Game Day Week 3


Monday 9/31/19

A. 12 Minute EMOM:
Minutes 1-3: 4 Strict Press
Minutes 4-6: 3 Push Press
Minutes 7-9: 2 Push Jerk
Minutes 10-12: 1 Split Jerk

B. 9 Minute AMRAP:
9 Deadlift 225/155
9 Bar Facing Burpee

Competitive CrossFit:
12 Sets:
500m Row
*Rest 90s between sets & 4 minutes between sets 6&7.
*Row 1s faster than last weeks pace.

This week our strength brings us to an array of overhead work. The goal is to have the bar increase each minute finishing with a heavy rep at each movement. Stay agressive with your lockout as fatigue will set in quickly due to the interval format, our goal today is no missed reps.

Our conditioning piece is all about pacing and grit. We see a couplet of simple yet demanding movements. Posterior endurance will be put to the test as both movements add demand on the backside. Stay focused on your bracing and breathing during the deadlifts and aim to stay consistent during the Bar Facing Burpees.


Tuesday 10/1/19

A. 12 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 30-45s Hand Stand Hold
Minute 2: 9-15 Chest to Bar
Minute 3: 10-15 Cal Row

B. 4 Rounds for Time:
15 Overhead Squats 75/55
300m Run
15 Hang Power Clean
18/12 Cal Air Bike

*RX+ 95/65

This week we focus on quality gymnastics. Use this portion of todays workout to perfect movement and allow the rep ranges to be flexible in order to maintain consistency. The row should be performed at a moderate pace but do not mistake this as a rest minute. We want the heart rate to rise round to round as we move back into our gymnastics movements.

Our conditioning is for time but also for quality. Take advantage of the lighter barbell and use this as an opportunity to clean up your barbell cycling. Our goal is not to go as fast as possible, but to move with intention and efficiency.


Wednesday 10/2/19

A. Back Squat:
*Build across each set
*Finish with a heavy double for the day

B. 3 Rounds for Time:
100 Double Unders
9 Front Squats 155/105
*RX+ 185/125

Competitive CrossFit:
20 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 1-3 Squat Clean @80%+
Minute 2: 8-12 Bar Facing Burpee
Minute 3: 3-6 Ring Muscle Up
Minute 4: 10-15 Cal Row

What’s better than heavy back squats?… just about nothing if you ask us. Today we get the chance to give our legs a little push. Each set is intended to be tough so take your time building and find an agressive place to start your woking sets.

Today should be a sprint. Choose a load that allows you to attack the Front Squats, ideally going unbroken. Breaking up our Double Unders to keep the bar moving will be a wise choice. Controlling our heart rate is the name of the game today, try and fine that line between control and chaos.


Thursday 10/3/19 - Olympic Weightlifting

A. Clean Grip Deadlift:
*All set @ 100%+ of Clean 1RM

B. Every other Minute for 6 Sets:
2 Cleans + 1 Jerk
*Start at 70% and Increase as you see fit

A. 3-5 Rounds for Quality:

90s Ring Plank
15 Cal Row
200FT Suitcase Walk
15 GHD Sit Ups

Optional Cardio Flush / Structural:
10 Rounds:
400m Run
20 Cal Air Bike
10 Burpees Over P Bar

*Move at a pace that is steady - the goal is to break a sweat but at no time should we lose control of our pacing.


Friday 10/4/19

A. 17 Minute AMRAP:
40 Burpees
30 Snatch 75/45
30 Burpees
30 Snatch 135/75
20 Burpees
30 Snatch 165/100
10 burpees
Max Reps Snatch 210/120

Competitive CrossFit:
Back Squat:
5 Sets - 3 Reps @80%+
*Rest as needed between sets
*Build in load from last weeks sets

This weeks intensity piece brings us a heavy barbell. However, in order to show off our power we have to get through some grunt work first. Pick a pace, right away, that you believe you can sustain for 20+ minutes. Being able to move strait from the burpees to the barbell is crucial. Any wasted time in transition will add up quickly. Our strategy on the bar will likely change as we move up in load. For the first few bars we may want to hang on to the bar for multiple reps and then switch to steady singles in the later rounds.


Saturday 10/5/19

Grind. Grind. Grind. Today is all about staying steady and splitting the work amongst the team. With three team members and only one person working at a time we should be able to keep the pace up for all 33 minutes. Split the work as you see fit and look to capitalize on your strengths.

A. 33 Minute AMRAP in Teams of Three:
100 Cal Row
75 American Kettlebell Swings 24/16
75 Push Ups
50 Goblet Box Step Ups 24/20
25 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20


Sunday 10/6/19

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.


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