Newsletter #15, March - May 2021
we’re more than 97% VACCinated!
Thanks so much for being willing to share your vaccine status with us. We now know that at least 97% of the gym is vaccinated. You getting your shots reduces the COVID risk to virtually nil for every other member at the gym, and makes a huge positive impact on our entire community. Thank you!
Coach Laura Savage!
We’re so grateful that Laura (a.k.a. Savage) was willing to get her CrossFit L1 Certificate and bring her 15+ years of coaching experience to Feast. She joined the coaching team in February and is currently co-coaching several classes per week and running the youth program.
Laura brings a love of movement to her coaching due to her background as a musical theatre actor/dancer, and a yoga and 305 fitness instructor. Her goal is that every athlete appreciates the unique way their body moves and uses that positive body awareness to create a sustainable, happy and healthy lifestyle.
Dave Castro said our quarterfinalists needed to climb 15’ ropes, so we built a rope climbing rig. If you want to try it out, ask a coach for help putting up the rope, and technique pointers. Oh yeah . . . you might want to wear something to guard your shins from rope burn too.
We also built a Little Free Library so you can feed your brain. Take a book, leave a book, and let us know what you think.
Pelvic Floor Talk: Saturday, june 5, noon.
Are you a female athlete?
Have you experienced leaking during double unders, box jumps, heavy lifts, or running?
Are you a new mom, soon to be mom, or mother for many years?
Do you need guidance for exercise modifications during pregnancy or postpartum?
Having issues managing exercise with diastasis recti, pelvic organ prolapse, or pelvic floor dysfunction?
Join Mary Trungale, orthopedic and pelvic floor physical therapist for an afternoon of learning about the core, pelvic floor, and exercise modifications targeted at the female athlete.
If you are a pregnant or postpartum athlete, this talk is for you. If you are a female athlete with a history of peeing your pants, this talk is for you. If you are a mom 10 years postpartum and still dealing with chronic core or pelvic floor dysfunction post-baby, this talk is for you.
Come ready to learn and ready to move!
New community Rx Poster
Check out the new Community Rx poster in the bathroom hallway. It has reminders of the expectations for our amazing fitness community at Feast. We think these ideas are important, since the culture of our community is our strongest attribute.
We’re thinking about putting an herb planter in the beds in front of Feast, but Tony and Greg can barely keep themselves alive, much less some plants. If you’ve got some plant skills and might be willing to lead this effort, please contact Greg at
We’re looking for a member who can shoot photos of classes every few weeks for us, so we can keep our photo library fresh. If you’re interested, please contact Greg at
Feast 505
It’s not too late to jump in on the Feast 505 Endurance Challenge June 9-13. Coach Ryan designed the challenge so that it can be tackled by anyone. Athletes can:
Row 5K each day for those 5 days
Row a total of 50K over those 5 days
Run 5K or 5 miles each of those 5 days, or
Run a total of 50 miles over those 5 days.
Ryan is running a free 8-week training program for Feast members, and non-members can buy into the programming. He is also hosting Instagram Live sessions on Thursdays at 8:30pm to answer questions, provide helpful tips, and chat with “interesting” guests. If you complete the Feast 505, you’ll have a chance to win an amazing bundle from Xendurance (hope you caught them at the gym on April 28 to sample their supplements!) and a one-year Team XND membership! For more information email Ryan at And, yes, you can do the challenge even if you don’t participate in the training . . . but the training is super fun!
Time to sign up for Murph! Heats will go off every 45 minutes starting at 8:00am on Saturday, May 29. $25 gets you Smoque BBQ, booze, and your preferred heat time—the deadline for ordering a t-shirt has passed, but we got a few extras available for purchase for $25. Don’t want to eat our BBQ and drink our beer? That’s cool. You can still do the workout, bring your own food and drink, and jump into the post-Murph PIG tournament. We should be hanging out until 2-3pm, so come join the fun. Contact Tony at
Crossfit Open
We love the CrossFit Open not just because it allows us to benchmark our fitness improvements over time, but also because it allows us to benchmark ourselves against the very fit CrossFit community—at Feast, in Illinois, in North America, and Worldwide—as well as in age group, scaled, and adaptive divisions.
