Newsletter #13, Oct - Dec 2020
we want your feedback—MEMBER SATISFACTION SURVEY
We built Feast for you, and we want your feedback to make sure we’re serving your needs. Please click to complete the member satisfaction survey, or of course you can give your feedback directly to Tony or Greg.
Make sure you sign up at the front desk through Saturday, December 12, to participate in the White Elephant gift exchange. You’ll draw a name the next week, and buy and wrap a gift costing less than $25, put your person’s name on it, and bring it in to put under the Feastivus tree. Then the week of December 21, one of Santa’s elves will hand out all the presents. And feel free to trade your gift to another gym member—that’s half the fun!
Be on the lookout for other Feastivus events, like cookie baking with Coach Terri (read below) and Zoom cocktails with coaches on Wed, Dec 30.
We’ve got a brand new, state-of-the art HVAC system specifically designed to keep you safe from airborne pathogens, including COVID-19.
the system is equipped with CO2 sensors and replaces the air in the gym with fresh air as fast as every 12 minutes when it senses increased CO2 levels from people working out
when it doesn’t sense CO2, the system still replaces the air in the gym with fresh air at least every other hour
the system has high density air filters that filter out 95% of particles, including COVID-19 sized particles
So breathe easy--we got you!
thank you for making adopt-a-family a success!
The Feast community once again showed its generosity by donating gifts, gift cards, and essentials to The Children’s Place’s Adopt a Family Program through Feast. We wanted to share an excerpt from the thank you e-mail from TCP—we couldn’t have said it better.
Thank you so much for your generous contributions this holiday season. This year over 3,400 gifts and 500 gift cards, and an abundant number of extra supplies were donated.
On behalf of our families and staff, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude for bringing over 800 individuals happiness and joy this holiday season. Thank you for making this year’s 2020 Adopt-a-Family programs a success and thank you for helping improve the present for our families.
Thank you for your gifts, but, above all, thank you for the gift of hope and joy.
Was Halloween FUN? YES, IT WAS.
The Back Lot is Open for Mask-Free WODs!
The new outdoor rig and back lot is available for members to use any time.
Lots of folks have been doing the strength portion of classes indoors with masks, and then going out back for the Metcon. Starts out chilly, but ends up toasty.
Whether you’re in class, or just want to hit it for open gym, come and try it out—no masks required outside.
By now, you should have received an e-mail from Tony, Terri, PJ, or Greg offering to sit down and get you started with the Feast group nutrition program. You get a one-on-one initial consult with an InBody scan for benchmarking, and then you and your coach agree on a go-forward plan based on your goals and the effort you want to put in. Through the next three follow up meetings, you’ll get additional benchmarking, more coaching, and an opportunity to change approach and adopt some new habits.
If you haven’t yet responded to the nutrition coaching e-mail, what are you waiting for? If you haven’t gotten that e-mail, just let Tony know, and we’ll set you up.
Produce of the Month: apples in october and SQUASH in november
Thanks to Coach Terri for prepping the apples and winter squash that we gave away in October and November. Those tasty treats nailed at least four of the Feast Healthy Habits: (1) + veggies; (2) + colors; (3) + whole foods; (4) + fiber. We hope you tried some, and that you’re trying out those Habits.
ZOom cooking with terri and Mitzi
In November, Coach Terri led us through Zoom cooking a delicious fall meal of sheet-pan chicken thighs with squash. Special guest and Feast member Mitzi Baum, who is a renowned food safety expert, joined the class to give information and pointers, and answer a ton of questions, about food safety. Oh yeah, and we laughed along with Britta. Thanks Terri and Mitzi!
holiday Baking with Terri on december 13 at 2pm
Nickname: Sprice
One thing I could never live without: Coffee
Movements I love and hate: I love power cleans, deadlifts, double unders; I hate pull ups and overhead squats.
What I look for in a workout partner: Some one who tells me to just do it when I am questioning myself.
Fellow Feaster I’d like to throw down with: Welme. She is a beast and she is always smiling.
Weightlifting, gymnastics, or cardio: Weightlifting
Spirit animal: Wolf
Best advice I have ever been given: "Nothing can stop you with hard work and determination." Also from the best motivational song Free To Wear Sunscreen: "The race is long, but in the end it's with yourself."
Chad Tortorello 10/3 Margarita Camacho 10/5 Rachelle Bennett 10/10 Bobby Corro 10/10
Laura Savage 10/10 Maureen Ventura 10/14 UK Jaiswal 10/15 Michael Fiddler 10/22
Eric Lundy 10/26 Alex Ruiz 10/26 Helen Astar 10/28 Craig Messman 10/29
Lena Hirsch 11/1 Matt Keeler 11/4 David Bonilla 11/8 Brad VandenBerg 11/12
Ed Coleman 11/13 Liz Soudan 11/15 Matt Thalhammer 11/15 Connor Kaminski 11/ 21
Evan Hughes 11/30 Ted Cappas 12/1 Val Cohen 12/1 Nick Barin 12/2
Helen Richmond 12/18 Sean Hershman 12/31 Huong Pham 12/31 Tim Jerome 1/1
Erin Kobiella 1/4 Jon Jarog 1/5 Ali Stewart 1/6 Brock Shroeder 1/7
Taylor Dunphy 1/9 Dennis Johnson 1/17 Dan Raleigh 1/20 Kyle Butler 1/26
Tony Brown 1/31 Tom Ledwidge 1/31