Stonewall Week 5
Monday 7/12/21
A. Bench Press:
5 Sets:
*Build to a tough set of 4 for the day
*Rest 2:00 between sets
B. 3 Rounds for Time:
20 Push Press 115/85
20 Toes To Bar
20 Push Ups
Extra Credit - Lower Body Strength Support:
30 Alternating Pistols
30 Double Kettlebell Russian Swings 24/16
30 Double Kettlebell Front Rack Reverse Lunges
*Loaded Pistols if possible
For the back half of our cycle we will transition the Bench Press to Mondays for the strength focus. However, each conditioning piece will have a pressing focus. This will be seen in a variety of ways, but expect your shoulders to face some different challenges as we move towards the end of Stonewall.
We will need to be smart about how we break up this press-heavy workout. Grip, shoulders, and midline will all become a factor as we move through the three rounds of work. Breaking early and often will likely pay off in round three, but some of you fire-breathers may look to get ahead of the clock by starting hot and hanging on for the back half of today’s workout.
Tuesday 7/13/21
A. 2K Row Progression:
1000m @ Goal Pace
700m @ Recovery Pace
300m @ Sprint Finish
B. Gymnastic Strength:
4 Rounds For Quality:
4 Wall Walks +30s HS Hold on Final WW
8 Strict Dips
10 Banded Snow Angels
15-30s P Bar L Sit Hold
*15 Minute Time Cap
*Move through 4 Rounds @ Steady Pace
This week we flip the Row Progression to our primary piece and we see a shift in the formatting of our gymnastic strength work.
This change is to manage the rapidly increasing level of intensity in our 2K Row Progression. Stay the course here: dig in and remember it’s only 100 more meters . . . for now.
Our gymnastic work turns into a for quality effort, allowing you to move through the work at a pace that fits you for the day. The intention is to use the ranges and scale the difficulty up and down as you see fit to make sure you are leaning into trying something new and maybe uncomfortable. Be sure to check in with your Coaches on how to scale this work up or down to meet your needs.
Wednesday 7/14/21
A. Conventional Deadlift:
Every :30s for 10 Total Sets: (5 minutes)
5 Speed Deadlifts @55% of our 5RM
B. 5 Rounds for Time:
200m Run
9 Front Squats 185/125
12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
C. Extra Credit - Aerobic Support
Every 90s for 10 Sets:
20 Cal Row @ 1500/1200 Cal/Hour +
60s AMRAP Double-Unders
Endurance WOD Wednesday:
Meet out back at Feast
For Time:
400m Run
5 Push Ups
5 DB Goblet Squats
5 Abmat Sit Ups
5 DB Single Arm Clean & Jerk
800m Run
10 push ups
10 DB Goblet Squats
10 Abmat Sit Ups
10 DB Single Arm Clean & Jerk
1200m Run
20 push ups
20 DB Goblet Squats
20 Abmat Sit Ups
20 DB Single Arm Clean & Jerk
1600m Run
40 push ups
40 DB Goblet Squats
40 Abmat Sit ups
40 DB Single Arm Clean & Jerk
*50 Minute Time Cap
This should look familiar to us, and get used to it! As you should know by now we are alternating formats, that means speed work is back and the percentage is bumped up again by 5%. The goal remains the same: a fast and controlled lift off the ground with a controlled and methodical eccentric phase of the lift. The 5% shouldn’t be too much of a difference from previous weeks, so keep the speed up and keep your movement crisp.
Ever feel like you're running into a wall? Well, if you haven’t before, you are likely to feel that way today. The run is short and intended to be taken at a quick clip. That means there won’t be that much time between heavy barbells. That gives you a choice. Dig in, lean into the discomfort and finish each set of nine unbroken and strategize around that OR plan on breaking the barbell and making time up on the other movements. Either way, there is nowhere to hide ,and that barbell will be back to say hello again before you know it.
Thursday 7/15/21
Olympic Weightlifting
A. Front Squat:
3x3@90%+ of our established 3RM
*Rest 3:00 between sets
*Start at 90% and build only if you see fit
*Rest 2-3 Minutes between sets
B. Snatch Wave:
2 Sets:
3 Snatch @ 65%
*Rest 1:00
2 Snatch @ 70%
Rest 1:00
1 Snatch @75%+
*Rest 2:00-3:00 between super sets
C. Structural:
3 Rounds for Quality:
10-12 Pendlay Row
12-15 Barbell RDLs
15-18 GHD Sit Ups
*Move Through 3 Rounds @ Steady Pace
This week we drop from fives to threes, and going forward we will continue through a progression that brings us down in total volume and up in loading. Expect the last 3 weeks of this squat cycle to be challenging and provide opportunities to test repeatability of high percentages. Any small technical issues that are lingering will soon be exposed. Be sure to touch base with your coaches on ways to create virtuous movement under heavy loading.
This should look familiar - the back half of the cycle we hold onto the same format but switch to the Snatch. Waveloads are a fantastic way to get volume exposure at an intensity that matches the athlete. Take advantage of the lighter part of this cycle and use it as a chance to dial in any technique that still needs some attention.
Gymnastics Class
Feast Members, please check SugarWOD for this weeks Gymnastic Programming.
Friday 7/16/21
A. Upper Body PUMP Interval:
4 Total Sets:
AMRAP Set -2 Strict Press 75/55
*Rest/Transition 15s
60s Max Effort PVC Strict Press
*Rest/Transition 15s
20-25 Banded High Pull
*Rest 60-90s between sets
B. Functional PUMP Interval:
15 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 10-12 Zottman Curls
Minute 2: 12-15 Ring Row
Minute 3: 50s Farmers Walk 32/24
Extra Credit - Mixed Aerobic Work:
3 Rounds:
4:00 Row
4:00 Bike
4:00 Ski
*Rest 4:00
*Score is total calories accumulated across three rounds
Anyone know what this PVC weighs? SHEESH!
Saturday 7/17/21
For Time in Teams of Two:
100 Ground to Overhead 95/65
100 Toes to Bar
100 Box Jumps, 24/20in
1 Mile Run
Run together - split the work as you see fit but must go in order, no partitioning.
Sunday 7/18/21
Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.