A special thanks to the 49 Feasters who signed up and threw down! It was amazing to watch everyone try out these challenging workouts and come together to support each other and cheer each other on.
And congratulations to the Feasters who advanced to the Quarterfinals by finishing in the top 10% of North American competitors: Emma Baumert, Tony Brown, Carol Chang, Britta Dahlberg, Lindsey Herndon, Laura Savage, Cole Simon, Matt Trauner, and Joe Trungale. Britta, Lindsey, and Matt also qualified for the Age Group Online Qualifier, along with Bobby Corro and Mason Bowman, by finishing in the top 10% of their age group worldwide.
And a special shout out to Val Cohen who finished 5th worldwide in the Women’s Adaptive Lower Extremity Division. We’re waiting on final word from CrossFit, but it looks like she may have earned herself a spot in the 2021 CrossFit Games in Madison, Wisconsin! Stay tuned!!
These impressive individual accomplishments don’t happen without the amazing Feast community to provide inspiration and support. Great job team!
Youth & Teen fitness
Just a reminder that our youth classes for ages 6-11 are ongoing with Coach Savage, and Coach PJ is also doing small group training with teens. Kids can sign up at any time. Contact Tony at for more information or to sign up.
Next to that Community Rx poster is a new poster to remind you of the Feast Healthy Habits. We want you to:
+ Water
+ Veggies
+ Sleep
+ Whole Foods
+ Home Cooking
- Sugars
+ Fiber
- Distracted Eating
+ Colors
+ A Successful Environment
Want help establishing these habits? Talk to your nutrition coach? Not sure who your nutrition coach is? E-mail and he’ll remind you.
+ Water
Feast’s habit of the month is to drink more water! We want you to get in the habit of drinking plenty of water because water keeps every system in the body functioning properly. It carries nutrients and oxygen to your cells, flushes bacteria from your bladder, aids digestion, prevents constipation, normalizes blood pressure, stabilizes your heartbeat, cushions joints, protects organs and tissues, regulates your body temperature, and maintains electrolyte balance. And it’s FREE! As it gets warmer, it is even more important to drink plenty of water every day. A general rule is to drink at least .5 ounce per pound of body weight. Hydrate to stay great, Feasters!
Produce of the Month
Thanks to Coach Terri for buying, prepping, and coming up with recipes for the asparagus that we gave away last week. Those treats nailed at least four of the Feast Healthy Habits: (1) + vegetables; (2) + colors; (3) + whole foods; (4) + macronutrients. We hope you tried some, and that you’re trying out those Habits.
meet the feaster: Mélon davis
Nickname: Don (short for Danté)
Workout Time: Whenever I can
Snack: Fudge Graham Zone 2 Bars
CrossFit Movements I love and Hate: I love chest-to-bar pull ups and hate snatches.
Spirit Animal: Dragon
Nike, Reebok, or No Bull: NIKE
Best Moment at Feast So Far: I was in last place in an EWW, and everyone, including Coach Cole, helped me finish!
Andy Mosio * Ryan Ennis * Kyle Bordner * Brian Fitzpatrick * Sarah Price * Mikey Kocourek * John Reynolds * Scott Henry
Gerrit VanArkel * Ben Horton * Maura Robbins * Rob Schildgen * Tareg Qtami * Cole Simon * Torry Bennett-Davis
PJ Mora * Scott Endress * Ilan Grinberg * Mitzi Baum * Hector Hernandez * Carmen Kassinger * Emma Falk
Brian Ptak * Harrison Leibsker * Andrew Kucharski * Tony Mattar * Mai McKeon * Giovannina Penze
Blerta McNally * Marlin Ness * Jeanne Lamar * Emma Baumert * Christian Rios * Cecilia Lee * Terri Hartman * Dan Machilinski
Molly Tongelidis * Andrew Hammerlein * Sheena Lawrick * Fran Schnieder * Steve Sodolski * Sandy Helquist