Radiance Week 9 (Test week)

Monday 7/18/22

A. Clean + Jerk
20 minutes to build to a 1 RM

B. Cobra’s Fang
Every 2 minutes for 5 sets:
- 12 Burpees
- Max Wall balls
- 30 sec rest

We have built strength and polished our Clean and Jerk technique over the last 2 months. Let’s see those PR’s!

Cobra’s Fang is a poisonous couplet! The Burpees should be done around 1 minute to give yourself 30 seconds for the Wall balls. Are you able to do 30 seconds of unbroken Wall balls each round?

Tuesday 7/19/22

A. Core Work
12 min EMOM:
Min 1: 30-45s Ring Plank Holds
Min 2: 10-15 Weighted Single-arm Side Bend/side
Min 3: 10-15 Single-leg Toe-to-Bar

B. Corpse Reviver
3 rounds for time:
- 40 Sit-ups
- 30 Goblet Squats 53/35#
- 20 Kettlebell Swings

This week we will have core work in the first part as well as during the workout. We will start with an isometric hold into an isotonic side bend before getting into our coordinated, dynamic movement. We are hitting those ab muscles from all directions!

Corpse Reviver will have you looking like a zombie revived from the dead. Move steadily through the three movements and ensure you are hitting full depth on the squats and full extension at the top of the swings.

Wednesday 7/20/22

A. Mind Eraser
30 min AMRAP:
- 50 Weighted Step-ups 50/35# 24/20”
- 400m Run
- 25 Box Jumps
- 40 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
- 50 Box Piked HSPU

We had to bring back weighted Step-ups for a workout named Mind Eraser! Keep a consistent pace to chip through each of the movements. Can you get two rounds?

Thursday 7/21/22

Olympic Weightlifting

A. Push Press
20 Minutes to build to a 3RM

B. Front Squats
20 minutes to build to a 1RM

C. Structural
4 rounds for quality:
- 50 ft Sled Belted Pull
- 30s/leg Single Leg Wall Sit
- 8-10 Banded Empty Bar Deadlift
- 50 ft Double KB Overhead Walk 53/35#

OLY test week! We will be focusing on getting strong in the dip and drive using the Push Press as our test. For our second test of this OLY cycle we have a 1 RM Front Squat. If you are planning on coming to CrossFit class Friday please stay light on the 20RM Back Squat.

Friday 7/22/22

A. Back Squat
20 minutes to find 20 Rep Max

B. Widow’s Kiss
Every 5 minutes for 3 sets:
- 20/16 Cal Echo bike
- 10 Hang snatches 95/65#
- 20 Overhead squats
- 10 Pull-ups
* Rest in remaining time

We will be finishing up the week with a 20 rep Back Squat just for fun! Does this give you flashbacks to our 10 rep cycle? Warm-up to a set of 8-12 reps before attempting your 20 rep. You should only go for 1 set. Make sure to take your time and take a breath at the top.

We are really going to tax those legs this Friday with the Echo Bike and extra Squats. Each of these movements should be done unbroken to be able to finish in the 5 minutes with time to rest. You should have at least 30 seconds of rest, so scale the weight or reps accordingly.

Saturday 7/23/22

Come cheer on those competing in the Feast Summer Showdown from 8am to 2pm!

Sunday 7/24/22

Gymnastics & Endurance Classes

Feast Members, please check SugarWOD for this week’s Gymnastic & Endurance Programming.

Rest Day. Get out and enjoy life!
