Phoenix Week 4
Monday 4/4/22
A. 1 AND 1/4 Back Squat
Every 2 minutes for 6 sets:
- 8 @65-70% of 10RM
B. Evil Olive
Pull ups
Double unders
*400m Run after each set
The 1 and 1/4 Squats are back! These will be coming back every-other week, so we can get used to squat volume again. Make sure you are breathing at the top of every rep to reset and re-brace the belly for another 1 and 1/4 Squat.
We are getting the chance to Run on a Monday again! Evil Olive is going to be all about the Run if you want to be on top of the leaderboard, but if you haven’t been practicing your Double unders or Butterfly Pull ups you may get left in the dust by those who have.
Tuesday 4/5/22
A. Yo Banana Boy
20 min AMRAP
- 18 Burpees
- 32 DB Snatches 50/35#
- 64 DB Box Step Ups 50/35#
- 32 DB Thruster 50/35#
- 18 Single Arm DB Overhead Squats 50/35#
Have you guys guessed the theme for this week? Yo Banana Boy will be challenging on you grip and hinge strength, so pace this out to get in to that second round. As much as we all love to really give it our all in each workout, lets be mindful to control that DB back to floor and NOT drop it from the top of the Snatch or Thruster.
Wednesday 4/6/22
A. Weighted Pull-ups
Every 90s for 5 sets:
- 3-5 reps @ 65-75% of 3RM
B. Weighted Dip
Every 90s for 5 sets:
- 3-5 reps @ 65-75% of 3RM
C. Step On No Pets
5 min AMRAP
2-4-6-8-10… etc.
Push Jerks 95/65#
- rest 2 min -
5 min AMRAP
Push Jerks 135/95#
*Start where you left off from 1st AMRAP
More Pull-ups and Dips! Let’s focus on keeping a strong core on these to movements. This will help transfer all this strength work to kipping movements.
We have two 5 minute AMRAPs for Wednesday. The first is just BMU and PJs, increasing the rep by two each round. Once the 5 min is up you will be increasing the weight on the PJs and will be starting where you left off in the last 5 minute AMRAP, so focus on small sets on both movements to stay consistent with your pace.
Thursday 4/7/22
Olympic Weightlifting
A. Heaving Snatch Balance
5x2 @70-75% of 1 RM
with a 3s pause in the squat
2 min rest after each set
B. Pendlay Row
5x2 @70-75% of 3 RM
with a 1-2s pause at the chest
2 min rest after each set
C. Structural
4 rounds for quality
- 10 Zottman curls heavy
- 8 Dbl DB RDL
- 20-30s Weighted wall sit
- 10-20s chin over bar hold
OLY this week will have more Heaving Snatch Balances and Pendlay row. you guys should know the drill by now, Keep a strong lock out on the 2s pause in the bottom of the Snatch Balance and pinch those shoulder blades back and down on the Pendlay Rows.
Come to Yoga on Thursdays at 6:45pm!
Friday 4/8/22
A. Bench Press
Every 2 min for 6 sets:
- 5 reps @70% of 5 RM
*3s pause at chest
B. Borrow or Rob?
For Time:
- 100 Push Ups
- 100 Front Squats 75/55#
- 100 Sit Ups
The Bench this week has the 3s pause again. Make sure you are not just letting the bar rest on the chest. Stay active and pinch the bench with you shoulder blades!
We have a lot of reps for Borrow or Rob, will you break theses up as if you are doing the unpartitioned Murph or redline and push for broken?
Saturday 4/9/22
Never Odd or Even
In a team of 2:
5 rounds for time:
- 600m Run with partner
- 30 Power Snatches 95/65#
- 30 Kettlebell Swings 70/53#
*Partners can split up the PS and KBS however
Sunday 4/10/22
Check SugarWOD for the Endurance workout Sunday at 9:00am
Check SugarWOD for the Gymnastics workout Sunday at 11:00am