Gallantry Week 9

Monday 10/11/21

A. Clean & Jerk
In a 20 min window build to a 1RM Squat Clean & Push Jerk

B. Down, Up + Over
Bar Facing Burpees
OHS 95/65

Test week! This is the week we have been training for. Approach this lift with confidence, knowing that your work in building strength and perfecting technique has set you up for success. Let’s gooooo!

Down, Up + Over is going to be a quick burn. Keep a consistent pace on those burpees and try to go unbroken on the overhead squats. Stay low to the ground and switch your lead leg each time on the burpees so you are not fatiguing one hip. This will help you stay unbroken in those overhead squats, even in the later rounds.

Tuesday 10/12/21

A. Popcorn
25 min AMRAP:
100 Double unders
80 Wallballs 20/14#
60 Alternating DB Snatches 50/35#
40 Burpees
20 Bar MU

We are bringing back this long grind from Week 1 of this cycle. Check August 17th on SugarWOD to see what you got last time and challenge yourself to get a few more reps this time. Let’s see if these longer endurance workouts helped with overall pacing as well as pushing in the last 5 minutes to get those last few reps.

Wednesday 10/13/21

A) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
Build to a heavy set of 5 on each leg

B) Chasing Jack Sparrow
3 rounds for time
400m run
15 pull-ups
500m row

Although we did not test our split squat this cycle, we have focused on building glute strength over the last 2 months. Let’s see if we can build to something challenging. Remember to keep your knee over your ankle, keep your chest tall, and maintain a rigid when the weight gets heavy.

Chasing Jack Sparrow will work on your pulling under fatigue. Let’s see if we can keep the cardio pieces at a consistent pace and keep the pull-ups in 1-2 sets. Goal is to finish under 20 minutes.

Thursday 10/14/21

Olympic Weightlifting

A. Back Squat:
Build to a heavy single

B. Power Snatch:
Build to a heavy single

C. Structural:
Spend 10 minutes with the foam roller working on your legs and back

We have been working on our squatting strength with the pauses and snatch technique. The goal is to build to something heavy that feels strong and confident. If you feel that you are losing form or are feeling shaky, stop there.

Gymnastics Class

Feast Members, please check SugarWOD for this week’s Gymnastic Programming.

Friday 10/15/21

A. Grisabel Squats
For time:
15 Squat Clean & Jerks 135/95#
15 Squat Snatches 135/95#

B. Abs
3 rounds of:
1 min max flutter kicks
1 min max v-ups
1 min max hollow hold
1 min rest

We are finishing this tough week with a mix of a classic CrossFit benchmark workout. The workout combines Grace and Isabel with squats as an added twist. The squatting will slow you down, but we have been practicing doing quick singles in the EMOMs. Give yourself a few seconds before you start the snatches to dial in that different technique. If the weight for the Snatches is too heavy compared to the Clean & jJerk, make sure to ask your coach for appropriate scaling to achieve the correct stimulus.

We will be doing some core specific strengthening to finish out the week. Remember to keep that lower back glued to the floor with these 3 movements.

Saturday 10/16/21

For time in teams of 2:

200 Box Step-ups 24/20”
150 American KB Swings 70/53#
Partner holds KB in front rack position while other partner works on step-ups
Partner does seated L Hold while other partner works on KB swings

Sunday 10/17/21

Rest Day. Get out and enjoy life!
