Feast Fitness + Nutrition

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Monday 12/9/24

Happy Monday!

Today, we’re hitting a Snatch Complex consisting of 1 Snatch Deadlift + 2 Hang Snatches. We’ll increase the loading every 2 sets to prioritize technique as we build. The Hang Snatch emphasizes a powerful hip extension and challenges us to be quick under the barbell!

‘The Breakfast Club’ is 4 sets of accessory work focusing on building unilateral leg and rotational strength. I know many of us love a sweaty MetCon, but this work is just as important—and so good for us!

A. Snatch Complex -
8 Sets Of:
- 1 Snatch Deadlift + 2 Hang Snatches
2 Sets @ 60%
2 Sets @ 65%
2 Sets @ 70%
2 Sets @ 75%

B. ‘The Breakfast Club’ -
4 Sets For Quality:
- Barbell Reverse Lunges x 16 Alternating Reps
- Pallof Press + Rotation x 8 Reps / Side

Tuesday 12/10/24

A. Bar Muscle-Up -
EMOM 10:
- BMU x You Pick Reps
*Goal is same # every minute

B. ‘Back To The Future’ -
10 Sets (5 Each)
Partners Alternate Complete Rounds:
- 5 Burpees Over Barbell
- 8 Power Cleans 165/115#
- 5 Burpees Over Barbell

Today’s 10-minute EMOM focuses exclusively on BMUs, aiming for consistent reps across all 10 sets to build capacity. In the coming weeks, we’ll incorporate other movements to practice BMU with an elevated heart rate. Scaling options include Box BMUs, C2B, Kipping Pull-ups, barbell-assisted pull-ups, or ring rows—anything that builds pulling strength effectively.

Part B is a fast-paced partner sprint. Alternate rounds, pushing hard through the burpees and hitting quick single Power Cleans. Rest while your partner works, and give it your all!

Wednesday 12/11/24

Today, we’re focusing on machine pacing and practicing getting inverted with an elevated heart rate. The 30-second work intervals provide just enough rest to prepare for the next set. In the first EMOM, we’ll transition from rowing to Wall Walks, and in the second, from the Echo Bike to HSPUs. Prioritize strong form on the gymnastics movements and aim for consistent efforts on the machines throughout the workout.

A. 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off’ -
EMOM 12:
Minute 1 - 15/12 Calorie Row
Minute 2 - 30 Seconds Of Wall Walks

Rest 4 Minutes

EMOM 12:
Minute 1 - 12/9 Calorie Echo Bike
Minute 2 - 30 Seconds Of HSPU

Thursday 12/12/24

A. Front Squat -
Every 3:00-3:30 x 4 Sets:
- 5 Reps @ 80%

B. Barbell Hip Thrust -
3x20 Reps @ 55-60% Of 1RM Front Squat
*Rest As Needed

C. Accessories -
3 Sets Of:
- Sled Push x 100'
- Suitcase Carry x100' / Side
- Weighted Plank x 45-60 Seconds

Prep yourself for some heavy squats today! 4x5 at 80% is going to require some grit. We’ll take longer rests between sets to ensure full recovery. After squats, we’ll focus on building glute strength with Barbell Hip Thrusts, followed by accessories that target leg power and midline stability.

Friday 12/13/24

A. Bench Press -
Every 2 Minutes x 6 Sets:
- 4 Reps @ 75-80%

B. ‘E.T.’ -
- 12 TTB
- 16 DB Snatches 50/35#
- 50 Double Unders

We’re increasing Bench Press load by 5-10% this week, performing 4 reps every 2 minutes for 6 sets. Focus on powering through sticking points while maintaining strong form!

‘E.T.’ will challenge your endurance. With movements that elevate your heart rate, plan to move smoothly and focus on your breathing. 18 minutes is a long time, so start steady— this is not a sprint!! Breaking up the TTB and Double Unders will help manage your heart rate.

Saturday 12/14/24


‘The Goonies’ -
AMRAP 30 With Partner:
- 40/30 Calories Machine Of Choice
- 40 Wallballs 20/14#
- 40 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20"
- 40 DB Step-Ups 50/35#


Weightlifting today starts with building to a heavy 3-rep Push Press. The Push Press is a great movement to develop lower body power for jerks, so focus on driving through your legs! Split Jerks will be lighter this week—focus on quick, strong reps. The loading should be light enough to maintain smooth form.

The accessories today are aimed at building posterior chain power and strength, as well as shoulder stability.

A. Push Press -
In 10-12 Minutes
- Build To A Heavy 3 Push Press

B. Split Jerk -
- 3 Rep @ 50-55%

C. Accessories -
3 Sets Of:
- Banded Russian KBS x15 Reps
- Barbell Step Up x 6 Reps / Side
- Dual KB Overhead Carry x100'

Sunday 12/15/24


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
