Monday 9/9/19
Test week, best week. You all have survived a demanding squat cycle and now it’s time to reap the benefits. Eight weeks ago we built to a technical 1RM. Now we build to a double with the goal of achieving the same loading or more. IF you hit your 1RM for a double then your coach will encourage you to build to a single afterwards.
Put the pedal to the floor and go. Focus on maintaining big sets during the dumbbell snatches, stay smooth on the box and be ready to sprint the back half of the run.
A. Front Squat:
Build to a 2RM Front Squat
B. For Time:
400m Run
30 Alt DB Snatch 50/35
30 BBJO 24/20”
30 Alt DB Snatch
400m Run
Competitive CrossFit:
For Quality:
10 Down to 1:
Bar Facing Burpees
*Choose a deficit that is challenging but allows you to
complete 3-5 reps at a time for HSPU.
Tuesday 9/10/19
Today we chase one of CrossFit’s unicorns, the Muscle Up. We will take the majority of class to break down the movement and move through a number of drills for each phase. Identifying potential weak spots in this movement will be huge for progressing into either nailing that first Muscle Up or developing greater capacity.
Following the skill piece we have a chance to put it to the test. Be prepared for an aggressive time cap that will require us to be wise with modifications in order to achieve the intended stimulus.
A. Skill Work:
Ring Muscle Up
B. For Time:
30 Ring Muscle Ups
40 Pull Ups & 40 Dips
Wednesday 9/11/19
You knew it was coming… Fight Gone Bad returns. We have spent ample time breaking down these movements into different interval-style workouts. Assuming you were intentional in those workouts, you’ve learned tricks and tips that you can now apply to maximum effect. Remember to stay positive and look forward to the rest period as we intend to keep work output high through all three rounds.
A. Fight Gone Bad:
3 Rounds for Total Reps:
60s Max Wall Balls 20/14
60s Max SDHP 75/55
60s Max Box Jumps 20”
60s Max Push Press 75/55
60s Max Calorie Row
60s Rest
Competitive CrossFit:
400m Sand Bag Bear Hug Walk
Thursday 9/12/19
Optional Cardio Flush / Structural:
60 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 45s Air Bike
Minute 2: 45s Ski
Minute 3: 45s Row
Minute 4: Odd Rounds: 5 Strict Pull Ups - Even Rounds: 5 Strict Chin Ups
*Move at a pace that is steady - the goal is to break a sweat but at no time should we lose control of our movement.
Olympic Weightlifting:
A. Split Jerk:
Build to a 1RM Split Jerk
B. Back Squat:
Build to a Heavy Set of Three
A. 3-5 Rounds for Quality:
10 Jefferson Curls
14 Front Rack Box Step Ups
18 OHS Wall Squats
Friday 9/13/19
Time to pull out the big guns. Our final day of test week brings us to an Olympic focus. In addition to getting heavy we also see a good amount of exposure at higher percentages. This will give us time to hone our skills as we encourage you to take as many reps as needed to build and in turn develop confidence as the bar builds.
Grace is your classic, short & sweet CrossFit workout. We will put an aggressive cap on this piece, so be sure the loading is appropriate. Fast at the start, fast in the middle, fast at the end. Show us what you got.
A. Interval:
Build to a 1RM Squat Clean
B. For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks 135/95
Competitive CrossFit:
3 Mile Run
Saturday 9/14/19
Pick your poison! The work does not need to be split evenly so be sure to take advantage of your teammates’ strengths. Some strategy may come into play as the burpees start to add up. Smooth is fast today . . . . don’t come out too hot.
A. 3 Rounds for Time in Teams of Three:
1500m Row
75 American Kettlebell Swings 24/16
250 Double Unders
50 Pull Ups
*Every 3 Minutes each team member performs 8 Burpees
Sunday 9/15/19
Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.