Feast Fitness + Nutrition

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Gas Pedal Week 5

Monday 1/25/21

A. Overhead Squat:
*Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
*Build across as you see fit

B. Open Prep Capacity:
3 Rounds - 4 Minute AMRAP:
20/14 Cal Air Bike
15 Burpees to 6” Reach
AMRAP TTB in time remaining
*Rest 1:00 between rounds

More overhead, but moving from last week’s Jerks to the Overhead Squat this week. We haven’t seen these in a while, so use these as a refresher on positions and to get ready for Friday’s Snatch work. Start conservative around 60% and build from set-to-set based on how you feel today.

Gymnastic density while breathing heavy!? Yes please! Today’s goal is to get to the TTB as fast as possible, tired, and see what you can do in terms of hanging on. Do NOT cruise into the bar work under control and then stay smooth through the entire thing. Take the risk today, hammer the bike, hit the floor, and hang on!

Tuesday 1/26/21

A. 4 Rounds @ Easy Pace:
400m Run or 500m Row
10 Inchworms
20 KB Plank Hold Pull Throughs
6 Turkish Get Ups

B. Skill Finisher
3-4 Rounds for Quality:
8-10 Arch to Hollow Swings
6-8 Kipping Ring Pull Ups
4-6 Strict Ring False Grip Pull Up
4-6 Ice Cream Maker or Skin the Cat

Easy does it again today. Not sure what the weather will be like here in lovely Chicago, but for you winter warriors get out there and stretch those legs! Move through the kettlebell work with intention—slow down, keep the midline engaged, and really aim to move as cleanly as possible through those movements.

Getting comfortable on the rings is crucial to achieving or perfecting higher skill movements. Take the time today to work on positions and gain some time with the rings. Learning to manipulate the tension in the straps is half of the battle, and this sets you up with a great chance to work on that.

Wednesday 1/27/21

A. 10 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 20-45s Supinated Chin Over Bar Hold
Minute 2: 10-30s Hanging L Sit Hold

B. For Total Time:
2 Rounds:
10 Deadlifts 225/155
20 Push Ups
*Rest 2:00

2 Rounds:
10 Deadlifts 275/185
*Rest 2:00

2 Rounds:
10 Deadlifts 315/205
10 Strict HSPU

Endurance WOD Wednesday:
Just a bump in Row Road…
3 Rounds:
10 Cal Row
Rest 1 minute
20 Cal Row
Rest 1 minute
30 Cal Row
Rest 1 minute
20 Cal Row
Rest 1 minute
10 Cal Row
*Rest 3:00

KING “TUT”! “Time Under Tension” that is . . . . Today we get A LOT of it, and we believe this will be deceptively difficult. Choose a rep range that you can can keep consistent. Don’t get head of yourself and go for max effort on the first few minutes then fizzle out. That will defeat the purpose - the goal is to have as much controlled time hanging from the bar as possible.

Steady pace wins this race. With each set of rounds becoming heavier and the gymnastic component becoming more difficult, leaving something in the tank will be important. That being said, two rounds of work should still feel relatively quick. Be sure to check with your Coaches on how to properly load and scale this workout, and don’t be afraid of a heavy bar!

Thursday 1/28/21

A. Clean and Jerk:
*6 total sets of doubles of 1 Clean + 2 Split Jerks.

B. Deficit Clean Grip Segmented Deadlift:
*Each set heavy
*Rest 2-3 Minutes between sets

3 Rounds for Quality:
8-10/Leg RFESS
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
30 Heels Elevated Goblet Squats

The Clean and Double Jerk may be one of the most technically demanding complexes. Our second jerk will be where the money is made, and controlling the re-rack is key. This complex will hopefully help us build confidence in our Jerks, so that we feel like it’s a walk in the park when we only get to do one. Stay confident and fast under the bar today.

This week we break down the Clean Grip Deadlift a bit. Look to gain an understanding on how the knees back away and then return to the bar as we move from the first pull to the second. That is a key piece in increasing your lifts. You hear us say it all the time, “Find those hips!” By working on this portion under control we hope to give you a better understanding of how to achieve that.

Friday 1/29/21

A. Snatch:
*Rest 10-15s between reps
*Every 2:00 for 5 Sets
*Start around 70% and increase as you see fit

B.14 Minute AMRAP:
60 Double Unders
30 American Kettlebell Swings 24/16
15 Lateral Burpees Over Kettlebell

Ahhh Snatch Day! It’s been a little while since we have had some focused snatch strength work. Use today’s sets to get back in the groove, and who knows . . . maybe you’ll surprise yourself with how some time away from something makes it feel that much better! Take the full rest between reps in each set - these are intended to be two separate singles.

Grind time baby. Nothing sexy about this one just pure work. Come out at a smooth and controlled pace and aim to stay steady across the entire 14 minute window. Each of these movements will begin nice and easy, but you will need to stay mentally checked in and controlled near the end of this piece today.

Saturday 1/30/21

For Total Reps in Teams of Two:
8 Rounds for Time:
12 Front Squats 95/65
9 S2OH
6 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

*Rest 5:00

10 Minute AMRAP:
Max Cal Air Bike

Sunday 1/31/21

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.
