PEAK Week 6

Monday 01/08/24

B. ‘Wild’
For Time

- American KBS 53/35#
- Alternating KB Goblet Reverse Lunges

A. Tempo Back Squat
Every 2 Minutes x 6 Sets:
- Back Squat x 3 Reps @32X1

Happy Monday! This is our final week of our current cycle, PEAK. Next week will be a Deload and the following week we will retest a heavy set of 10 Back Squats.

Reminder for today— tempo is the the priority!

Focus on slowly lowering to the bottom of your Squat, pausing for a full 2 seconds and then standing up. ‘Wild’ is a quick KB Chipper designed to train our posterior chain, single leg strength and challenge our grip. Can anyone do this without sitting their KB down?! Scale to a weight that will allow you to push the pace.

Tuesday 01/09/24

A. Handstand Practice -
15-20 Minutes of Coach Led Handstand Skills / Practice

B. ‘Hot Pursuit’
- 24/18 Calorie Echo Bike
- 20 V-Ups
- 24/18 Calorie Row
- 20 Push-Ups

We will spend the first half of class doing some intentional Handstand practice. Coaches will lead class from basic Handstand skills to more advanced ones and then give you time to practice on your own. Remember even if you are a Handstand Pro… it’s beneficial to practice the basics!

Hot Pursuit’ is intended to be a lower intensity / pacer workout. Start slowly and aim to move steadily for 18 minutes. The goal is to maintain the same pace on the Bike and Row throughout and to focus on quality for V-ups and Push-Ups.

Wednesday 01/10/24

A. For Quality -
4 Sets Of:
- 10 Band Lat Pull-Downs
- 6-8 Bent Over Barbell Rows @ 3112
- 6-8 Ring Reverse Flys

B. ‘Legally Blonde’
Every 3 Minutes x 5 Sets:
- 12 TTB
- 9 Lateral Burpees Over Bar
- 6 Clean and Jerks 185/125#
*Rest Remaining Time

We will quickly work through Part A that consists of Accessory Movements to build our back strength. Then we will move on to our interval workout of the week, ‘Legally Blonde’. This workout is designed to practice moving a slightly heavier bar under fatigue. The weight on the bar should challenge you but be something you can do relatively quick singles while also maintaining strong technique. Scale reps and weight as needed in order to have a minimum of 1 minute of rest between each set.

Thursday 01/11/24

A. Overhead Squat -
In 15 Minutes Build To A 3RM Overhead Squat

B. Accessory
3-4 Sets For Quality:
- Snatch Deadlift x 5 Reps @5252
- Bottoms Up Carry x 100'
- Side Plank x 45-60 Seconds / Side

This week we are retesting our 3 RM Overhead Squat! If you are recovered and feeling strong, get after it!! Reminder not every day is a PR day— so if today is not the day for you, take the 15 minutes to do working sets and focus on form. Next week will be a deload week for Thursday Oly.

Friday 01/12/24

A. 4-5 Sets For Quality -
- Ring Dip x 3-5 Reps @2222
- Weighted Pistol Squat x 5 Reps / Side

B. ‘Sing’ -
5 RFT:
- 45 Double Unders
- 9 Dual DB Deadlifts 50/35#
- 6 Dual DB Hang Power Cleans
- 3 Dual DB Thrusters

Our strength work in Part A consists of Tempo Ring Dips and Weighted Pistols. For Pistols today, do all 5 reps on one leg and then the other.. this may be more challenging than you think!

‘Sing’ is going to be a spicy workout that will fatigue our grip in no time! Scale to a weight you think you can hold onto for all three exercises. Pay attention to your form and breath— moving efficiently and breathing consistently will go a long way on a workout like this!

Saturday 01/13/24

Partner WOD

‘Sweet Home Alabama’ -
With A Partner AMRAP 25:
- 50/40 Calorie Echo Bike
- 48 DB Box Step Ups
- 24 Pull-Ups
- 12 Synchro Burpees

Join us Saturday at 8 or 9am for our Partner workout!

Olympic Weightlifting
A. Split Jerk
EMOM x 4:
- Strict Press in Split Stance x 5

EMOM x 4:
- Tall Jerk x 3 w/ 2 Second Pause In Catch @30-40%

EMOM x 8:
- Split Jerk x 3 @50-60%

B. Clean Complex

Every 90 Seconds x 6 Sets:
- High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Low Hang Clean + Front Squat @50-60%

C. Accessory -
3-4 Sets Of:
- Suitcase Deadlift x 8 reps
+ Suitcase Carry x 50'/ Side
- Pendlay Row x 6-8 Reps @1113
- GHD Hollow Hold x 30-45 Seconds

This week is our deload week for Oly. We will retest our Clean Complex next weekend. Today we are sticking to lighter percentages to practice perfect form! We will do drills and pauses for Split Jerks and some position work for Cleans. I know it’s tempting to keep adding weight to the bar but try to stick to the lighter weight today and move intentionally!

Sunday 01/14/24


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
