Phoenix Week 1
Monday 3/14/22
A. Back Squat
20 minutes to find a 10 rep max
B. John Kreese
Every 3 minutes for 5 sets:
- 12/9 cal Echo bike
- AMRAP Cyclist Squats until 2 minute mark
- Rest 1 minute
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the CrossFit Open! We are so proud of all the hard work everyone has put in the last few months and the results are proof of that work! Now it is time to Recover, Rehabilitate, and Rebuild. Starting our rebuilding phase we have a 10 rep max Back Squat. This will be our focus for the next 8 weeks, be prepared to have to take the elevator on Mondays.
John Kreese will be giving you NO MERCY! This workout has programmed rest after each set, so the goal will be to go all out on the Echo bike to get as many Cyclist Squat as possible in the remaining 2 minutes. However, coming off the Echo bikes your legs will be feeling a little like Bambi, so start off slow on the Cyclist Squats and build to a fast pace.
Tuesday 3/15/22
A. Annie Wilkes
For time:
- 1 mile Run
- 30 Power Cleans 135/95#
- 60 Air Squats
- 1 mile Run
Annie Wilkes will have you running out the door! This will be the start of our Running/Conditioning day, I know Charlie doesn’t run (JR). If you are in that boat, we will have you practice Rowing instead. It should be warm in Chicago on Tuesday, so go out and enjoy the sun!
Wednesday 3/16/22
A. Weighted Pull-ups
Build to a 3 rep max
B. Weighted Dip
Build to a 3 rep max
C. Helen
3 rounds for time:
- 400m Run
- 21 KB Swings 53/35#
- 12 Pull-ups
We have strength work on the menu for Wednesday, this is a chance for all the body weight ninjas to show off. If you haven’t completed a Strict Pull-up before this will be the day to get in some practice to hopefully get that chin over the bar at the end of the cycle.
For our Metcon we have Helen, everyones favorite sprint style workout! The goal for this fast paced benchmark workout is to go for unbroken and pushing the pace each Run. Let’s see some PRs on Wednesday!
Thursday 3/17/22
Olympic Weightlifting
A. Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press
Every 2 minutes for 5 sets
- 3 reps building to an 80% effort
B. Barbell Hip Thrust on Bench
Build to a heavy triple
C. Structural
4 rounds for quality
- 10-12 GHD Reverse Fly
- 10-12 Banded GHD Hip Extensions
- 10-12 Dumbbell Pullover with tricep extension
Oly this week we will be testing out some new movements. The first is Behind the Neck Push Press, if you have any shoulder tightness or are coming back from an injury, sub out the behind the neck for a Front Rack Push Press. The next is Barbell Hip Thrusts, this lift will be getting you glutes fired up so if you are trying to get stronger on any of the oly lifts, DON’T SKIP GLUTE DAY.
Gymnastics Class
Feast Members, please check SugarWOD for this week’s Gymnastic Programming.
Friday 3/18/22
A. Bench Press
In 20 minutes to build to a 5 rep max
B. Biff Tannen
20 minute EMOM:
- 20 Wall Balls 20/14#
- 50 Double Unders
- 12 Burpees
- 15 Toes to Bar
Friday’s are going to be Bench day for this cycle! This will help us build up some pressing strength getting us ready for Murph. Make sure you have a spotter on these days because it’s going to get heavy, for those of you who have never spotted before, make sure you let the person benching fight for that rep before you jump in.
BIff Tannen is going to feel like you’re getting bullied but keep moving the 20 min will be over in no time.
Saturday 3/19/22
In teams of 2:
- 1000m Row
- 50 Deadlifts 155/105#
- 200 Double Unders
- 1000m Row
- 100 Burpees
- 200 Double Unders
- 1000m Row
- 50 Clean and Jerks
- 200 Double Unders
- 1000m Row
*Split reps even between both partners
Sunday 3/20/22
Rest Day. Get out and enjoy life!