Gratitude Week 4
Monday 2/6/23
A. Grogu
Every 4 minutes for 6 sets:
- 25ft Mix Rack Overhead KB/DB Walking Lunges
- 12 Chest-to-Bars
- 25ft Mix Rack Overhead KB/DB Walking Lunges
- 20 Wallball Shots 20/14#
*M - 50/53# F - 35#
The Open is next week! This week we’ll continue to work on pacing and volume. Our Metcon for Monday will be in 4 minute intervals introducing a new movement: the Mix Rack Overhead KB/DB Walking Lunge. This is done with one arm locked out Overhead with a Dumbbell and a Kettlebell in a front rack position. This will challenge your core, legs and shoulders. Each interval should take about 2-3 minutes with at least 45s rest after each set.
Tuesday 2/7/23
A. Mando
For time:
- 1 Wall Walk
- 5/5 Single-unders/Double-unders
- 3 Wall Walks
- 15/15 Single-unders/Double-unders
- 6 Wall Walks
- 30/30 Single-under/Double-unders
- 9 Wall Walks
- 45/45 Single-unders/Double-unders
- 15 Wall Walks
- 75/75 Single-unders/Double-unders
- 21 Wall Walks
- 105/105 Single-under/Double-unders
Time cap: 20 min.
On Tuesday we're bring back 21.1 but with a twist. We are cutting the Double-unders in half and adding Single-unders. We are adding 5 minutes to the time cap so everyone can get into the 21 Wall Walks. This one is all about going slow and steady on the Wall Walks and shooting for unbroken Single-unders and Double-unders up until the 105.
Wednesday 2/8/23
A. IG-11
For time:
- 30 Snatches 135/95#
Rest 3 minutes
- 30 Thrusters 135/95#
Rest 3 minutes
- 50/40 Cals on the Rower
*Can be done in any order
Score = Total time to complete each section
Wednesday will have all our barbell work with Snatches, Thrusters, and a cal Row sprint. Your score will be your total time to complete each section. Which order will you pick?
Thursday 2/9/23
Olympic Weightlifting
A. Overhead Squat
20 minutes to Build to a 3RM
B. Stretch/Mobilize
15 Minutes Coach lead KB smash/foam roll and mobility
Test day! lets see some PRs!
Friday 2/10/23
A. Weighted Strict Pull-up
Build to a Heavy set of 4 reps in 12 minutes
B. Kuiil
10-Minute AMRAP:
- 6 Deadlifts 225/155
- 12 Bar Facing Burpees
- 6 Strict HSPU
- 12 Bar Facing Burpees
Friday we are working on our strict strength with Weighted Pull-ups, building to a tough set of 4 reps in 12 minutes. Kuiil will challenge your lower body strength with the Deadlifts and your upper body with the Strict Handstand Push-ups. Between each exercise, you'll be performing 12 Bar Facing Burpees to get your heart rate up and keep the intensity level high.
Saturday 2/11/23
A. Ahsoka Tano
3 Rounds for Calories (in teams of 3)
10 Mins AMRAP
Max Cal Row
- into -
10 min AMRAP
Max distance Run in 200m increments (one person
running at a time)
- into -
10 min AMRAP
Max Cal Echo bike
Olympic Weightlifting
A. Power Clean
Build to a 2RM in 20 minutes
B. Stretch/Mobilize
15 Minutes Coach lead KB smash/foam roll and mobility
Sunday 2/12/23
Check Sugarwod for Endurance Class wod
Rest Day. Get out and try something new!