Grit Week 3

Monday 1/2/23

A. Snatches
10-Minute EMOM:
- Minute 1-4: 1 Snatch @60%
- Minute 5-7: 1 Snatch @70%
- Minute 8-9: 1 Snatch @80%
- Minute 10: 1 Snatch @90%

B. Strawberry Surf Rider
10 Minute AMRAP:
- 10 Burpees
- 20 Wallballs 20/14#
- 10 Goblet Complex 53/35#
- 2 Lunges on 1 leg (forward and back)
- 2 Lunges on other leg (forward and back)
- 1 Squat

We’ll be doing a total of 10 Snatches while progressing up the percentages. The goal here is to keep the same technique on the lighter weights as the heavier weights. Stay at a weight if you feel your technique falter.

Who was sore after the Lunges last week??? We know that Lunging smoothly can be difficult without bobbling or doing stutter steps. This week we will be working on that single leg stability by doing a Forward Lunge and a Reverse Lunge keeping that stance leg the same before switching sides.

Tuesday 1/3/23

A. Gymnastics Technique Work
15-20 min Double-under and Toes-to-Bar practice

B. Caribbean Passion
For time:
- Unbroken Double-unders
- Unbroken Toes-to-Bar

This week we will be working on stringing together Double-unders and Toes-to-Bar while keeping a consistent rhythm.

Our Metcon will be testing our accuracy. Both movements must be done unbroken, so find a scale that works for you. You may be surprised how fast your grip fatigues and how this can play games on your mind! It is ok to take a longer rest that you normally do to make sure these sets are unbroken. Don’t waste reps!

Wednesday 1/4/23

A. Mango-a-go-go
30 min EMOM:
Odd Min - 3 Thrusters 115/75#
Even Min - 15/12 Cal Echo Bike

Get ready for a spicy 30 minutes! Hopefully the Thruster work so far has helped you feel more comfortable cycling reps. Starting at 0:00 we will have 3 Thrusters at a moderate weight alternating minutes with an Echo Bike sprint. Remember the feeling of that first set, because it’s not going to feel that way at minute 21!

Thursday 1/5/23

Olympic Weightlifting

A. Overhead Squat
Every 90s for 4 sets:
- 2 reps @80-90% of your 3RM OHS

B. Behind The Neck Snatch Grip Push Jerk
Every 90s for 4 sets:
- 2 reps @65-75% of your 3RM OHS

C. Heaving Snatch Balance
Every 90s for 4 sets:
- 2 reps @60-70% of your 3RM OHS

D. Structural
4 rounds for quality:
- 8/side Single Arm Dumbbell Sots Press
- 6/side Half Kneeling DB Low to High Chop
- 12-15 Banded Hamstring Curls
- 8/side Kettlebell Rack March

We will continue our work on Overhead technique for Oly this week with the Overhead Squats. We are switching to a Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Jerk instead of a Press as the weight is getting heavier.

Friday 1/6/23

A. Deadlift
Every 2 minutes for 5 sets:
- 5 rep @60-70% of 1RM

B. White Gummi
3 rounds for time:
- 15/12 Cal Row
- 20 Box Jump Overs 24/20#
- 15 Pull-ups

We are going to throw in some Deadlift volume and cycling work as we prep for the Open. We expect to see high repetitions of heavy Deadlifts in one of the Open workouts as we see year to year. We are starting off on the lighter end to make sure we dial in that perfect form.

We will finish off the week with a 3 round triplet of Row, Box Jump overs and Pull-ups. As usual with these types of workouts, we will be focusing on our pacing. Pick a moderate-high intensity that you can sustain for 3 rounds and keep the transitions quick. We want to see each round get just a little faster.

Saturday 1/7/23

A. Razzmatazz
In teams of two:
100/80 Echo Bike cals
60 Power Cleans 155/105#
40 Burpee Bar Muscle-up
*Can not partition
*Partners can split reps as you see fit.

Olympic Weightlifting

A. Power Clean
Every 90s for 4 sets:
- 1.1 reps @85-90% of your 2RM PC

B. Pause Front Squats
Every 90s for 4 sets:
- 3 reps with a 3s pause at the bottom of each Squat @60-70% of your 1RM FS

C. Clean Grip Deadlift
Every 90s for 4 sets:
- 3 @100-110% of your 2RM PC

D. Structural:
4 Rounds for quality:
- 8-10 Pendlay Row
- 30s/side Copenhagen Plank
- 8-10 Weighted GHD Hip Extensions
- 15-20s Weighted Sorenson Hold

Sunday 1/8/23

Check Sugarwod for Endurance Class wod

Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
