I’m a Beginner. How Should I Train for CrossFit?!

CrossFit is an intense and effective workout regimen that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It combines elements of weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardio to help you build strength, power, and endurance. If you’re a beginner looking to get into CrossFit, it can be intimidating to know where to start. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how beginners should approach CrossFit training and provide some tips on how to get the most out of your workouts.

Getting Started with CrossFit

The first step in getting started with CrossFit is finding a reputable gym or box that offers classes. It’s important to find a gym that has experienced coaches who can provide guidance and support as you learn the movements and progress through the workouts. At Feast Fitness + Nutrition, our coaches have decades of experience and advanced certifications, and we specialize in helping beginners get started. But whether it’s at Feast or another gym, make sure you feel like your coaches listen to your feedback, and provide constant feedback on safe and effective movement patterns. Once you’ve found a gym, it’s time to start training!

Developing Proper Technique

CrossFit requires proper technique in order to perform the movements safely and effectively. Before attempting any of the more advanced movements like Olympic lifts or handstand push-ups, it’s important to focus on mastering the basics. This means practicing bodyweight exercises like squats, push-ups, pull-ups, burpees, etc., until you have developed good form and can execute them with perfect technique.

Building Strength & Endurance

Once you have mastered the basics of CrossFit and are comfortable with your technique, it’s time to start building strength and endurance. This can be done by gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts as well as adding weights or other resistance tools such as kettlebells or medicine balls. As your strength increases, so will your ability to complete more challenging exercises like Olympic lifts or muscle-ups.

Incorporating Rest & Recovery

Rest days are just as important as training days when it comes to CrossFit! It’s important to give your body time to recover from intense workouts so that you can continue making progress without risking injury or burnout. Make sure you take at least one day off per week from training in order to give your muscles time to rest and recover before hitting it hard again the next day!

In conclusion, getting started with CrossFit can be intimidating but with proper guidance from an experienced coach and dedication from yourself, anyone can become successful at this type of workout regimen! Start by mastering basic movements with proper technique under the eye of experienced and active coaches before progressing onto more advanced exercises. Don't forget about rest days - they are just as important as training days when it comes to CrossFit! With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way towards achieving all of your fitness goals!


Greg Robbins