PEAK Week 8

Feast Fam— Thanks to everyone who participated in 25.2 last Friday. This week is the final week of the 2025 Open—let’s bring the energy and crush this third and final workout! The following week will be a deload to slow down and focus on recovery. Then, we’ll ease into our next cycle. Take a look at the 2025-2026 programming outline in our latest newsletter for more insight into what this year has in store!

Monday 3/10/25

Today’s EMOM touches on movements we may see in 25.3. The structure allows us to focus on smooth movement throughout, giving us a chance to practice with a slightly elevated heart rate while having a rest minute to recover and remain intentional. Aim for strong, consistent pulls on the rower, smooth and controlled reps for the SHSPU and wall walks, and efficient barbell cycling on the power snatches.

A. ‘Lightning McQueen’ -
EMOM 30:
Minute 1: 15/12 Calorie Row
Minute 2: 4-7 SHSPU
Minute 3: 8 Power Snatches (95/65#)
Minute 4: 3-5 Wall Walks
Minute 5 - REST

Tuesday 3/11/25

Today, we’ve got some working sets of Back Squats! It’s a moderate-heavy strength session where we'll focus on keeping that positional integrity, controlled descents, and explosive drive out of the hole.

Next up, we’ve got accessory work to fire up single-leg strength, boost posterior chain development, and dial in core stability— all key for improving squatting mechanics and building overall strength. These movements will target any imbalances, improve control, and help add resilience to those crucial muscle groups without overloading the nervous system. Let’s get strong!

A. Back Squat -
Every 2:30 x 6 Sets:
- 3 Reps @ 70-75%

B. ‘Jackson Storm’ -
3 Sets Of:
- Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat x 6-8 Reps / Side
- Weighted GHD Hip Extension x 8-10 Reps
- Band Pallof Press + Rotation x 10 Reps / Side

Wednesday 3/12/25

Zone 2 is all about building that endurance base, helping you recover faster and work longer without burning out. It’s a steady, controlled effort at 60-70% of your max heart rate, where you can maintain a conversation but still feel like you’re working. Today, the goal is to find that perfect pace—steady, manageable, and focused on efficient breathing. Keep the intensity low enough to talk but high enough to feel the burn, and aim for smooth, consistent movement across all rounds!

A. ‘Cruz Ramirez’ -
Zone 2:
40 Minutes Of...
- 400m Run
- 750m Row
- 40/30 Calories Echo Bike

Thursday 3/13/25

A. Snatch Complex -
Every 2 Minutes x 8 Sets:
- Snatch Deadlift + Snatch High Pull + Snatch
Start light and build to something moderate (the focus is on technique, not loading)

B. Accessories -
4 Sets:
- Barbell Hip Thrust x 8-10 Reps
- Strict Pull-Up x 3-5 Reps
- Band Face Pull x 15 Reps

C. Cool Down -
3 Sets Of:
- Cossack Squat x 10 Alternating Reps
- Ring Plank x 30 Seconds
- Deadbug x 20 Alternating Reps

Today’s goal is refining snatch technique without overloading, since snatches may show up tomorrow. This complex sharpens bar path, control, and speed under the bar. The snatch deadlift sets up proper leg drive, the high pull builds a stronger turnover, and the full snatch ties it all together with speed and control. Accessory work like hip thrusts, strict pull-ups, and face pulls strengthen the posterior chain, upper back, and shoulders, boosting snatch mechanics.

Friday 3/14/25

A.’25.3’ -
To be announced!

Get ready for the 25.3 announcement this Thursday at 2 PM! Be sure to check out the Feast Instagram Thursday night as Coach Anna and Coach Sarah tackle the workout and share their best tips. Then, don't miss the MASTERS OF DISASTER BATTLE Friday night at 5:45 PM! We hope to see you there :)

Saturday 3/15/25


All Saturday workouts will be decided and posted on Thursday evening, once 25.3 is released! Check the StreamFit app to see them once they are posted.

Sunday 3/16/25


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
