Phoenix Week 10 (Deload)

Monday 5/16/22

A. Overhead Squat
Every. 2minutes for 6 sets:
- 5 reps @ 50-60%

B. Carolina Reaper
Every 5 minutes for 3 weeks:
- 600m run
- 12 deadlifts 155/105#
- 10 box jumps 24/20”

Tuesday 5/17/22

A. Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
25 minute EMOM:
- Minute 1: 12-15 GHD sit-ups
- Minute 2: 25-50 ft HSW
- Minute 3: 30-45s Dead hang
- Minute 4: 40-60 double unders
- Minute 5: Rest

Wednesday 5/18/22

A. BMU Skill Work
15-20 minutes of skills and drills

B. 7 Pot Douglah
4 rounds for time:
- 5 BMU
- 15/12 cal Echo bike
- 20 Dumbbell snatches 50/35#

Thursday 5/19/22

Olympic Weightlifting

A. Squat Snatch
Every 2 Minutes for 6 sets:
- 2 High hang snatch
- 2 Hang snatch
- 2 Low hang snatch
@ 50-60% of 1RM

B. Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift
Every 2 Minutes for 5 sets:
3 Reps @ 50-60%

C. Structural
4 rounds for quality
- 8-10 Dumbbell high pull
- 8-10 Behind the neck snatch grip strict press
- 8-10 Dumbbell reverse flys

Oly This week has a squat snatch complex to help us practice finding tension and power in each position of the snatch. We’ll continue to build strength in the first pull with some deficit snatch grip deadlifts.

Gymnastics Class

Feast Members, please check SugarWOD for this week’s Gymnastic Programming.

Friday 5/20/22

A. Push Press
Every 2 minutes for 6 sets:
- 5 reps @ 60-70%

B. 7 Pot Primo
For time:
- Hang power clean 95/65#
- Bar facing burpees

Saturday 5/21/22

A. Naga Viper
For time with a partner:
- Wall balls 20/14#
- Power snatch 75/55#

Sunday 5/22/22

Rest Day. Get out and enjoy life!
