SLUG Week 4
Monday 11/16/20
A. Floor Press:
Every Other Minute for 5 Sets:
5 Reps @ 90% of our 5RM
B. 3 Rounds for Time:
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk 50/35
30 Dumbbell Box Step Ups 24/20”
75 Double Unders
Just a little bit more now. This is our last week of 5’s, and this week should get tough! 90% is no joke, but you’ve got this. Really focus on controlling the barbell and maintaining a strong amount of tension through the shoulders and upper back.
Just keep stepping! Smooth and steady wins the race today. Each movement is what it is—speeding it up with push you farther into fatigue that isn’t really necessary. The goal should be to set yourself up for success moving into the Double Unders. Going big there is going to be the best bet to end with a faster time.
Tuesday 11/17/20
A. Clean and Jerk:
Every Other Minute for 5 Sets:
*Start loading around 70-75% and increase as you see fit - NO misses.
B. 12 Minute AMRAP:
50 Alternating Pistols
40 Deadlifts 95/65
30 Hand Release Push Ups
20 Overhead Squats
AMRAP Ring Muscle Ups in time remaining
Yep, yep, by now you’ve got it! Just two cleans this week, so let’s see if we cant get some more weight on that bar. Aim to build this week starting around that 70% range and finishing with something tough for the day. Our goal is still to have no misses, so landing in the 85% range is likely what we’re looking at.
As opposed to last week, we don’t have the opportunity to choose our own path; this week we must finish the work in order. That means small and controlled sets with a very intentional rest period: hold yourself to either a few breaths, or 8-10 seconds, or whatever will allow you to remain accountable. IF you have time left, we see an opportunity to show off our skill. If you got ‘em. you better get there!
Wednesday 11/18/20
A.10 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 8-10 Double Dumbbell Zottman Curls
Minute 2: 15-20 Banded Lat Pulls
B. For Total Time:
800m Plate Carry 45/25
3 Rounds:
15 Pull Ups
15 Plate Ground to Overhead
15 Burpees to Plate
800m Plate Carry
Endurance Class:
3000m Row
Rest 3 Minutes
2000m Row
Rest 2 Minutes
1000m Row
Rest 4 Minutes
1000m Row
Rest 2 Minutes
2000m Row
Rest 3 Minutes
3000m Row
This week we continue our theme from last week: upper body PUMP and some odd object running. This week the plate will be our little buddy. Feel free to name it. Feel free to hate it. either way, get used to it, because it’s your buddy for most of this hour.
Thursday 11/19/20
A. Snatch:
*Start loading around 80% and build as you see fit. The goal is 7 heavy singles but NO misses across the session.
B. Back Squat:
3 Sets:
5 Reps @ 82.5+% of 1RM
*Rest 2:00
C. Structural:
3 Rounds @ Steady Pace:
8-10 Bent Over Barbell Rows
15-20 Romanian Deadlifts
8-10 Barbell Back Rack Split Squats
This week we get to see where we stand at about the halfway point. The goal is to start at 80% and build in small increments towards 90 or 95% for our last lift. Although these lifts should be tough, we shouldn’t be going so heavy that we are missing reps.
This week is our last week of 5s for the Back Squat. We see an open ended % build with the intention of giving you the freedom of getting as heavy as you can for 5 reps. Plan to start at the 82.5% mark and increase from set to set if you are feeling good.
Friday 11/20/20
A. Sumo Deadlift:
*Rest 2:00 between sets
*Heavier than last week
B. For Total Time:
50 Thrusters 95/65
*Rest 2:00
50 Toes to Bar
*Rest 2:00
50 Hand Stand Push Ups
*5 Minute cap for each section
Another week of Sumo’s and another small bump in loading. With us now moving down to three reps we should be able to get some decent loading on the bar this week. Keep it clean, keep it mean, and earn those jelly beans…
Ouch, ouch, ouch. With a five minute cap on each portion the “pacing” will be greatly effected. May as well send it… I mean there is built-in rest, so what could go wrong?!
Saturday 11/21/20
For Total Reps:
8 Minutes Max Calorie Air Bike
*Rest 2:00
8 Minutes Max Calorie Row
*Rest 2:00
8 Minutes Max Double Unders
One athlete works at at time - score is total Cals + total Double Unders
Sunday 11/22/20
Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.