Feast Fitness + Nutrition

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Stalwart Week 8

It’s that time of the year again… time to get you STRONG. The dictionary says “stalwart” means reliable, sturdy, and strong. Sounds good to us! During this eight week cycle we will focus on the Back Squat. Plan your squats using %s of your 1RM on Monday and Fridays. And don’t worry—we won’t leave out the conditioning. We’ll sub focus on Maximum Aerobic Power (MAP), along with overhead pressing. Get ready to be STALWART!
- Head Coach Tony B.

Monday 1/27/20

A. Back Squat:
Every 3 Minutes for 5 Sets:
5 Back Squats @80%

B. For Cals or Completion:
2 Rounds:
0:00-1:00 10 Cal Row
1:00-2:30 20 Cal Row
3:30-6:00 30 Cal Row
6:30-10:00 40 Cal Row

*Rest 90s between sets

Competitive CrossFit:
A. Clean
*Start around 85% and build as you see fit.

We made it—last week of the cycle! Dig in, stay confident, and move that barbell. You’ve got this.

Do not pace any of these intervals. We’ve set up the time domains to ensure you have rest, and the faster you row, the more rest you earn. Give it hell and embrace the suck.

Tuesday 1/28/20

30 Minute EMOM:
For Total Reps 45s On // 15s Off:
Minute 1:
Power Clean 115/85
Minute 2:
Minute 3:
Cal Air Bike
Minute 4:
Shoulder to Overhead 115/85
Minute 5:
Wall Ball 20/14

Our last 30 Minute EMOM . . . of this cycle at least. Today’s work, however, is designed to push you past your limits. Across the last eight weeks we set target rep ranges that resulted in a similar 45s on//15s off work/rest ratio, but you might have found a minute or two where you could squeeze those reps down into 30 secs or less, getting more rest. Today we push deeper into the pain cave and max out our reps across the entire 45s. This gives us an exciting opportunity to ask ourselves, “How bad do you want it?”

Wednesday 1/29/20

A. Snatch:
Every 90s Until Failure:
6 Burpee Over Bar
1 Snatch

*Bar starts at 95/65 and increases 10/5# each round
*RX+ Bar Starts at 135/95 and increases 10/5# each round

B. Core Finisher:
3 Rounds:
15s Hollow Hold
5 V Ups
15s Hollow Hold
5 V Ups
15s Hollow Hold
*Rest 90s between rounds

Competitive CrossFit:
A. Back Squat:
Every 3 Minute for 4 Sets:
4 Reps @85%

Today we get a chance to dive into our Snatch technique. The front half of the hour will focus on positional work with an empty bar or light loading. Form there we turn it on. Lifting on a clock will be a focus for next cycle so get used to lifting under fatigue. Stay confident and stick to your technique. You are stronger than you know.

Thursday 1/30/20

A. 10 Minute EMOM:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
*Stay between 55-60%

B. Snatch Grip Deadlift
*Each set above 100% of current 1RM Snatch

C. Structural:
3-5 Rounds for Quality:
200FT Farmer Walk
200FT Waiters Walk
200FT Suitcase Walk

Friday 1/31/20

A. Back Squat:
Every 3 Minutes for 3 Sets:
3 Back Squats @90%

B. Open Workout 17.1:
For time:
10 Dumbbell Snatches 50/35
15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs 24/20”
20 Dumbbell Snatches
15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
30 Dumbbell Snatches
15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
40 Dumbbell Snatches
15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
50 Dumbbell Snatches
15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs

Competitive CrossFit:
A. For Time:
30/20 Cal Air Bike

Deadlift 315/205
100FT HSW Between Each Set

30/20 Cal Air Bike

Last week best week. LET’S GO.

Smooth and steady wins the race. Look to move the dumbbell efficiently with the goal of putting large sets together throughout the entire workout. Feel free to utilize a few different cycling techniques in order to control our heart rate and continue moving forward. Remember slow motion is better than no motion. With ample work on BBJO in the last 8 weeks, focus on how you’re moving over the box rather than how fast you’re moving.

Saturday 2/1/20

Split work how you see fit.

A. For Total Time in Teams of Two:
5 Rounds:
12/8 Cal Air Bike
10 Hang Power Cleans 155/105

4 Rounds:
18/12 Cal Air Bike
8 Hang Squat Cleans 155/105

3 Rounds:
24/18 Cal Air Bike
6 Hang Clean and Jerks 155/105

Sunday 2/2/20

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.