Heavy Day. Put the majority of your focus on the Clean and Jerk singles today, just like last week. Come in ready to crush the barbell and show it who is boss.
Use the Segmented Deadlift to work on any positional errors your Coach spotted during the heavy sessions. As we know, keeping the bar close is the name of the game for Olympic Weightlifting.
Friday 2/12/21
A. 8 Minute EMOM:
10 Push Ups
1 Thruster
*Score is max load
B. CrossFit Open Workout 16.5:
For Time:
Thrusters 95/65
Bar Facing Burpees
Use today’s short EMOM to warm up the shoulders and legs. The goal is to build in the Thruster across, but also not to have any sloppy reps. The single Thruster should feel quick and snappy.
We all know this one: CrossFit Open Workout 16.5 and 14.5. This is possibly one of the most (in)famous movement combos. Hang on, make it hurt, and really aim to fight the voice inside your head telling you to slow down. The faster you go, the faster it’s over.
Saturday 2/13/21
For Time in Teams of Two:
Buy In:
2000m Row
10 Rounds for Time:
10 American Kettlebell Swings 24/16
50 FT Walking Lunges
Alternate Complete Rounds
Buy Out:
100 Cal Air Bike
Sunday 2/14/21
Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.