Feast Fitness + Nutrition

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Monday 12/2/24

Happy Monday!

Can ya’ll believe December is here!? Be sure to check out the announcements this week to see all that’s happening around the gym; Adopt-A-Family, Secret Santa, and our yearly holiday party!

This week’s Snatch complex refines snatch technique while building strength in the overhead squat. The Snatch Deadlifts target the posterior chain and will strengthen our pull.

Part B challenges unilateral strength, core stability, and lower body endurance. Focus on pacing the lunges and squats with good form, and switch arms every 5 reps on the single-arm snatches to keep moving without burning out!

A. Snatch Work -
1 Snatch Pull + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat @ 60-65%

Every 90 seconds x 3 Sets:
3 Snatch Deadlifts @ 90-100% of 1RM

B. ‘It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year’ -
For Time:
- 50 KB Goblet Reverse Lunges 53/35#
- 40 Single Arm KB Hang Snatches
- 30 KB Goblet Squats

Tuesday 12/3/24

A. BMU Accessories -
4-5 Sets:
- BMU Negative x 2-3 Reps
- PVC Hollow Band Pullovers x 10 Reps

B. ‘Last Christmas’ -
10 Sets With A Partner (5 Each):
- 20/24 Calorie Row
*Partner Not Rowing Performs 20 V-Ups Then Rests Remaining Time

This week, let’s focus on control and nailing that form, building on the practice from last week’s BMU work! Negatives will build your strength for the pull and press, while the PVC Hollow Band Pullovers will train core and shoulder stability.

On the partner workout, keep the row steady and controlled, and really focus on form during the V-Ups for a strong core. This one’s all about building cardio and midline strength, so keep the intensity up!

Wednesday 12/4/24

Today’s EMOM is all about building endurance, speed, and upper body strength by switching between different movements that challenge various muscle groups. With short recovery in the 5th minute, you’ll have a moment to reset before diving back into the next round. For the BBJO, keep it quick and steady, then pace yourself on the Echo Bike to avoid burning out. Focus on your rhythm for double-unders, and when you hit the HSPU, aim to stay consistent—break early if you need to! Scale movements to something that lets you work for 50 seconds or less, and keep the effort steady across all 5 sets.

A. 'Santa Tell Me’ -
EMOM 25:
Minute 1 - 10 BBJO 24/20"
Minute 2 - 15/12 Calories Echo Bike
Minute 3 - 60 Double Unders
Minute 4 - Max HSPU
Minute 5 - REST

Thursday 12/5/24

A. Front Squat -
Every 2:00 x 6 Sets:
- 3 Reps @ 80%

B. Dimmel Deadlift -
Every 2 Minutes x 3 Sets:
- 15 Reps @ 50-55% Of 1RM Clean

C. Accessories -
3 Sets Of:
- Dual KB Front Rack Carry x 200'
- Dual KB Overhead Carry x 100'
- DB Weighted Sit-Ups x 10 Reps

Today, we’re repeating the front squat cycle from the past three weeks, but this time with 10% more weight! The Dimmel deadlifts build explosive power in the posterior chain, and the accessory work challenges core stability and control.

Friday 12/6/24

A. 5 Sets -
- Bench Press x 6 Reps @ 65-70%
- Ring Row x 6 Reps @ 21X2

B. ‘24.3’ -
5 rounds of:
- 10 Thrusters 95/65#
- 10 C2B

Rest 1 minute, then:

5 rounds of:
- 7 Thrusters 135/95#
- 7 BMU

Time cap: 15 minutes

Today’s workout has two goals: building strength and pushing your endurance. The bench press develops pressing power that carries over to movements like push-ups and dips, while the controlled ring rows strengthen your shoulders and protect them from injury.

The 24.3 workout is a grippy test of stamina and strategy. With high-rep thrusters and demanding gymnastics, the key is pacing. Break up both movements early to manage fatigue and keep your heart rate steady. Remember, there are a lot of reps to get through, so starting fast isn’t the answer—consistent effort wins this one!! This is our December Test and we will repeat in 3 months.

Saturday 12/7/24


‘Jingle Bell Rock’ -
20 Rounds For Time
Partners Alternate Complete Rounds:
- 7 Burpees
- 9 American KBS 53/35#
- 9/7 Calories Echo Bike


Today’s focus is all about building confidence and power in your jerk. Tall jerks teach speed and precision under the bar. The split jerks take things up a notch, working heavier singles to practice catching and stabilizing weight at near-max loads. Jerk drives? These are all about explosive power and confidence, getting you comfortable with max effort lifts!

The accessory work rounds it out: Russian kettlebell swings to build explosiveness, bottoms-up presses to strengthen shoulder stability, and band pull-aparts to keep those shoulders healthy and strong. Each piece has a purpose, so move with intent!

A. Tall Jerk -
5 Reps With Empty Barbell

B. Split Jerk -
Every 90 Seconds x 8 Sets:
- 1 Rep with Pause in Catch @ 80-90%

C. Jerk Drive -
3x3 @ 100%

D. Accessories -
3 Sets Of:
3 Sets Of:
- Russian KBS x 15 Reps
- Half Kneeling Bottoms Up Press x 8 Reps / Side
- Band Pull Apart x 15 Reps

Sunday 12/8/24


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
