Persist Week 8

Monday 6/24/24

B. ‘Prince’ -
'Flight Simulator'
For Time:
- Unbroken Double-Unders

A. Pause Deadlift -
4 Sets:
Set 1 - 3 Reps @ 75%
Set 2 - 3 Reps @ 80%
Set 3 - 3 Reps @ 85%
Set 4 - 3 Reps @ 90%

Happy Monday, let’s JUMP into this week! This is our final week of Pause Deadlifts, and we're gearing up to retest our 3RM Deadlift next week.

Today's workout, 'Prince,' is a retest of Flight Simulator from March 19th. Stay focused and deliberate during each set of Double Unders to minimize trips. Challenge yourself to beat your previous score!

Tuesday 6/25/24

Today we have some spicy interval training. The goal of ‘Madonna’ is to push the pace each round while remaining consistent with our finish times as well and maintaining good technique. Pace and break up movements in a way that allows you to continually move without needing to take long rests throughout.

A. ‘Madonna’ -
Every 6 Minutes x 5 Sets:
- 20/15 Calories Machine Of Choice
- 10 C2B
- 10 Burpees Over Barbell
- 5 Snatches 135/95#

Wednesday 6/26/24

We are taking today to slow down and focus on deliberate movement. Part A focuses on tempo pressing, unilateral hinging, and core strength, while Part B will build strength in our hollow position. These exercises will all contribute to establishing a strong foundation and preventing injuries. If you still want a little sweat, stick around for the 10-minute Zone 2 cool-down!

A. 4 Sets -
- DB Bench Press @ 32X2 x 6-8 Reps
- Contralateral Single Leg RDL x 6 Reps/Side
- Ring Plank x 45-60 Seconds
* Rest As Needed Throughout

B. ‘Elton John’ -
Core Tabata
:20 Sec On, :10 Seconds Off x 5 Sets:

1 - Hollow Hold
2 - Supine Leg Lowering
3 - Bicycle Crunches

Thursday 6/27/24

A. Clean -
Take 20 Minutes To Build To A 1RM

B. Cool Down -
3 Sets Of:
- Clean Sotts Press x 8-10 Reps
- Slider Cossack Squat x 6-8 Reps/Side
- Glute Ham Raise x 8 Reps

Get ready to move some heavy weights! Today, we are building to a 1RM Clean. We have put in a lot of work over the weeks to establish a strong foundation for this lift. Have a plan to start around 50% and take consistent jumps as you progress. Prioritize maintaining solid positions as the weight increases! In the upcoming weeks, we will focus on Jerks in Thursday classes.

Friday 6/28/24

A. Weighted Strict Pull-Up -
- Build To A 3RM

B. ‘Whitney Houston’ -
5 RFT:
- 15 American KBS 53/35#
- 12 Goblet Reverse Lunges 53/35#
- 9 HSPU

Today we are retesting a 3RM Weighted Pull-up. We did this last on 5/10.

Aim to perform the KB movements in ‘Whitney Houston’ unbroken. Break up the HSPU as needed to avoid going to failure. Practice quick transitions as you work through the 5 rounds. Be intentional with your breathing and try not to take and long rest breaks!

Saturday 6/29/24

Partner WOD

‘Elvis Presley’ -
AMRAP 30 With A Partner:
- 400m Run (Together)
4 Rounds Alternating Movements
- 15 Wallballs 20/14#
- 45 Double Unders
- 12 TTB

Join us Saturday at 8 or 9am for our Partner workout!

Olympic Weightlifting
A. Hang Snatch -
Every 90 Seconds x 4 Sets:
- Hang Snatch x 2 Reps @ 50-55%

B. Snatch -
Every 90 Seconds x 4 Sets:
- Snatch x 2 Rep @ 60-65%

C. Overhead Squat
Every 2-2:30 x 3 Sets:
- 8 OHS @ 50-60% of OHS 1RM

D. Accessory -
3 Sets Of:
- Snatch Grip Bent Over Row x 8 Reps
- Broad Jump x 5 Reps
- Forearm Plank x 60 Seconds

We are taking today’s class to dial in our Snatch technique before testing a 1RM Snatch next week. The weight used today should support smooth technique with each rep. Following the Snatches, our accessory work focuses on building foundational strength for Snatching, including Overhead Squats, Snatch Grip Rows, and Planks. Additionally, Broad Jumps are incorporated to enhance explosiveness, a vital component of our Olympic Lifts!

Sunday 6/30/24


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
