PEAK Week 3

Monday 12/18/23

A. Back Squat -
In 10 Minutes:
Build To A Heavy 8 Reps
2 Sets Of:
8 Back Squats @ 80-85% Of Heavy 8

B. ‘Candy Cane’ -
For Time:
- Strict HSPU
- Hang Power Snatch (95/65#)

For today’s Squats, Warm-up with less reps as you feel things out, plan for one heavy set of 8 reps. Keep in mind you have 2 back down sets to perform after. Take your time to breathe and brace for each rep. This is a tough 8 reps based off of how you feel TODAY. Listen to your body. Stay lighter if that's what your body is craving.

Today’s Chipper is going to be a shoulder burner! Be smart and break things up from the start. Be intentional with your barbell cycling for the Hang Power Snatches. Good technique is always more efficient!

Tuesday 12/19/23

A. ‘Wreath’ -
EMOM x 24:
Minute 1 - 15/12 Calories Row
Minute 2 - 45-60 Double Unders
Minute 3 - 12/8 Calories Echo
Minute 4 - 6-8 Parallette Shoot Throughs

B. Core Cool Down -
4 Sets Of:
- 10 Hollow Rocks
- 10 V-Ups
- 10 Tuck-Ups
- 10 Single Leg V-ups

*Rest 1 Minute between sets

‘Wreath’ is going to be a sweaty one! Focus on controlling your breathe throughout this 24 Minute workout. Aim to work at a pace that you can be consistent with across 6 sets. Since there is no rest minute, scale Calories / Reps to something that allows you to have a little bit of rest each minute.

Wednesday 12/20/23

A. Strict Pulling
4 Sets Of:
- Strict Pull Up x 4-6 Reps @21X2
- DB Single Leg RDL x 6 Reps / Side @31X1

B. ‘Mistletoe’
Every 5 Minutes x 3 Sets:
9-6-3 Reps Of:

- Thruster (75/55#)
- Bar Facing Burpees
- Pull-up

This week we have Tempo Bodyweight Strict Pull-ups superset with some Single Leg Hinge work. If you are still working towards Strict Pull-ups, opt for Tempo Banded Pull-ups or Inverted Rows.

‘Mistletoe’ is going to be spicy today! Since the reps are low each set, the goal is to push the pace and try not to take any rest between movements. Scale the reps to 7-5-2 if that is going to allow you to work at more of a sprint effort.

Thursday 12/21/23

A. Snatch Complex
Every 2 Minutes x 8 Sets:
- Snatch Pull + Snatch + Snatch Balance + Low Hang Snatch + OHS

B. Accessory
3-4 Sets Of:
- Snatch Grip Pendlay Row x 8 Reps with pause
- Sorenson Hold x 30-45 Seconds
- Turkish Get-Up x 2 Reps / Side

This Thursday’s Snatch Complex is slightly different than last weeks. Start light enough that you can build each set. Don’t rush through the complex, take your time and focus on what you are doing as you work through each piece— be intentional. The goal is to dial in our technique and build our confidence in working through longer complexes.

Friday 12/22/23

A. 4-5 Sets Of:
- RMU + Ring Dip x 1-3 Reps
- Goblet Reverse Lunges x 12 Alternating Reps

B. ‘Gingerbread’ -
- Max Distance Handstand Walk
Rest 1 Minute
- Max Toes to Bar

We are getting up on the Rings today! If you don’t have RMU, you can scale to low ring transition + ring dip negative x 3-5 Reps. Our focus is building capacity and confidence on the Rings. We will continue to see more and more Ring work in upcoming weeks.

‘Gingerbread’ is going to be a fun gymnastics test. We are going to see at what point our HSW and TTB being to fall off. Pace each movement and break into small sets to prevent burning out quickly. Scale HSW to a Handstand skill of choice or to max Wall Walks.

Saturday 12/23/23

Partner WOD

‘Christmas Tree’ -
With A Partner, Splitting Reps However...
- 50/40 Calorie Echo
- 30 Power Cleans 135/95#
- 150 Double Unders
- 50 Wallballs 20/14#

Join us Saturday at 8 or 9am for our Partner workout!

Olympic Weightlifting
A. Clean + Jerk Complex
Every 2 Minutes x 8 Sets:
High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Low Hang Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

B. Deficit Floating Clean Pull
Every 90 Seconds x 5 Sets:
- 2 Deficit Floating Clean Pulls

C. Accessory -
3-4 Sets Of:
- Seated Box Jump x 5 Reps
- DB Strict Press x 8-10 Reps
- KB Plank Pull Through x 20 Alternating

Today we have a Clean from each of our Hang Positions followed by a Push Jerk and Split Jerk. The intention is to perfect each Position and practice getting under our Jerks while fatigued. Focus on a strong dip + drive and trust that you’ll get under the bar for each Jerk. This is our last week of the Deficit Floating Clean Pull so build as heavy as you can!

Sunday 12/24/23

reminder we are closed today!

Happy Holidays Feast Fam!!
