Gallantry Week 1
Monday 8/16/21
A. Clean and Jerk
Build to a 1RM in 20 min
B. Quick Silver
3 Rounds for time
400m run
15 Power Cleans 135/95
10 Box Jumps 24”/20”
This cycle we will be focusing on the clean and jerk. We have been building strength in the deadlift, pulling, and pushing in our last cycle which translates nicely into the dynamic and explosive clean and jerk. The cleans will be squat cleans, which will challenge us to get comfortable at the bottom of the squat. The jerks will be push jerks, which will focus us on speed in pushing ourselves under the bar to get in a locked arm position, before the feet hit the floor. We would not be surprised if we see some PR’s today!
You should be pretty warmed up for the second part of the workout. Consistency will be key in this one. These 3 explosive movements will elevate your heart rate. Push the pace on the run. This is where you are going to make up time. The cleans are a moderate load. Are you going unbroken, singles, something in between?
Tuesday 8/17/21
25 min AMRAP
100 Double unders
80 Wallballs 20/14
60 DB Snatches 50/35
40 Burpees
20 Bar MU
Tuesdays in this cycle will be long grinders. You may think you want to go for big sets on each movement, but it may be smarter to break it up early to keep your heart rate down to get into a second round. You get to choose . . . and be ready for the result!
Wednesday 8/18/21
A. Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges
Every 90s for 5 sets
12 Lunges @ moderate weight
B. Boat Shoes
Cal Row
Shoulder to Overhead @95/65
Wednesdays in this cycle we will see some glute work. Our first movement will be barbell front rack lunges. This single leg work will also target those pelvic stabilizers. Enjoy the burn!
Boat Shoes will be a sprint. The row should be quick but smooth. The shoulder to overhead should feel light, but going unbroken on the first 21 may be a mistake. Consider breaking these into 2-3 sets to prevent your shoulders from working to failure in the later rounds.
Thursday 8/19/21
Olympic Weightlifting
A. Back Squat 10 min EMOM
3 Reps @60% of 1RM
B. Power Snatch:
Every 90s for 6 sets
3 Power Snatch With a 3s pause in the catch @65% of 1RM
C. Structural:
4 rounds for quality
10 sots press light weight - use a box to help get depth
100ft Farmers Carry KB 70/53lbs
10 Dips
10 weighted GHD Hip extensions
Get ready for a lot of squatting and power snatch technique work in Oly this cycle.
Gymnastics Class
Feast Members, please check SugarWOD for this week’s Gymnastic Programming.
Friday 8/20/21
A. Clean Complex
Every 2 min for 6 sets
1 Clean Pull
1 Clean High Pull
1 Power Clean
1 Clean
build through the sets up to 65% of your 1RM
B. Washboard
For time
5 rounds of
10 AKBS 53/35
15/12 Bike Cals
Fridays we will be polishing up our cleans with extra technique work. The clean pull and high pull should help us get an idea of how to keep the bar close after we drive the bar up with our legs. Working through both the power clean and squat clean will help us lock in the turn over of the barbell at different heights.
How long will you hold on? Washboard is going to tax your grip. The bike will be the separator on this workout so find a pace you can hold on to all 5 rounds.
Saturday 8/21/21
50 Synchro Pull ups
50 Synchro Sit-ups
50 Burpees over each other in a plank hold
50 Synchro power snatches @75/55
50 Synchro HSPU