Savvy Week 1
Monday 8/31/20
A. Push Jerk:
*Moderate loading across
B. 4 Rounds for Time:
15/12 Cal Air Bike
10 BBJO 24/20”
This week starts our new cycle, Savvy, and it will be just that. We will develop our skills in barbell cycling, gymnastics, and finishing mono-structural workouts with a heavy kick.
Mondays will primarily be overhead pressing with a focus on cycling the barbell and finding ways to be as efficient as possible under moderate to heavy loads. This week we see that in sets of 10. Start loading around 60% of your 1RM and increase ONLY IF your TNG technique is dialed in at the lower weights.
This one is going to take grit. The goal is to push the pace each time you get on the bike. If you’re appropriately aggressive on the bike, the box will require more focus. Pay attention to your footwork and getting off the ground a smoothly as possible. Get after this one; don’t leave anything in the tank.
Tuesday 9/1/20
A. “Helen”:
3 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
21 American Kettlebell Swings 24/16 kg
12 Pull Ups
B. Finisher:
Accumulate 3:00 mins in a Goblet Wall Sit 24/16 kg
*Every break perform 10 Squat Jumps
Tuesdays we will take a trip down memory lane and visit some classic “named” workouts. This week brings us a true mixed modal test in “Helen”. We have seen this test before, and the goal is to push the pace all the way through. Run at a pace that is slightly out of the comfort zone. From there, just hang on. Unbroken reps is absolutely achievable but managing grip fatigue will be the name of the game.
Wednesday 9/2/20
A. Skill Work:
5 Minute EMOM:
1 Wall Walk into 30-40s HS Hold
Rx+: 20-30s Free standing Headstand or Handstand
5 Minute EMOM:
15-30s P-Bar L Sit Hold
5 Minute AMRAP:
Accumulate AMSAP in a Plank Hold
Rx+ Ring Plank
B. 4 Rounds for Quality:
20-40 Handstand Plate Step Ups
45s Planche Lean
12-15 Rower Pike Ups
*Move through @ Steady Pace
Endurance Class:
Track Day:
Warm Up Run to Montrose Track
Running Drills
10 Sets:
1 Hill Sprint
*Rest 2:00 between efforts
Today we slow it down and focus more on the little things to give the body a small reset after two tough days. Approach today with the goal of performing each repetition as precisely as possible. Some of these movements will be new and present a new set of challenges. So now’s the time to find out: how well can you use your strength to control your bodyweight—not just the big flashy barbell movements.
Thursday 9/3/20
A. Front Squat:
*Rest 2:30 between sets
B. Snatch Pull:
5 Sets:
*Rest 10s between pulls and 2:00 between sets
*All sets above 100% of Power Snatch 1RM
C. 3 Rounds for Quality:
10 Glute Ham Raises
10 GHD Sit Ups
8-10 Chin Ups
*Move through @ steady pace
New focus who dis? On Thursdays during “Savvy” we will continue to build our squatting strength, but this time in the Front Squat. In addition to that our main focus will be on developing our pull within the olympic lifts, mainly within the Snatch. We will see a wide variety of pulling drills as well as some good heavy pulls in our future. Get ready to get strong.
Friday 9/4/20
4 Rounds:
4 Minute AMRAP:
15 Toes to Bar
12 Bar Facing Burpees
9 Deadlifts 225/155
Max Cal Row in time remaining
*Rest 1:00 between rounds
Fridays we will build the ability to push towards the end of longer workouts. Most of these sessions the workout or interval will end with something mono-structural. Digging in and finding that extra pop will be the name of the game. You can see your pace, exactly how fast you’re going, so will you push into discomfort, or will you let the workout defeat you? Let’s build that grit.
Saturday 9/5/20
3 Rounds or Time in Teams of Two:
30 Hang Squat Cleans 155/105
20 Deadlifts
10 Thrusters
800m Burden Run
Run together, split the barbell work as you see fit.
Sunday 9/6/20
Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life by coming to the Feast Labor Day Fiesta! 11:00 - ? Tie Dye, Tacos, BYOB, and Fun.